
Wake up subhumans

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An*me is not allowed in my threads

Good morning Albanian weeb

vigne's gf is cute.

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Magyarbro wtf

bulgarian forums are absolutely subhuman
they all have some kind of super ego status about themselves and they all WRITE in some slang of their own as if they're TALNKING in the street, bg forums not even once

Hello frens.

How am i a weeb again?

Fuck off, balkanlar is conquered by ANİME ARUTAİ BVLL TÜRKS
Thanks :D

Forgot picture

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You’re a shame to all turks, subturk

May Allah-u Taalah curse all animetards. Ameen

Inshallah arkadash inshallah, when the Ottoman Empire rises again, the day of the rope will come to these sinners astrengullah

Real TÜRKs are all ANİME ARUTAİ BVLLS. But the REAL TÜRKs have been outbred by AR*BS

I would slap you back to your senses if i you were here

>Kakvo kaza za Rusiq ue kele6 gaden 6e te sma4kam 4uva6 li
Like this?

>Belgian Albanian says this


Allahim, I dont want to go to work

Uga Bugar

Astahgfirullah, you must be a Toskoid then.

A true Gheg chad would never watch child cartoons

more like, their sentence trailing off in some slang (not rly) train of thought


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like you don't know what tf is he talking about

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Ailende Arnavutça bilen var mı hocam

>The Pope has arrived in Skopje

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Rumor has it he came to see Aerodrom

Colloquially known as the New Rome.

looks like chrome changed the format of the webm for all users and you can't change it to the old style

fucking jews -_-

>Why yes, I made a /brit/ thread and the Anglos are posting in it

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I want to beat the shit out of his attention seeking 24/7 whining fatass

>B 986 гoдy к князю Bлaдимиpy пpибыли пocлы oт вoлжcких бyлгap, пpeдлoжившиe eмy пepeйти в иcлaм

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Штa PУCИ миcлe o CPБИJИ?


I have more reasons to whine than this entire general combined.

>can't pronounce r
stopped watching immediately

ildiko please

Бoлгapия и Cepбия - Paзличиe двyх cлaвянcких пpaвocлaвных гocyдapcтв нa Бaлкaнaх


Ubiću se, majke mi, nije uopšte smešno.

no you don't and even if you have stfu

started watching for fun but this is good shit

>Bolgariq ekonomika bol6a

Pshek on suicide watch

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so, they killed the pope or nah

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cucking hungarians: the match

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>watching football

do you even know how football is played?

Okay, it's handball, whatever. I only opened the video for like two seconds.

Who was in the wrong here?


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>magyartard is such a retarded outcast that he doesn't even know football is played with feet
Can't make this shit up.

>our church didnt want to do an prayer together with the Pope
>the Plovdiv's metropolitan bishop said today that the Pope wants to unite all religions and welcome the Antichrist

STFU animetard.
Also who tf watches handball anyway?


average Jow Forums user
>Also who tf watches handball anyway?
chads i.e winners

>Also who tf watches handball anyway?
Well-adjusted individuals with interest in the sport and community around it.

>I have no control over my actions so I must seethe on an online forum.

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дaли cи ги видeл нeкaд нa кaјгaнa, кoa ќe пpoчитaм кaкo ce изpaзyвaaт ceљaцитe ми ce пoвpaќa

пoceбнo oниe y КAПC ЛOК, и cлични изpaзи кaкo "чe". Heвepoвaтнo кaкви cyштecтвa живeaт y дpжaвaвa.


Why is the animefag bullying you ever since you posted your pics? Maybe he's into you

>he doesn't have at least one full automatic firearm in his house
What will you do if albos break in your home?

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No, he's just autistic.


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This only happens in first world countries

Ma дијaлeктитe нe ce пpoблeм. Пpoблeм e cтpyктypaтa нa нивнитe peчeници штo e тoтaлнo никaквa и нeпoвpзaнa co тoa штo caкaaт дa гo изкaжaт.
Actually I have several, for the whole family.
How was your day? Productive enough?

It happens in countries where there's usually something they can steal from the houses

>tfw tested 82 IQ
>Tfw tried to major in Math, couldn't do it
>tfw tried to learn math at home and keep failing in introductory books

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hello Albanians

Dinarid women are masculine, beautiful, alpha and smart


Only a beta weak ""male"" is repulsed by goddess like this

>tfw 86 IQ
>spend 12 hours a day studying
>takes 2 weeks to learn what others learn in 2 minutes

>How was your day? Productive enough?
i just spent about 2 hours digging a massive hole in the garden
the house is leaking water somehow so we're looking for a broken pipe
i'll probably do another 2 hours today, hopefully it can be done in another 2-3 days
my hands hurt but it's a good workout

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Where did you test? The mensa online test or a test at school?

>replying to animegay's larping
C'mon guys...

>the house is leaking water somehow so we're looking for a broken pipe
Take a look at the device that measures how much water you spend(idk what they call it in english). Turn it off, wait a few hours and see if the leak is before the device or after it. Also look for softer/wetter land and bubbles, although it did rain here idk how the weather is in bulgaria you should able to identify the leakage due to bubbles coming out of the ground.

2014, mensa came to skopje and i payed 300 denars for the test

oт вcякo дъpвo cвиpкa нe cтaвa, тa и oт тeбe чaдo--мaтeмaтик

>tfw 190 iq
>tfw to smart for this thread

>Take a look at the device that measures how much water you spend(idk what they call it in english
yeah that's how we know it's leaking
>wait a few hours
>before or after
it's after. it's not broken either
we also turned off each floor one by one, and it's still leaking, so it's most likely a pipe underground
>wet ground
yeah there's nothing. best case it's in the garden
worst case it's under the house floor

if we can't find it we'll have to call "experts" who can use technology to detect it, but they charge 500 euro, and digging the concrete will prob be even worse, so hopefully we find it with just shovels

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hmm deci asta este threadul miniturcilor, interesant...

You need to let the water run so you can identify where the leak is exactly and not dig through the entire pipeline like a retard.
Well that's harder because you can't rely on water to give away the spot(or you could somehow get water into the pipe without triggering the measuring device.
Where did you notice the leakeage first? If your garden wasn't flooded or it had less water than your house... well get the pickaxe ready.

Sugi mea pula

>You need to let the water run so you can identify where the leak is exactly
yeah it's been running for a while
we'll only stop it when fixing the pipe
>Where did you notice the leakeage first?
in the water bill
i'll only use that for removing plochki, if it's under the house it's none of my business, and we'll prob pay gypsies or whatever
i'm don't plan to spend more than a week on this

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...Wait there is no water anywhere?...Have you contacted your water supplier? The device might be malfunctioning and reading more than it should, happened to me once.

This desu, shit doesn't make sense. If the pipe is leaking, it has to leak somewhere.

ta qifsha noonen

>there is no water anywhere?
never said that
>water supplier
i don't think so
ehh, idk, it spins even tho no water should be running
but when we cut off both valves it stops

tbqh now that i think about it, i'm not sure if we've checked the heating, that uses water as well i think

the pipe is like half a meter underground, and the soil isn't so hard, could be leaking down
especially if it's under the house floor we wouldn't see it

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>190 iq

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big milkers

You can pinpoint what area the leak is in by shutting off valves one by one. Look at the meter, if it's still spinning it means it's leaking so you can dismiss the pipeline past the valve you shut off somewhere, if it stops spinning then it means you have your pipe. Shut off the water to the entirety of the house and go from there, try to see if it still spins, if it does it's in the garden.

When did you take the NOFAP/NOPORN pill, /balk/? If you haven't what are you waiting for?

Even becoming aroused is detrimental as it induces hypofrontality so that you cannot sit down and debate whether this opportunity to mate is a good idea, at least what your body thinks is mating. This has an evolutionary basis because if we sat around thinking about the merits of engaging in sex, then, humans may have long ago gone extinct. This isn't an endorsement of it, no the opposite! It is a sign that we need to overcome this innate limitation instead of accepting it, and the only way to succeed is to prevent it from unfolding in the first place.

Sexual arousal induces hypofrontality, impairing working memory and executive performance:
>Pornographic picture processing interferes with working memory performance.

>Sexual Arousal Decreases the Functional Synchronization Between Cortical Areas in Young Men

>The Impact of Sexual Arousal on Sexual Risk-Taking and Decision-Making in Men and Women.

Adverse effects of sexual excess on the brain:

>Brain structure and functional connectivity associated with pornography consumption: the brain on porn.
Shows a loss of gray matter in the right caudate of the striatum from pornography indulgence.

Literally stronger than drug urges:
>Craving Responses to Methamphetamine and Sexual Visual Cues in Individuals With Methamphetamine Use Disorder After Long-Term Drug Rehabilitation.
"that sexual demand might be more robust than drug demand"


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smartier than you tonibler


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so what is the best place to get slammed in balkans?