
Cpбијa јe Бyгapcкa edition

Attached: o8x90oybswcz.jpg (1440x863, 81K)

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E ju qi nena njenit...

there was some Bulgarian flag with the slovak coat of arms it looked really good can someone post it?

Let the previous thread reach the limit, fucking trash.

hate serbia
hate greece
hate albania
love macedonia
love bulgaria

simple as

three bodies of water

Attached: 1557142283827.png (1500x844, 2.48M)

>Let the previous thread reach the limit, fucking trash.

Attached: 1555571368070.png (231x218, 8K)

Omg you got him.
Retard leave the house sometime

Are turks actually brown? Like if you go to Istanbul will you see a roach looking guy who could pass in saudi arabia or do they look balkanian?

Attached: 6c783155b49eced982969c437b5d2746.jpg (600x484, 25K)

look in the mirror and you'll find out bro

2 seconds in paint

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Slovakia.svg.png (1280x853, 27K)

I love Macedonia and sorry for being edgy as fuck

lub u too m9

the red background was green in the coat of arms

Literally have an IQ of 89 and I can still watch Rick and Morty.

Attached: 1557255226490.png (1280x853, 28K)

Now make the blue thing red.


Based desu

do you not have paint

Attached: 1557255935048.png (1280x853, 28K)

I'm phonefagging.

Why are Serbs such subhumans?

Attached: 9y6ff3tw31.jpg (5312x2988, 1.57M)

Is it right, north-Macedonia’s have the lowest IQ in the non Muslim European countries?

literally beautiful

If Slovenes are just Alpine Croats and Croats just Orthodox Serbs and Serbs just Western-dialect Bulgarians and Bulgarians just Turks and Turks just Anatolian Greeks and the Anatolian Greeks just Hittites and God-Emperor of Mankind is from ancient Anatolia, does that mean the the Emperor is a Slovene and in all likelihood was named Janez Janša?

now do mine

if you want to make a video game with your balkan friends join this



what is this?

smth like this

Attached: asd.png (2560x1707, 58K)

Some of the people killed in Gjakova

here's a bit bigger

Attached: asd2.png (2560x1707, 89K)

yeah, it doesn't fit unless you use our sl*vic version

go back to /ro/

Attached: 1557256086454.png (1280x853, 28K)

>Αυτός μάλλον δεν μπορούσε να έρθει
Indo-European languages...

Honest question, do they count those too?


romanians are balkan

No, in that table it's only the people who were killed by Serbs
There's homages about them too.

romanians are the worst posters

e do i qihet dhe tjetrit
Jarnana, na, ne hopa


shit happens in war

Romanians are gypsies.

so are fyromians

most of us are also gypsies

"Our" gypsies are gh*goids.

t.shutka resident

Anybody know where I can buy yugioh cards in Sarajevo?

What the fuck Bosnia?

I wanna try my way at Bulgarian. Gimme a sentence and I'll vocaroo it.

Ocъщecтвявaйки гpaдaция нaштa тaйнa opгaнизaция пpeвpъщa млaдaтa гeнepaция в пo-виcшa цивилизaция cтapaтa гpaцкa кaнaлизaция e нaщa зoннa нa мyтaция, нo гeнa нa нoвaтa нaция e eдвa в eтaп нa инкoбaция тaкa чe тpябвa дa бъдeмe винaги пoдгoтвeни зa дa гo oпaзим дopи дa ce нaлaгa в кpъвтa cи дa пpoлaзим , дopи дa ce нaлaгa дa yбивaмe и мpaзим и цялoтo чoвeчecтвo нaпpaвo дa пpeгaзим живeeки и pacтeeки в oплaхa и тpeвoгa дeмoни дoкocнти и oт дявoлa и oт бoгa нaщa дpoгa e тoвa кoeтo чyвaш във мoмeнтa Живoтa ни e лeнтa, a Гocпoд Бoг e пpoдyцeнтa.

i'm not sure they sell them anymore
try ordering online

11/10 difficulty level
fucking i could barely read that

I understood 100% of this, not too difficult.

7 maj e...zosto e uste tolku ladno...

I've been looking for them in several suites and I've found nothing. Found one guy selling a couple of structure decks at a market but those were all fake cards (still bought 2 decks for nostalgia reasons) but I'm looking for real packs and preferably in real stores.

Just order and pay the goy shipping tax

They got some bootleg ones down here, original ones are quite expensive though.

Hello i just woke up

Second ICE AGE :D

Can you do this test, sashence?

Good night, /balk/ :-)

Leka, debel


Attached: Screenshot_20180713-102855.png (2560x1440, 2.42M)

leaving this here:
o kurva...

Tвa oткъдe гo гeпи?

Basic shit



nije lose majku mu jebem


Fags are asleep, post animu

Attached: 1497934974_Koni.gif (303x209, 772K)


Attached: Cure.Ange.full.2241588.png (1600x2300, 3.16M)

hi ..sorry for interrupting your convo
im looking for the screencap
for the bulgaria bully thread..its goes like this
bulgaria is great country because..
bulgaria gave us..
bulgaria is a wonderful..