
CAAAAM ON edition

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they did it

this is noided
things look predatory

stupid op


It's a good night for Liverpool

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need a good video game to play. what are some good video games

mount & blade

*tripwires a pedestrian street*
*hides face behind a gimp mask*
*kills a horse with a nail bomb*
*begs for amnesty*

Couldn't date a girl taller than me. No man can live with that much shame.


only if its Napoleonic Wars mod

just broke my headphones


you'd miss out on the whole singleplayer experience which is what the game is mostly about


thankfully i'm above the 99 percentile for female height so i'm good

blork massive multiplayer musket fights is what i play for


shame all those cousers wont be at work tomorrow

Reckon I saw a ghost once a long time ago and I'm not even a whacko like that.
Just got this weird fucking feeling once while walking past a shadow at 2AM.
I don't buy spooky shit, but straight up it was a fucking golem.

Taoiseach is a gay Indian and you didn't even have any colonies. How do you manage such a thing?

napoleonic really only works with clans or if you're playing a commander battle


a night where i miss my ex gf ahhh yess brilliant

nah used to have shitloads of good servers but its dying off now. Miniseige is still going though. Dunno why all you yanks pile into the bot survival server though. It's fucking shite

Losing our fight against your puppet government here.

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puppet gov?

I see the Anglo Saxon Internet Defence Force is out in full swing tonight

identifying with a city is cringe


the best part? He's getting bummed by an Anglo Norman BVLL

fuck is this


Mikey this all started cos someone said they were ambivilent about Churchill but he was ok they supposed. Then the paddies went mental. Now you witness the backlash

especially when none of the players are from that city
really sad state of affairs

all of those things are just and good when deployed against england
it's only a shame the IRA couldn't fly lancaster bombers over your cities and kill your civilians that way
(they didn't even really try to kill civilians either - your side did)

*singlehandedly humiliates, destroys and obliterates the greatest empire in history with a few tonnes of fertiliser and some shitty rifles*

Heh...nothing personal kid...

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I thought golems were physical monsters, not a very consistent story.



all the Indians had to do was not eat. faking hell Patrick talk about overacting

Hey Mikey are you ready to welcome our Chinese overlords?

It went like this:
>Russian flag: UK was mostly irrelevant to WW2 but churchill was a good leader
>Irish flag: yeah, but why would you think that about churchill?
>uk flag: yeah the royal navy won the war and churchill was great
>Irish flag: yeah, no
>uk flag: spasticism

could go a ham salad sandwich right now 2bh

Bobby Sands was a pitiful character who begged for a sarnie before the end. Simple as.


>Implying any of us have a choice

someone arrest this man

And there wasn't a zulu in sight

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Ghost, Golem. Same shit.


got absolutely DEMOLISHED in CS:GO just now
feels bad

what ps4 game should i buy?

nothing illegal about a ham salad sandwich mate


>(they didn't even really try to kill civilians either - your side did)
they set off a bomb outside a corner shop in cheshire that only killed children and blew up a pub full of civvies because some soldiers also drank there, fuck off they weren't noble freedom fighters they were child murdering terrorists

and no that doesn't mean britain didn't commit crimes either, it just means stop acting like an actual paki and defending blowing up kids

>The Kingdom of Ireland as part of the British Empire
Genetics spread around the world. Mythology becomes internationally famous. Rich history of knights and feuds. Proud culture. Notable artists and writers

>The Republic of Ireland as an “independent” country
Gay Indians, backwash, irrelevant, almost non-existing, forgotten by many, culture is non-existent, literally no major artist to come out of it in 100 years


Remember that time the RA blew the queens cousin to bits off the coast of Sligo. These niggas literally out here murdering royalty

Thread theme

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that's VERY debatable

what about bono

Have you tried yellow-tinted specs and amphetamines?

>want some ice cream
>go to ice cream place
>ask for a baby peanut butter cup ice cream in a dish
>girl gives me a shit load of extra ice cream and then smiles at me
being good looking is hard lads
i just wanted a baby ice cream because im on a diet. now i have to eat this gigantic ice cream

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that last line could apply to the uk just as well

You aren’t good looking.

think i'd rather just cheat

bono has a knighthood
sir bono

Difference between UK rule and US hegemony, you mean.
Everything in your first line was true of Ireland before english invasion, and the first point is only as a side effect of hostile action, not a help at all.

The british empire getting its comeuppance is fine by me. Every british child could die and that would still be proportionate.

Anyway, I'm sorry, but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?

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and they also killed two innocent children while they were at it, the ira special

Love how Pikey Mike is all 'I'm a true Englishman with English blood' when the yanks are brutalising him in an argument, then becomes a plastic paddy when there are no yanks about.
Utterly baffling

UK still dominates the international artistic scene

i'm hot and based

im not outside a bloody mosque now am i though?

don't care virgin

will the mick ever speak with a straight tongue? /brit/ experts say no!

u ever rally vietnam by the company that made red orchestra
shit was sick

see, this is why we call you potato pakis


*walks towards you*

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and we just call you pakis


just cba w/ video games though honestly
fuckin' lame

I'm only trying to wind him up. I'm not English.

Stand back. American coming through

and you've only got one man to thank for that

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t. bent paki pm

>blows up kids and floods his community with drugs while running a protection racket that targets honest business owners......


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allow me to translate from schizo:
the company who made red orchestra also made rising storm, a similar game that takes place in vietnam

*mortars downing street*


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manically depressed


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depressingly manic

and all that so they don't have to worship god outside of the authority of the paedophile catholic priests. wew lad


can you ask him what this has to do with csgo and why I would care about these games, which I have never played?

*drops spoon in froot loops*

I'm drunk now. I drank a lot of red wine to forget the match.