"*wheeze* GLASS *wheeze* GOES *wheeze* IN *wheeze* THE BLUE BIN!!!!!!!!"

>"*wheeze* GLASS *wheeze* GOES *wheeze* IN *wheeze* THE BLUE BIN!!!!!!!!"

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kek I didn't know pakis could be this funny
you stole this didnt you

good thread op

fucking kek

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>exhausted batteries? Right in the organic bin

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holy based

Pakis are the funniest posters from south asia and mena


Stop being a subhuman and take care of the Earth. Are you seriously so lazy you can't dipose of your own trash properly?

>Organic bin? I just throw everything out my window

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>Bathrooms? I just shit in a bucket and chug it out the window

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>Stop being a subhuman and take care of the Earth. Are you seriously so lazy you can't dipose of your own trash properly?

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Why should i take care of the Earth for itself?
If all these fluffy animals can't adapt to survive a horde of monkeys with guns and internal combustion engines, then it's their fault not mine lol.

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>Stop being a subhuman and take care of the Earth. Are you seriously so lazy you can't dipose of your own trash properly?

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>and chug it
Haha, Spain confirmed for eating their own shit. The word you are looking for is "chuck" as in to throw.


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>XD you're a cuck for cairing about the enviroment. Look how edgy and cool I am, mommy!
We only have one Earth, one planet in the entire star system that can support human life. If we mess it up, everyone is screwed. The fact that you're such a degenerate you can't move your hand a little bit and dispose if your trash properly is pathetic.



XD you're a cuck


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Who are you quoting?

Imagine being too subhuman to grasp the idea of recycling.

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>put all my food waste in the proper container
>when bin day comes put everything in one black back and Chuck it off the balcony

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Akshually, glass goes on the oval green bin. The blue one is paper

coping cucks

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Lol. Just moved to Germany from leafland where we dont separate recycling. I was shouted at a lot by my flatmates here. Specially since some things are ambiguous as fuck.

We don't understand it ourselves. Just do the best you can.

>why yes, I do eat my own shit, how could you tell?

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I have more issues with trash days changing every fucking week. Back home its always Wednesday for ALL types. Organic, regular, recycling and big shig like sofas and furniture.

It's not a big problem per se but I tend to need to be reminded to take shit out.

Well, there would be a bit of a logistical issue with that.

>several bins per household on the side of the road simultaneously, potentially blocking parking spaces, driveways or sidewalks
>a gargantuan fleet of garbage trucks on the road blocking traffic at the same time
>potentially need a greater number of garbage trucks that would in turn sit still on other days