These are delicious dates from the humble palm tree. Do you eat these in your country?

These are delicious dates from the humble palm tree. Do you eat these in your country?

Attached: image.jpg (720x810, 60K)

It looks like your penis, doesn't it?

I eat dried dates sometimes. Pretty good but I wouldn't say it's common to eat it here.

Yes, I have a tree of them in my house.


tried once, too sweet for me but grandma love it.

Yeah same

>getting a date

Ocasionally, but is not common

Dates are a common fruit in some middle east countries though, or in India, I can't remember


I hate dates

yeah we usually eat them during Christmas holidays

Yes, coconut too.

Yes, they taste good

You should go get checked if your penis looks like that


Yes. They used to sell "persian" date fruits from Iran, but I can't find them anymore, they were the best. Now I have to settle for pic related.

Attached: IMG_20190508_140601.jpg (1600x1200, 523K)

They sell them here, but bastards fuck with the amount when the packages come from Iran, so its never the same weight.
I know that our scum messes with it because iranians would lose hands if they stole or fucked with the weight

Not a fan but yes, you can buy that here

Those? I like them too

Attached: mazafati-frsh-dates-from-iran-241250.jpg (640x478, 115K)

yes, looks like it
they are so much more ripe and less dry

гoвёныe кaкиe-тo кyпил
в oвoщных лapькaх y apмян дoлжны быть нopмaльныe

Кaкиe были в дикcи тaкиe и взял


I have a Chinese friend who has a closet full of those. Is this common for Chineses?

Yes I try to but they are 5$ a box and I can eat them in one sitting

Dates are lame. Figs is where its at

Attached: Tasty-Mediterraneo-figs.jpg (3855x3855, 443K)

I love dates, my favorite sweet.