Which country is the successor to the Roman empire, and why is it Turkey?

Which country is the successor to the Roman empire, and why is it Turkey?

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There is currently no successor. The Roman Empire ended in 1806

Fuck off


Because the Orthodogs literally recognized the Ottomans as the successors to the Roman Empire.

The question makes no sense. States are not like organisms; "succession" only exists in a social context and no currently existing state's relationship to the Roman legacy in any way resembles something like, say, Russia's relationship to the USSR.

Christians are successors to Israel.

Vatican and Catholicism.

>and why is it Turkey?
it`s not turkey

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it's the vatican and you cannot prove me wrong


It's definitely Albania

Sibir is literally free land.

Oblivious Romania

Why should the Ottoman claim be illegtimate?

How is the Western Roman Empire illegitimate? It was the same fucking Empire, they just needed to split up the Administration of it

Reminder if the Ottomans were a Christian empire they would be circlejerked to death on any history forum and be considered one of the mightiest states ever formed. But since they were muzzies they were 'shit'

How was the western Roman Empire illegitimate?

Lol, roman empire never dies

All of them except non christian ones

you can believe that, i guess

Yes, it's kinda funny to see these deuz vult type retards jerking of to Byzantine empire to complete their daily 'roman' worshipping rituals. even though the byzantine 'empire' was most of its pitiful and uninteresting.

If they were Christians, then they would be accepted as the Roman empire

>even though the byzantine empire's history was mostly pitiful and uninteresting

fuck i can't write.

USA is current successor of Western Roman Empire. Russia supposed to be the successor of Eastern Roman Empire, but failing miserably.

Sandniggers and muslims.






Ottomemes were on the decline for their last few centuries, "sick man" and all that and had to be protected from russia by france and bongs. That and the regions they left behind were and still are pretty shite, doesn't really leave a good impression
>doesn't include Rome

after 1991 the United States of America, before that shared with Russia, but Russia collapsed and currently doesn't have to power

Why is it wrong to assume that? Call me retard all you want after you explain your reasoning

The Western part at 476 CE
The Eastern part at 1456 CE
After that no country can claim to be the successor of Rome
A modern day Rome is Italy though since it is the closest thing both culturally and genetically with the real Romans

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shitalians and gayreeks are a mixed race degeneration of the ancient greco-romans

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Vatican City "Rome"

>even though the byzantine 'empire' was most of its pitiful and uninteresting.
imagine actually believing this

What happened in 1806? It collapsed in the 1400s with byzantium.

If rome moved from pagan to christian, why is it so hard to believe that it would change again from christian to muslim

rome didnt become christian by falling to foreign conquerors.

It absolutely did. It was conquered by generals and soldiers with no allegiance to the state constantly killing the previous guy

If Ottomans weren't muslim but were christian instead, they might have been seen as successors of East Rome. Hell, they might not even be seen as a different "nation" and still called the ERE/Byzantine Empire despite the change to a Turkish dynasty and probable change to Turkish language/culture in the court and nobility.

>oh the huns are coming let's pay them to live a little bit longer
>oh bulgars are about to btfo us let's pay them
>oh arabs are coming let's meet them on the battlefield (get's shit on)
>oh seljuqs are coming let's give them our princesses to live just a bit longer
>let's invite our european brethren to crusade cuz seljuqs are btfo'ing us
>Venetians are coming open the gates :dDDDd
>Ottomans :dDDd

Even the 'sick man of Europe' was not this spineless.

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thats not the reason it became christian though. and those are civil wars not foreign invasions.

>seljuqs are coming let's give them our princesses to live just a bit longer
is this real?

fxd, yw

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Explain the last 2 responses instead of using a meme

Napoleon dissolved the Holy Roman Empire

Russia is a spiritual successor, m8

> byzantine empire's history was mostly pitiful and uninteresting
The historical uniterestingness and pitifullnes of Byzantine history is only eclipsed by Turkish/Ottoman history. They didn't call it "the sick man of Europe" for nothing.

There were lots of greek female + turkish male royal marriages during that era. For example II. Mehmet's (conqueror of Istanbul) mother was a royal greek. Greeks even gave princesses to little turkic beyliks such as Aq Qoyunlu.

Your butt!

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What do you mean by "succesor"?

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Her feet!

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Nobody did. Fuck off, cockroach

Two can play that game

>wow look at us we took Constantinople after barely breaching its crumbling walls after a 2 month siege while also being ten thousands of men against a few thousand. Aren't we the best? No one could do the same thing
>oh no why can't we take Vienna? We've tried so many times and we always outnumber the Europeans but they pushed us back every time. They're now working together oh no
>oh look the Greeks are revolting, guess we'll just kill the- wait how are they winning these battles? We outnumber them 4 to 1 but we lost? How is this possible

You get the point. The ottoman empire took over a bunch of weakened areas but they couldn't get any more than that. Once the Europeans worked together, they stole your lands both in Europe and in north Africa easily. Truly the best empire amirite lads?

The closest would either be Italy or greece to be honest. Turkey is way too mixed. You have all kinds of ethnicities there from all around the world.

That was Trebizond you brain-dead cretin

No go fuck yourself

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Turks started out on the western part of anatolia though as a very small tribe. So its not the same empire.

So This is you then.

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Trebizond was controlled by Greeks. What is your point?

it took one continent to stop us, SEETHE!



Word "Turk" was a synonym for a subhuman in ottoshit empire. Just a reminder.

You always love to puff up your opponents just to make yourself seem like the underdog in the fights. As I said on the previous post, you were the ones that outnumbered "one continent" yet you STILL lost lmao. Imagine if you actually fought against all of Europe, you'd be running back to Central Asia

>Larry Uteck
He was a German politician actually.

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You lost me.

ah yes, one empire is much more populous than the whole continent. keep believing history written by catholic church to cope with the fact that we ruled over e*rocucks more than 500 years. i don't even wanna talk to you because you do not want the facts, you just want to cope. There are official population records on the net, you can compare france's or england's population to ottomans if you actually want to learn the facts one day.

You're quite dumb aren't you? Do you actually believe you fought a whole continent? I don't understand why you're saying that I'm coping. I'm coping about what? That you ruled over Greece for 500 years? How can I cope for something that happened? I'm just pointing out that the ottoman empire isn't as great as you think it is, that's all

Both France and England were your allies you fucktard

but you got btfo once you entered actual europe. the balkans are just a whorehouse for various empires since the beginning of history

Basically it's this guy. He moved into Canada for a while now.

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>Roman Empire Successor
>No Rome
>No Roman descendants
>Speaks a non IE language
>Practices a religion not from Roman territory

Ottoman Empire WAS great. It spanned three continents, its lands weren't just barren desert or steppe or backwater African shitholes but actually some of the cradles of human civilization and most important places in the world. It was a military superpower for a long time, revolutionized warfare, and routinely took a steaming pile of shit on continentally sized coalitions. The only reason you think it's "shit" is because you're cherrypicking the endstage of its lifespan and conveniently ignoring the other 5 centuries.

How many empires can say they lasted from the middle ages to the modern day? None.

Ottomans were in Europe since the early 14th century. BTFO by whom? Ottomans armies made it up to Vienna, do you realize how impressive that is? There's literally memorials in Hungary to Ottoman commanders who fell there

Attached: Abdurrahman_Abdi_Pasha_Memorial_Buda_Castle[1].jpg (2560x1712, 1.43M)


Attached: thatsalotof1v1.png (312x699, 36K)

>What is the Crimean War

The most important area of the empire was Anatolia pretty much. Yeah of course it was a superpower but much of its strength was their armies sheer numbers rather than strategic planning. How did they revolutionize warfare exactly? Also the ottoman empire lasted from the late middle ages to the early modern era but now I'm indeed cherry picking

Hahaha predictable as usual. Wow you sure showed me damn

I like how you conveniently cropped out numbers like a recieving roach you are.


Yeah you would want see those numbers written a crusader cardinal don't you, that would heal the pain of humiliation. Too bad it can not change the outcome of the war :(

Anatolia wasn't even that important, it was depopulated as fuck by the time the 19th and 20th centuries rolled around. The Ottoman Empire in the 19th century had like 7 million people while France, Russia, and others were pushing 15-20m. Every empire falls one day, the Ottomans rose in 1299, fucking TWELVE NINETY NINE and lasted until 1923. Sick man theory is debunked bullshit, the Ottomans were still putting up a fight at the very end of WW1 against all odds

As for army sizes, the Ottoman army was large but not enormous. Their troops were better, their tactics were more advanced, and their equipment was far ahead of its time, especially in the gunpowder era. Muh zerg rush is just cope by balkanshits and irrelevant middle eastern shitholes like armenoids and company to cope with being conquered for half a millenium

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It's a crusade, you idiot. That means most of the participants were volunteers.

Cringe as fuck cope harder.

Vienna is where actual europe starts

That's shifting the goal posts, but I'll allow it to slide because I actually agree with you. The Balkans is an extension of Asia minor and certainly not European in anyway besides the arbitrary geographical boundary of Europe.

Nû alrêst lebe ich mir werde,
sît mîn sündic ouge siht
daz here lant und ouch die erde,
der man sô vil êren giht.
ez ist geschehen, des ich ie bat,
ich bin komen an die stat,
dâ got menischlîchen trat.

Schoeniu lant, rîch unde hêre,
swaz ich der noch hân gesehen,
sô bist dûz ir aller êre.
waz ist wunders hie geschehen!
daz ein magt ein kint gebar,
hêre über aller engel schar,
was daz niht ein wunder gar?

Hie liez er sich reine toufen,
daz der mensche reine sî.
dô liez er sich hie verkoufen,
daz wir eigen wurden frî.
anders waeren wir verlorn.
wol dir, sper, kriuz unde dorn!
wê dir, heiden! daz ist dir zorn!

Do er den tiefel dô geschande
daz nie keiser baz gestreit,
dô vuor er her wider ze lande.
dô huob sich der juden leit:
daz er, hêrre, ir huote brach
und daz man in sît lebendig sach,
den ir hant sluog unde stach.

In diz lant hât er gesprochen
einen angeslîchen tac,
dâ diu witwe wirt gerochen
und der weise klagen mac
und der arme den gewalt,
der dâ wirt mit ime gestalt.
wol im dort, der hie vergalt!

Kristen, juden und die heiden
jehent, daz diz ir erbe sî.
got müez ez ze rehte scheiden
durch die sîne namen drî.
al diu welt, diu strîtet her:
wir sîn an der rehten ger.
reht ist, daz er uns gewer.

>These numbers disagree with my shitty theory, so they are fake >:|

Are you retarded? Most of the crusades were literal leaderless clusterfucks that barely amounted to anything because of the lack of a central authority to follow.
>cope harder
Nothing to cope about, my country regularly btfo'd the turk roaches in practically every war

If Anatolia wasn't the most important region of the empire then which was it? Also I never said the army was enormous, I said that on most battles it outnumbered its enemies

Yes leaderless clusterfucks l

what do you mean shifting the goalpost? The ottoman conquest was decently impressive but they were never a threat to Europe

Leaderless clusterfucks like armies led by Hunyadi, Skanderbeg, Stephen the Great, etc. Stop this pathetic cope you retard it's cringy.

>my country
When did the US fight the O.E.?