>"*wheeze* GLASS *wheeze* GOES *wheeze* IN *wheeze* THE BLUE BIN!!!!!!!!"
"*wheeze* GLASS *wheeze* GOES *wheeze* IN *wheeze* THE BLUE BIN!!!!!!!!"
kek I didn't know pakis could be this funny
you stole this didnt you
good thread op
fucking kek
>exhausted batteries? Right in the organic bin
holy based
Pakis are the funniest posters from south asia and mena
Stop being a subhuman and take care of the Earth. Are you seriously so lazy you can't dipose of your own trash properly?
>Organic bin? I just throw everything out my window
>Bathrooms? I just shit in a bucket and chug it out the window
>Stop being a subhuman and take care of the Earth. Are you seriously so lazy you can't dipose of your own trash properly?
Why should i take care of the Earth for itself?
If all these fluffy animals can't adapt to survive a horde of monkeys with guns and internal combustion engines, then it's their fault not mine lol.
>Stop being a subhuman and take care of the Earth. Are you seriously so lazy you can't dipose of your own trash properly?
>and chug it
Haha, Spain confirmed for eating their own shit. The word you are looking for is "chuck" as in to throw.
>XD you're a cuck for cairing about the enviroment. Look how edgy and cool I am, mommy!
We only have one Earth, one planet in the entire star system that can support human life. If we mess it up, everyone is screwed. The fact that you're such a degenerate you can't move your hand a little bit and dispose if your trash properly is pathetic.
XD you're a cuck
Who are you quoting?
Imagine being too subhuman to grasp the idea of recycling.
>put all my food waste in the proper container
>when bin day comes put everything in one black back and Chuck it off the balcony
Akshually, glass goes on the oval green bin. The blue one is paper
coping cucks
Lol. Just moved to Germany from leafland where we dont separate recycling. I was shouted at a lot by my flatmates here. Specially since some things are ambiguous as fuck.
We don't understand it ourselves. Just do the best you can.
>why yes, I do eat my own shit, how could you tell?
I have more issues with trash days changing every fucking week. Back home its always Wednesday for ALL types. Organic, regular, recycling and big shig like sofas and furniture.
It's not a big problem per se but I tend to need to be reminded to take shit out.
Well, there would be a bit of a logistical issue with that.
>several bins per household on the side of the road simultaneously, potentially blocking parking spaces, driveways or sidewalks
>a gargantuan fleet of garbage trucks on the road blocking traffic at the same time
>potentially need a greater number of garbage trucks that would in turn sit still on other days