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International #1053
Once germany is finished what future european power will dominate the continent in 50 years
Why do Finns get so upset when Hungarians deny Finno-Ugric relations?
/v4/ & frens
WHAAAT?! What do you mean you don't want to fast?? Why??
Are gamers oppressed in your country?
Tell me spooky stories from your country
What's it like living in commieblocs?
Before Jow Forums I used to consider Italians...
How does one acquire a paki gf?
Poor mexicans
British """"""people""""
Hezbollah fund and built church in southern lebanon. the first one destroyed by an israeli airstrike in 1982
/ita/ il filo
Your cunt
Get into an argument with a Russian
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Why do they act like honey burger on Jow Forums?
Stop bullying iran you disgusting kike puppets
What's your country best fren?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Post a pic of where you are right now
*mocks and belittles your country...
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
Terrible country
I wish the USA had more Eastern European* immigrants instead of Latin American ones. They're just as hardworking...
In which countries would a brazillian with native/indigenous traits would do better with women and people?
No electricity for 3 days now. nothing wrong with the power stations or anything...
In UK leaves EU, shall it give its spot to Germany ?
I wish Americans were smart and educated. I want to like them but you you how are modern Americans
Has a smartphone
1. your cunt?
Behold: the crown prince of Norway
*blocks your path
Tunisia is one of the few Muslim majority countries where Muslim women are allowed to marry non-Muslims
I got a shelf stacker job!!! Now I'll save money and do driving lessons and change my life around
Are drugs legal in your country?
Asians are the master race!
What exactly makes americans so evil?
How much cash do you have "on hand" right now, Jow Forums?
If you had a chance to make all shitskins (Blacks, Muslims, Indians etc.) disappear overnight, would you do it?
How dark are Spanish people really? I have a friend who says it's hard to tell between them and Latinos
Why do people from these two countries hate Eastern Europeans so very much and are always telling them they're not...
Post the most American iimage in your folder
Thoughts on whiskey stones?
When Mexico becomes a developed country, will all the Mexicans in the USA move back?
I want to smell petite blonde feet
Share your favourite moments where america got BTFO , bonus points if it's recent
Was Stalin just as bad as Hitler?
Why are white women dying while travelling?
Describe your country in one image
/fr/ - la francofil francophone
French soldiers rescued a south korean woman and an american woman in Africa
Why is their testosterone so low?
Thoughts on this country?
Your cunt
/anime/ ehemals /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
Got nothing but love for my Finnish bros and sisters
Your country
Is whitey more culturally similar to pajeets than to any other non-white people...
Explain yourselves Germans
Arthoe frog girl
How do you say "oops" in your language?
Japanese practice thread/日本語練習スレ
Hunter Europe or Farmer Europe?
What do Kazakh girls find attractive? How do I get a Kazakh gf like Aya? Pls help me!!!
It's so fucking annoying how Americans stigmatize drinking...
Do Americans?
What is your opinion on international love?
When will Slavoids return rightful German land?
Which side are you on?
This is a protip to distinguish East Asians
I like in Kentucky. Ask me anything
Americans can't masturbate without lube
Interracial relations
How will China go from sweatshop capital of the world to world power?
Young people think japan is anime
The Koran and Jalapenos (Halal-penos)
Why do Americans do this?
Korean Academic Standards
I envy white people
Why isn't the "German Three" more widely used?
You just KNOW
I hate my life
Jow Forums trivia thread
Do Americans really do this?
We must protect f*rst worlders! Delete all f*rstoid mocking threads IMMEDIATELY! They might get depression!
I just don't get it
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
Is she Japanese, Korean, Chinese or Finnish?
This is one of the best hackers in the Chinese intelligence community...
/luso/ fio lusófono
I love Romania
/fr/ - le fil francophone
1. Your country
Sh/ita/ il filo
Did you know that Siberia is more developed than European Russia?
Why do many posters on this board love to attack others for no reason?
How much did your country change in last 30 years?
I-is that a pitbull?!
Holy shit anti-depressants are the greatest invention ever I finally feel none of the emotions that weighed me down...
Tell me about this country
I'm addicted to marijuana
Literally what happens there?
Culture Pals /cp/
Sverigetråden - Fikaupplagan
Jokes thread
How many people in your country would know about Croatia. All Europeans should know it exists...
/hun/ - töpörödött törp ördögök
Why do Ching chong Chinese use Asian premium made by Korean and Japanese???
Why are women in your country badly stinked and covered with uncomfortable body hair...
Why do so many French people look like Meds?
/v4/ + Frens
When will they evolve?
1. Country
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Listen I'm no Jow Forumsack but there are way too many tranny and gay threads on this board...
Which language is easiest to pronounce for an English speaker?
Japanese teen performers flock to South Korea chasing dreams of K-pop stardom
Anyone else hate white people?
Differences in marketing
Honestly none of you people actually see someone like yourself when you see a shitskin, right...
Tfw discovered I'm part chinese
What do you call this?
He is older than 18 and still lives with his parents
Do you guys like Italy
Sit hear, Granny. It's ok, I'm young and I can stand in bus for next 15 kilometers
European wagecucks on their way to their cage right now
American eats hamburger
Which country had the knights that looked the coolest?
Do amerimutts unironically think they didn't lose the vietnam war?
Do they really?
Am I accurate?
What are these called in your cunt? Do you like them? I personally hate them
As a south american who speaks fluently in portuguese, spanish and english...
Post your dream nation
Would you suck this in your country?
1. Your ethnicity
Imagine being a nationalist in a country that has 1million+ chinks already. This is literally the point of no return...
China US trade war
Why do the French eat these?
Be American
İ really hate being Turkish
You literally cannot bring up China without obsessive hyper nationalistic Americans shitting up the discussion
Why do White women have these?
I remember that for a few weeks after the paris terrorist attacks I was kinda anxious about going to growded public...
*invents everything*
Did you know, women in Europe do not wear bras?
1. cunt
Kurva anyátok
Make it clear to my family that I will never drink alcohol
How much crime goes unreported Japan? I hear there are very few autopsies and lots of "suicides"
Be on Facebook
Why do people do this?
NO, you are NOT still #1, nor anywhere close
/cum/ + friends
A black latino is perceived in your country more like black or more like latino?
Board about international cultures
Why are we smarter than you? Our ancestors invented gunpowder, compass and paper, and changed the whole of the earth...
Hilo latino /lat/
Why are you hate Russia?
Americas relevance map
Venebeaner wants an Amerifag white guy to get that sweet sweet citizenship
New York
Atomic bombs are war crimes, right?
Why do whities do this?
The so called 'peaceful' 'democratic' 'liberal' western tyranny democracies that criticize "authoritarian shithole"...
You are so cute
Ever wondered why most Western people have this "I'm so conformist I put children into gas chambers" facial expression?
Good morning Italian frens! I am eating linguine with turkey and spinach meatballs, in a garlic marinara sauce...
How did Turkey undergo the adoption of a new writing system after World War I...
/wmaf/ general
Does your country like women who are Spanish, strong, dark and proud ?
Hi Jow Forums
The highlands of Eastern Congo still have colonial-era plantations and cattle ranches...
This stands between Russia and Sweden
Any american around?
How do I atone for the sin of being Mexican?
Why don't more Americans return home to their ancestral Fatherland? Ireland and Germany
Rate my fiancee
How are you preparing for Cold War: Asian edition?
I want to move to Texas. I will be graduating with a bachelors degree in marine engineering and naval architecture...
This brazilian is enjoying life with his asian gf. good for him I guess
Why don't we have open borders between the USA and Canada?
Americans are weird
What will you be remembered as?
Does your country call the police on black people ?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Does your language have an ethnic slur for Br*ts?
Girls on Jow Forums, have you ever dated someone of another race or ethnicity? How was the experience?
/cum/ + friends
Do non-white men feel atracted towards white women?
Architecture thread
Not too pale, not too dark, perfect skin tone
"Hallo this is Brezhnev who am I talking to"
Do White boys have it easy in your cunt?
Thoughts on modern royal family?
/fr/ - le francofil
/nachtschicht/ /deutsch/ /apu/
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Why does american public schooling duck so fucking much...
The French Revolution was an event in which urban intellectuals...
I'm putting together a team
You like P-Portugal?
Why does Italy let France and Germany bully them?
Daily paintbucket thread
Chinese are fearless
A cute girl likes getting naked in my bed with me
Be me
What do girls in your country do in their free time?
I am high school student from japan
You wake up in a village in Northern Spain
All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined...
/ita/ il filo
Do you prefer living countryside or in the coastline?
Was she aware that her actions would lead to the complete destruction of her civilization and the almost total...
Yes, I am a Grecophile
How often you take a shower/bath? Three times a week
Do women have an inferiority complex in your cunt?
Try to watch Abema-tv(for free) from your country. did watchable or not ?
How do we prevent our children to watch race moxing propaganda of this sort...
Do people of different sexual orientations get treated well in your country?
ITT: most Satanic music from your country
Which country do you hate the most?
South American nationalism
I legit cried. This was really well done
You know what's common flag privilege?
/danmarktråden/ 2.0
Why do americans build their house out of paperthin card walls and thoothpicks?
/ita/ il filo
Do French-Canadians have their own cuisine? Or do they eat the same food Canadian Anglos do?
Do Americans really do that
Sverigetråden - Vasaupplagan
I'm sorry for the crimes of my nation, can you forgive us?
>Arab intellectuals
/fr/ - le francofil
Rio Grande Do Sul
Would she pass as local in your cunt?
Your cunt
It’s really so sad to see, Europe is dying and it’s people don’t even care
Ahhh, the wonders of diversity
It’s 2019, the era of white people is over
Heritage thread
I would _______ Joan of Arc
Are Poland and Russia basically just the parallel versions of each other?
What's your favourite fast food place?
/v4/ and the squad
Personally I'd starve Warwick Davis. It should not take too long given his size. Make him stick thin and so feeble...
Are Swedes latins? I thought only Norwegians were the civilized Nords
What is the point of this nation? Why hasn't it been divided yet?
Why does Colombia like the USA so much...
1. cunt
/ita/ il filo
Get rid of the imperial system already
Exploring the Jow Forumsernet
So why is the European architecture so superior?
Why do mexicans bully me for being a chicano?
How do you think the world will end?
ITT: Great men of science coming from your country
Please, come to Germany
Any thoughts?
Sverigetråden - Svennesupplagan
What's better for white guys
Life in Europe seems comfy, can any Europeans confirm?
The future is Russia's. Climate change will fuck everyone else so hard, and Russia can only win
Faces of int
Why do g*rm*ns do this?
Americans unironically buy things besides the bare necessities of survival
Who were the Etruscans? How come they did not speak an Indo-European language?
How does Jow Forums like their milk?
My friend has become a Jow Forumstard
My aryan brethren :)
4channel isn't racist
SPIC Hate Thread
Why are Latinxs the only race that doesn't have a gender imbalance when it comes to race mixing?
/ita/ - il filo
Sh/ita/ il filo
/diurne/ anciennement /fr/ - Le francofil
I hate them. I hate them so much
Sverigetråden - Dabbar på städis
Why, yes, how did you know I stand with Palestine?
The cause of the Asian masculinity crisis is the Asian affinity for small, weak and "cute" women
Does my wound look infected? Im scared of going to the doctor
Fucking based
Does Europe have no real men left because they either moved here or were killed in wars?
Us the UK really a police state?
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
Sverigetråden - Transgråtupplagan
Russian Presentation
Ok I'm fucking confused how the fuck do you call this on your country?
What do you think comes out of the nipples of tr**ns women?
The bad guys won in world war 2 nazis were like so COOL trench coats based red pilled and the good guys, fuck jews!!!!
Do Americans really do this?
This thread automatically filters out Retards, Five years olds, Incels, Low IQ Shitposters, Unironic Racists...
World War 2
Thoughts on Hinduism?
Any kino I can watch with my bf on netflix?
How long until Mexico is a developed country?
What do Arabs and Africans think of Western Sahara?
Should the entire population of Southern, Western and Central Europoorea were replaced by trees?
Which country is going to emerge as the dominant power in the middle east? Which one would Middle-Easterners prefer?
/lang/ - language learning general
Type what's on your mind
Is your country progressive?
United States of America single-handedly defeated Nazi Germany and saved the world
Is the spicy Latina meme real? Do they all act like Italians?
My ancestor :)
ITT: Describe your country regions using USA
How do people in your country feel about race mixing?
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
What the FUCK is going on in Peru?
Why aren't you currently learning mandarin?
1 cunt
What do you think about white people?
Do women dress like whores in your country?
What's the point of trying to get a gf when she's just going to dump me as soon as she learns that I put milk in my...
/ita/ - il filo
Gf wants to do erasmus. how fucked am i?
What's a nice place in Europe to visit on your own during summer...
Japs, explain yourselves
Is this true?
Have sex
/fr/ - le francofil
1. your country
Your country
I just spend 4 years ""studying"" psychology/linguistics/pre-school teacher, but now the government won't hire me...
What have they contributed to the modern world?
Official frens of italy power ranking:
/v4/ + the gang
Sverigetråden - "Opartiska" SVT upplagan
/ukg/ - The United Kingdom General
Why won't they just merge?
Soon, my BLACK brothers
/flag/ - /extraflags/
Why is Thailand the only country standing up to the sexpat menace?
Why are American houses built like shit?
Why we fought for Soviets in WW2 once again?
Your Country
Fuck these insects
Literally the LOOSERS club
Fuck first worlders
USA isn't No.1 anymore
/ist/ - International Shopping Thread
Why is Korea so demanding to women?
1. your cunt 2. what do you think about capeshit
I believe that Slavic nations would win a war against Western Europe. Prove me wrong
Do yuh love black peepo?
Wake up
What was his end game?
There's a nice cute girl browsing this board and reading this right now. I wonder what her cute little hands look like...
Europeans don't have any history and living culture anymore which is why they compensate with museum artifacts and dead...
Do you drink tap water in your country?
Europeans cover nudity when a leader from an Islamic country visits
Honestly why
I love Asian bois
What's your relationship with Spain like?
Do French girls -really- look like this?
Thoughts on Italian women?
Interracial friendship thread
Did you know
Why is the symbol of France a chicken?
It is illegal to pay to have sex with a woman in his country
We thank Germany for giving us land
/du gehst niemals alleine/ ehemals /liverpool/ früher mal /simmering/ heute /deutsch/
/cum/ + friends
Do you like China?
Virginity: the country
Why do these arrogant fucks look down on westerners so much? They are nothing compared to EVROPEAN civilisation
Browse Jow Forums for months
It scares the romance language speaker
How do I stop being an incel?
/balk/ TЪГA ЗA ЮГ edition
/fr/ - le fil de fer de France
Do Americans really?
If you had bring back one of these cunts, which one would you and why?
You are now aware that there are only 800,000,000 Europeans in the world
Does this happen in your cunt???
Be JD/PhD student studying genetics and law
Why are Muslims such good people?
Are there adult male virgins in your cunt?
US China Trade War
Can't wait for the future lads
Kurva anyátok
If I suspect I have Jewish DNA, how do I go about applying for Israeli citizenship? Do I have to bring my 23 and me...
Well. The season has began
Japan orphan discussion
Your country
Mfw non-white country posts tons of racist stuff
Explain yourselves, brit shits
Red: where you have been
Is this acceptable thinking in your country?
*unnecessarily slurps loud as fuck*
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Do you love american women ?
There are girls on Jow Forums RIGHT NOW
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What do your peers in your country have nostalgia for?
What country is your girlfriend from? My celestial girlfriend is French
How can one country have such a great food culture (other than the whaling and dolphin killing) while having such an...
Based retard
Do Europeans really greet each other by kissing on the lips?
Have sex
Military life
Korean study thread
These cities are the chads of all cities, if you do not live in these cities your economy is pointless
Why are whites obsessed with asians on this board?
Iran has a populace that's dedicated to their motherland and would fight to the death to defend it
Would this happen?
Are wizards a common problem in your country?
Opinions of Chileans?
What's the most beautiful language?
The USA would lose miserably in a prospective war against iran
Jow Forumscraft is a Minecraft server populated by the fine folk at Jow Forums, the international board of Jow Forums...
I've only traveled through Google Earth and YouTube
Why should I desire a relationship?
/ita/ - il filo
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
That skin tone
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Made me think
What do you think of the newest member of the British royal family? His name his name is Archie
How much do eggs cost in you are a cunt?
Wtf. I didn't know Asian Chads existed
Meet austrian on discord
What happens when the ocean submerges the Netherlands due to global warming?
Chilean "Spanish"
My kit should be coming soon, can't wait to finally know the history of my ancestors! What were your results Jow Forums?
What have you lot done now?
McDonald's is bringing Canadian, Spanish, Dutch and Australian cuisine to U.S
Sverigetråden - FBupplagan
Holy shit...I've spent the last couple days in Yosemite, Sequoia and King's Canyon National park...
Countries that betrayed your expectations
I'm not living in a dystop-
Half indian kids have light and even blue eyes
Soon, my BLACK brothers
Y-yes, I am a Russian/Brazilian that pirate because I am too poor to buy them
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Post your map
Vote for Democrats in the local election
Why do Americans shit their pants so much? Is shitting your pants in public a traumatic experience?
Meximutts have long history of hating asians so why do they complain about racism?
The royals baby's name is "Archie Harrison"
Imagine a world united under Mexico
1. Your country and you
Too many soyjacks here on Jow Forums
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2191.5
Do Americans really hold hands when sharting?
Futa on male? how did you guess my favorite fetish?
Be teacher
Do americans really do this?
Sorry for bombing you guys for 17 years and still doing it. Hope you're not mad
"Well yes, I do play minecraft single player survival mode. It's still just as fun as day one."
Culture Pals /cp/ general
Your country
Armenians still call Persia by its pre-Islamic name Parskastan...
Jow Forums family tree thread
/nachtschicht/ für gewöhnlich /deutsch/
take your cunt
Hernan Cortes
Can Russia and America ever be friends again?
I want to find love in Korea
Do boys in your cunt do this?
How do i cope with having brown eyes?
What the FUCK does this mean? I'm seeing tons of twitter handles with these three flags together (Brazil, USA, Israel)
Which European country do you like most?
Thoughts on Jordan Peterson?
Post some jihad memes
Would the women of your country fuck this man?
What city of your country should I go for a romantic week with the gf?
Why are american (white) men more attractive and masculine than european men?
Why don't they like me
Zomg CANZUK is the greatest idea EVAR!!1!!
Imagine being a brown eyed muslim rapebaby medshit
/fr/ - le francofil
What ethnicity is this?
This girl says she'd like me more if i was white instead of italian
/cum/ + friends
Tinder thots
/boomer treff/ ehemals /deutsch/
Canada surrenders to the Philippines
Was Charlemagne French or German?
What are your thoughts on this country?
/ita/ - il filo
ITT: Evil countries that must be stopped
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Do people in your country shit in public in big cities?
Based on this pic and your main childhood era, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
Is female wrestling big in your country?
GUDEN ABBEND I'm learning Deutsch because mein ancestors came from germany
What does int think of Polish youth?
Which country is the successor to the Roman empire, and why is it Turkey?
/v4/ + friends
What's the worst alcohol you can find in your cunt?
ITT we thank the Red Army for putting down the Nazi menace
How would you react if you went to the supermarket and saw this?
I just took diazepam somI can sleep. What sleeping aids do people use in your cunt?
Does Mexican media cover the Spanish Royals like celebrities (like how the USA media does with British Royals)?
1. Country
Is there something about your country that you are ashamed of?
I suffer in Poland
Perfect countries don't exi-
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2191
Do you love Portugal?
Why are you hate Russia
Sverigetråden - Inge den äldres upplaga
I am proud to be japanese. our tech is highest quality in the world.Our culture is everywhere. Have you heard of anime...
Are tattoos popular in your country?
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new Western male
/fr/ - Le fil Français
Post your face when britcucks will have to kneel down to the royal nigger
So this day finally has come, The Victory Day...
Children!? NO way, i won't have children lmao i'll always live free
I just paid $2000 which is a huge fortune for me, to a lawyer who knows the right guy to bribe...
Do u love america?
Name three (3) rivers from the cunt above you
The royal baby looks unironically White
/ita/ il filo umaroso
The uyghurs are getting genocided in concentration camps and their women are getting forced to marry and breed with HAN...
Post your last name in English
Just won an 11-day tour to pic related
Is this true?
Finland is now officially a leftist country
/isr/ thread
Greetings gentlemen, I'll be spending this whole summer in Portland, Maine. Are there any Mainers here...
Why do they hate white people so much?
Your cunt
What's the job situation in these countries now?
How common is it for Americans to emigrate to EU?
Virgin freak /vf/ general
Is it true that a lot of people don't even know there is a place called "Taiwan"?
Post your favorite East Asian porn star
Prince Harry and Megan's baby here
Why do Americans wear shoes inside the house?
Will the Asian masculinity crisis be solved in our lifetime?
Does your country celebrate the WWII Victory Day?
Holy shit, I cannot wait
1. your cunt
Which countries do you hate?
Does Jow Forums like black girls?
1. Your country
Josè can you seeeeeee
What will the Dutch do when the ice melts?
Oh no no no
Shouldn't you be studying right now, user?
1. Your country
You wake up in Camden
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
Opinions on germany?
I like anime
Dear Indians
Do you love France?
Can she pass as Finnish?
I wish my country was as great as France. Literally the main character of this world
Is there anything good about this country?
How is yellow fever perceived in your country?
I suffer in Russia
/du gehst niemals alleine/ ehemals /liverpool/ früher mal /simmering/ heute /deutsch/
How are East European treated in West Europe???
Post Japanese and I'll try and translate it
Culture Pals /cp/ general
Post pics of cringey nationalists doing cringey shit in your respective cuntries
Post ugly cities with nothing redeemable about them
How do you call this in your country?
Tfw you will always be e*stern "European"
Do you play any instruments?
This is considered as the most finest dish in England
Why isn't Hungary honorary German?
Incels should be banned from Jow Forums
Have gay sex
That skin tone
ADB says the Philippines is the next "Asian Miracle", sees 1st world status by 2030-2040
Scandicucks live in sheds
What are the gypsy's like there?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Why is Russia considered to be an authoritative state according to the Democracy Index?
1. Your ethnicity
Finally, time for some soylent
Wtf? Are european girls really like this?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship