Why is the US so gay?
I’m genuinely curious
Why is the US so gay?
I’m genuinely curious
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they’re literally brainwashed by jews
They invented gay rights.
They aren't honest about it, you can get more attention and popularity on social media if say you're bi, even if you're just straight.
BTW I'm gay, not sure if that matters.
I guess it’s a country of immigrants so people that didn’t fit in went there. So maybe that made it that there are more gays
When did you find out that you’re gay?
Most of those are just kids trying to get attention, I know due to knowing some of those fags
Yeah maybe that’s it. In the US it’s popular to say you’re lgbt even if it is untrue.
In Hungary the reverse is true
They created the LGBTQ.
But to be honest, it is probably the lack of identity and family structure. The more mutt you are the more gay you are
Come on my fellow burgers. You can just say we're not gay then contradict yourself
Because we are based
Shut up Nigel or I shall report your pedophile sex tourism to Interpol.
Americans are known for being mentally ill
One of my gay friends told me bis are destroying the lgbt movement. Any truth to this?
Fags, vote strawpoll.com
Are women allowed to vote?
Chemicals in the water.
Should be 105% instead of 12
Not actual bisexuals, just the straight ones who think kissing their friend gives them brownie points. I saw a video yesterday of some German model faggot claiming he was “asexual” even though he wasn’t, from the video it was clear that he just had a low sex drive. He also tried to claim he was bisexual in a previous video because he said he was comfortable cuddling with other guys. I hate fake faggots so much.
That statistic seems like bullshit everything I've found says its about 4.5%
Where'd you get these shit numbers?
>The demographics of sexual orientation and gender identity in the United States have been studied in the social sciences in recent decades. A 2017 Gallup poll concluded that 4.5% of adult Americans identified as LGBT with 5.1% of women identifying as LGBT, compared with 3.9% of men.[1] A different survey in 2016, from the Williams Institute, estimated that 0.6% of U.S. adults identify as transgender.[2]
I doubt 7.6% of the country is queer.
I doubt
Not sure why it says, "I doubt" twice.
It says it in the tweet. Dalia research
what's up with that? why would people claim to be homos when they aren't?
if it's attention, why would they crave for negative attention? are they retarded?
>Negative attention
Depends entirely on who you ask. For example the german model the american is talking about, I bet it could be pretty advantageous to claim you're gay if you're working as a model. They have just as much a casting couch as hollywood does, if not more.
I bet you complain about traps on /r9gay/
Have sex, gaycel
Being gay/trans is trendy
Sorry, but traps are for prison gays.
I don't make the rules, straight boy.
Why is "Questioning" still accepted as a sexual orientation by staticians?
This guy isn’t me
No I dont, I have nothing against trans people and I even like some of them. I’m not really attracted to actual women though, which is odd.
That's because traps are gay.
I guess in my case they certainly are.
Their sample size for the u.s. was only 1,025 for a country of 330 million. Europe was 11,282 for 392 million. They also apparently asked 14-65 year olds. So shitty sample size aside our zoomers (we have a higher percentage) are queers and fags.
It's for Queer. When you throw it in you get drastically different results than just LGBT.
>you can get more attention and popularity on social media if say you're bi, even if you're just straight.
Yes, this is true especially for women for some reason.
Chemicals in the water
What does queer mean anyways?
My dog is gay now because of democrats
Because their women are fat and unfuckable
In reality its still only 2-3% max.
They have to say they identify as a black lesbian if they want a job.
endocrine disruptors
7.4 percent is way too high, I don't know any trans person or gay guy irl
Queer means one is not straight or not cisgender or neither.
I know at least 5 queer people.
I am one of 7.4% :3
This cant be true. I barely ever seen any gay people, and I live in the Progressive hellhole known as NOVA.