Why is Austria the greatest country in the world?
Why is Austria the greatest country in the world?
it's shaped like a sperm
>boring country
looks like a piece of juicy fried chicken that belong between my fat eboness lips
Latvia is more relevant lmao
Mozart, pussy and Ayaa
Isn't that where shitler came from? That's not a good thing.
literally only known for Hitler, skiing and the dungeon man.
>Article 4. Prohibition of Anschluss
>1. The Allied and Associated Powers declare that politic?l or economic union between Austria and Germany is prohibited. Austria fully recognizes its responsibilities in this matter and shall not enter into political or economic union with Germany in any form whatsoever.
>2. In order to prevent such union Austria shall not conclude any agreement with Germany, nor do any act, nor take any measures likely, directly or indirectly, to promote political or economic union with Germany, or to impair its territorial integrity or political or economic independence. Austria further undertakes to prevent within its territory any act likely, directly or indirectly, to promote such union and shall prevent the existence, resurgence and activities of any organizations having as their aim political or economic union with Germany, and pan-German propaganda in favor of union with Germany.
>Austrians willingly signed this
oh no no no no
I see many people here envying Austria and have small dicks.
I hate Austria solely because it's where the annoying Asian girl poster is from
a country that small cannot be the greatest
t. white roastie
they do not even have tigers
We had build many back in the 40.
Not the best country in the world, that belongs to America, but Vienna is beautiful and your history is cool as hell.
more like a chicken leg.
Austria>Bavaria>>>>>>rest of Gaymany
>In order to prevent such union Austria shall not conclude any agreement with Germany, nor do any act, nor take any measures likely, directly or indirectly, to promote political or economic union with Germany, or to impair its territorial integrity or political or economic independence. Austria further undertakes to prevent within its territory any act likely, directly or indirectly, to promote such union and shall prevent the existence
I especially love the Burgenland state in Austria. I think that's where burgers originate from.
From my point of view Austria SHOULD have been the country to Unite the German speaking regions, not Prussia. Back then they were on par with France the finest country in terms of culture and history. I strongly believe they would have made a better "Germany" than Prussia's "Germany".
>I think that's where burgers originate from.
It means “castle land” or “land of the castles”.
>unite the German speaking regions
No such thing ever happend. Prussians conquered us. "Germany" has never actually existed in history.
Germans have no right to speak here, go north and make your piefke shit.
I'm pretty sure it's burgers birthing place as well
I feel like the existence of the EU makes this obsolete
When I say German speaking Region, I meant those regions who shared similar dialect because the majority of the HRE definitely spoke similar languages.
It probably will surprise you but France was until the Hundred years war in some HRE type of organization, and two French bloodlines (Angevins/Plantagenet VS Valois) were fighting for the dominance over the entire realm of various french speaking or with similar dialects duchies, city states etc... Eventually the 100% ethnically Frenchs won over the Ethnically English Frenchs and slowly unified those small states under one big France. We can naturally picture this example as Plantagenet being "Prussia" and Valois being "Austria" but I digress. My point is Austria is for me more Ethnically Germanic than Prussia and should have been THE ONES to unify such thing of a "German Nation"
there are no koreans in austria..
why is austria full of people who dont speak german?
Why are austrian schools 75 percent immigrant children?