What is it that makes German keep doing evil things over and over again? Is it ingrained in their culture? Or is it genetic ie. nature over nurture, so there's no hope?
What is it that makes German keep doing evil things over and over again? Is it ingrained in their culture...
>hurr why are other places that I've never been to and don't understand so bad!!!!
Why is it always this flag?
germans being evil is common knowledge in any country
Germans have psychopath genes thanks to Austria
You strike me as a heritage nigger
Germans have evil blood. They corrupt everything they touch. The world would be at peace if it weren't for them.
Yet the fact that the US is literally the most evil country in history seems to be obvious to everyone besides you
imagine the smell
Shut up you stupid kraut
>heritage nigger
nah, just sick of seeing this same thread posted under a US flag about every country villainized by Hollywood
yeah, no one could possibly have any reason to dislike germany is it were for
in hollywood
It's in their genes
I don't mean the jews, I'm talking about the media (take that for what it's worth).
>Yet the fact that the US is literally the most evil country in history seems to be obvious to everyone besides you
>t.completely skipped world history
Trump has German roots
Think in that case its more unregulated corporate fuckery than evil Germans
Not all Germans are autistic and not all are engineers, but all German engineers are autistic as well, plus fairly much anyone in a CEO or that high up the ladder is a complete psycho.
Historical genocides, atrocities and false flag operations aside, it's happening right now - you don't need a history class to witness it
>Historical genocides, atrocities and false flag operations aside, it's happening right now - you don't need a history class to witness it
Kek. We dont have a million minorities in reeducation camps, arent forcing religious conversion on anyone, dont forcd people to adhere to religious laws from the dark ages and haven't annexed land in a very long time.
Herero and Namaqua Genocide Vernichtung von Kriegsverbrechendokumenten Schlieffan plan Besetzung von Luxemburg Rape of Belgium Kollektivstrafe Scarborough RMS Lusitania Uneingeschränkter U-Boot-Krieg Zimmerman telegram Verstöße gegen den Versailler Vertrag Kalisz Jews Zigeuner "dissidents" Slawen falsche Flagge zum Beginn des 2. Weltkrieges Death squads Massenexekutionen Invasions of Norway and Denmark Schlieffen Teil zwei Battle of Britain Zivilisten als Zielübung Final solution Gaskammern Death wagons Todeslager Operation Barbarosa Verstöße gegen das Völkerrecht Literally too much more to name from WW2 Berliner Mauer Executions for people who passed into West Germany
its in there eef farmeroid dna, they need a firm aryan anglo indo evropean hand to keep them in place sometimes
Are you seriously so stupid as to think that if the US doesn't do blatantly obvious moustache-twirling villainy, that there is nothing bad happening? The propaganda machine in this country literally runs on """good""" PR.
Moving the goal post now?
Take off your proxy kraut
If US is a cartoon villain then Germany is literally satan
>Herero and Namaqua Genocide
Good. More dead niggers. Brits were titanic evil hypocrites for bitching about that and the Congo.
The british never once genocided people in Africa
The closest example is Kenya, but they were in the middle of a revolt
how do we save germany?
Boers. The Brits killed a larger percentage of Boers than the Germans killed niggers.
>The closest example is Kenya, but they were in the middle of a revolt
And the Herero were not?
They literally killed themselves by running into a inhospitable territory and dying there you mongo.
I, for one blind the EGR remove the DPF and map out the adblue on all diesel cara I oem
>OMG dose poor monkeys
>meanwhile the US invades dozens of countries killing hundreds of thousands of people have by far the highest per-capita pollution and refuse to regulate guns despite having a school shooting every other week
kill yourself
After 1918 the Germans were no longer Germans. The Entente fucked them so hard they changed from proud and good people to pure evil.
>more regulations would stop school shootings
amazing you took the time between genociding native americans and whipping black people to write this. I feel very honored
There are nearly no school shootings in Europe/Australia yet it's a common thing in the US (same with shootings in general).
So you're saying that guns aren't the problem but Americans are basically witless niggers?
no they didnt kill that many at all and wouldn't have killed any where the boers more cooperative, they would have been elevated to leading roles in the administration, they where not seen as at all inferior
why do americans invade innocent countries?
The Boers were slave-drivers who started the war in the first place, then dragged it down to the partisan level when it backfired on them.
You can guilt-trip me about Britain's treatment of Ireland, or of Native peoples, but you'll never in a million years get me to feel a shred of pity for these tits.
> not allowed to gas 'people'
> not allowed to gas monkeys
If there anything fun allowed on this shit planet?
>gets shot