What's the job situation in these countries now?
As bad as it used to be?
Asking, because I know a female engineer grad from Catalonia who has been unemployed since November 2018.
Is this normal?
What's the job situation in these countries now?
As bad as it used to be?
Asking, because I know a female engineer grad from Catalonia who has been unemployed since November 2018.
Is this normal?
Our business kraut
yes what?
>female engineer
she did her master's in Germany and does not seem to dumb. makes me wonder why she can't find a job?
>Is this normal?
No, she should find a job in
My former teacher was a math PhD from Barcelona and he said he had to come here because in Spain there wasn't any job opportunities for him.
Imagine being PhD from Barcelona and having to work in some shitty public university in M*xico to get payed a few pesos a month lmao.
We're getting better desu, plenty of job opportunities around here if you're a STEM graduate.
Its normal because employers want people with experience and she probably never worked in her life
what salary can she expect, I have heard it's quite low 20.000-25.000€/year?
Foreign investment in Catalonia has fallen because of the whole independentist thing, the catalonian economy is still strong but it could have been stronger if they weren't stupid
I changed 3 jobs in 18 months because I kept receving better offers, and I didn't even fully finished my studies
But I'm from Veneto and I the situation here is quite different from the rest of the country tho
25000€/year would be pretty optimistic yeah, what's the salary in Germany for a computer engineering graduate?
what do you earn as a STEM grad in Italy?
>I have heard it's quite low 20.000-25.000€/year?
it's not that bad, you can live easily with 18k in Spain
>what's the salary in Germany for a computer engineering graduate?
why do you care about it?
why do you care if I care?
It's getting better. Unemployment is going down.
Inflation of academic credentials is a big problem, though, and it will keep ballooning until young adults come to appreciate on-job experience over classroom attendance and professional skills training and apprenticeships.
>she did her master's in Germany and does not seem to dumb. makes me wonder why she can't find a job?
because europe union fucked us so hard, that's why she can't find a job
it depends on the company schedule
position and the taxes, on average from 1.4k to 2.4k month to whatever they want to pay her
I dropped 2 offers to go to work for siemens to your cunt and I'm not even engenier, first I had to do a 6 months free training here :^)
supported the nazis in WWII, the same level than krupp or volkswagen toxic auto
don't get me wrong , I could accept to move to France Italy UK or Portugal or any Hispanic country, but Germany more than 2 months lol no
it's very few money if compare the whole invest you have to do (learn the language, moving to another country while your family and friends stay here)
being a foreigner sucks too
>Imagine being PhD from Barcelona and having to work in some shitty public university in M*xico to get payed a few pesos a month lmao.
At least it wasnt a public high school in El Salvador.
how about 80.000-120.000€ in Switzerland?
wut, I can understand if you prefer other latin countries but why would you move to the UK but not Germany?
>computer engineering
Hardware or software? As one with a computer engineering degree (hardware) it's tough to get into without connections. My class are either software or electrical engineers.
All our commie leaders has been working in Venezuela
I deal with them a lot. Their engineers are fine but their business side is scum.
Maybe because it was literally created by the Nazis.
language, just like Ireland and would be shit to me but less than have to learn German also
oh yeah that makes sense kek. You are pretty fucked here if you dont speak German
I think I could need at least 2 years training to being able to move to Germany. I know I can go only speaking english but would be harder
The guy in the center if he was doing that terrible smile would be 100% soyboy. I'd be suprised if he didnt get bullied as a kid.
What the hell is a STEM Grad?
>STEM Grad
scienza tecnologia ingegneria matematica
the virgin stuff then
They already did, Shlomo
a good pizzaiolo gets more than these nerds Mario