Do people in your country shit in public in big cities?
Germany: no
USA: yes
What's the cause of this? I thought Americans do only shart in the mart?! Seems to be really bad... Is it even safe to visit San Francisco without stepping into human poo on the streets?
Do people in your country shit in public in big cities?
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Public restrooms are communism.
isn't San Francisco full of faggots and HIV capital? they are pretty degenerate, no wonder they shit in the streets as well
Yes but also they don't have public bsthrooms.
Literally nobody I've talked to outside of California has ever anything nice to say about California.
In case someone doesn't believe...
You don't talk to anybody outside of your bedroom.
Why is it so popular amongst tourists when americans themselves seem to despise it?
the weather seems nice
The state's success speaks for itself.
Most Americans want to move to California. It's basically only Jow Forumstards who hate the state.
In case you’re wondering why Streem deification is so high in San Franscico is because public bathrooms are nearly unheard of. Restaurants force you to buy food before you can use their bathroom and people won’t let you use their toilet at home
This is so incredibly false. As expected of Australian shitposters.
Shart in the BART
Americans on Jow Forums are mostly isolated suburban high schoolers who have very few real world experiences and fill the gaps with partisan propaganda courtesy of nu-Jow Forums.
Also it's mostly from from homeless.
This too, San Fransisco has an ungodly number of homeless people
Public restrooms are socialist bullshit anyways.
so it's cheaper to employ a so called "poop patrol" () than installing public restrooms and improving the city?
It is a fantastic place to visit, but not to live in. Some of the natural scenery is incredible, and there are some nice smaller towns along the coast. But as a longtime resident, I deal with a very high cost of living, abysmal traffic, and pretty poor services despite high taxes. The plague of homeless set in over the past decade and made things worse.
Developing land is a nightmare in SF thanks to capitalism.
sounds like a 3rd world shithole to me 2bh
San Fransico has a lot of used up space, and they’d need to either to cut down the size of a park (which is a no) or they’d have to seize someone’s private property in order to make a public restroom.
Google property prices in San Fran.
Memes aside. San Francisco is tacking this problem just slowly.
They built for now 25 public toilets and they are actually totally free unlike toilets in Europe. They still need to build more
Here is the source
>Cali is successful
Only if you're a tech bro or a movie star
It's not bad to visit, but living there is another story. Extremely high cost of living that's literally causing the middle class to leave en masse, awful traffic, illegal immigration flooding the southern part of the state.
There were some reasonably nice public restrooms installed around downtown a few years ago. They only stayed nice for a brief time, before being turned into 20 minute hotels for the dregs of humanity. Despite being a bunch of ostensibly liberal fucks, the residents of SF hate spending more money on anything that could be potentially used/ruined by homeless.
San Francisco unironically has one the cleanest and best public toilets in the world. Plus you don't need to pay any bullshit fees. Too bad they are not everywhere
That's the norm for liberals here in Seattle as well. They love the homeless unless they are within a mile of their property because muh house values.
>unlike toilets in Europe
this varies from place to place and often it's not even a mandatory pay... however, when you have to pay, you can be sure that it's clean and maintained
This. I think they are too comfy and big, they should make them more portable if they don't want homeless to live in them. Maybe try the Belgian toilets
I'm surprised the don't have a human hunting problem by now. Edgelords pulling a Beltway Sniper on all the bums and tweakers, or setting fire to the warehouse communes where all the art majors live for shits and giggles.
Success breeds jealousy, and this is by no means a US phenomenon. What cities rule your country with highest HDI, financial sectors, etc? Bet everyone of the crooked tooth 60 IQ tards outside them talk about how much they hate them (while collecting welfare they paid for)
Didn't find a single free public toilet in my western Europan trip desu
inb4 the homeless start living in them
lol wtf I heard of SF street shit problem but I thought it was just a joke
which placed did you visit? did you even visit or are you talking out of your ass? name a few cities, sights and other places
>Success breeds jealousy
Just ask where these cali-bashers where they're from and they say shit like Iowa. I sometimes forget it's even a state.
has nobody else noticed that the markers draw an image of sonic in the upper right part?
Holy shit
you forgot this "and related industries" which pretty much encompasses everything cultural/industrial
Doesn't take away from the fact that Cali has a de facto caste system that belies their uppity claims to being progressive and superior.
Its always like this. These guys live in some weird place where sounding progressive and allowing homeless to run rampant through the city is accepted between. Let them build something for homeless people and watch them step away. Homeless people are fine and should be accepted just as long as they dont live anywhere near me lol
Yes, user. I'm so jealous that I cant pay $3000 a month to live in a closet and spend four hours a day in traffic.
That makes one of us, then
Bremen, hamburg, hanover, amesterdam, vienna, Prague, Venice, Milan, Munich. Here is Milan
>homeless nutjobs shit outside
Wow color me amazed.
Also, according to the world bank we are the same as you.
>that McDonald's
LMAO. Based American corporate empire
>isn't San Francisco full of faggots and HIV capital? they are pretty degenerate, no wonder they shit in the streets as well
Sort of and people have sex and BDSM in public ass well. However, the wealthy and tech people are forcing out all the degenerates. So some of the degenerates instead of moving are homeless and act like animals.
I just bought a 3bedroom/2bath/2cargarage house for $310k that's 3 min from a university and 5 min from the beach. California is a HUGE state but flyoverfags like you cant grasp any concept past a town of 5000 people.
>I just bought a burnt out crack den for $300k aren't I cool?
Apparently it's actually fairly cool and has fog.
>Temperatures reach or exceed 80 °F (27 °C) on an average of only 21 and 23 days a year at downtown and San Francisco International Airport (SFO), respectively.[96] The dry period of May to October is mild to warm, with the normal monthly mean temperature peaking in September at 62.7 °F (17.1 °C).[96] The rainy period of November to April is slightly cooler, with the normal monthly mean temperature reaching its lowest in January at 51.3 °F (10.7 °C).[96] On average, there are 73 rainy days a year, and annual precipitation averages 23.65 inches (601 mm).[96] Variation in precipitation from year to year is high. Above average rain years are often associated with warm El Niño conditions in the Pacific while dry years often occur in cold water La Niña periods. In 2013 (a "La Niña" year), a record low 5.59 in (142 mm) of rainfall was recorded at downtown San Francisco, where records have been kept since 1849.[96] Snowfall in the city is very rare, with only 10 measurable accumulations recorded since 1852, most recently in 1976 when up to 5 inches (130 mm) fell on Twin Peaks.[97][98]
The vast majority of Americans don't give a shit. Even the heartlanders who supposedly resent California don't care that much to despise it and happily eat up Hollywood's slop at the kinoplex anyway. It's a rivalry blown way out of proportion by ideologues who make out California to be a lightning rod for every conservative frustration. Some of it is true and some of the sentiments are warranted, but the idea that it's coasties versus rednecks down to the bone is a borderline lie. Also most of the personalities perpetuating this stereotype are self-loathing Californians like Ben Shapiro.
I have no desire. NYC is expensive and degenerate enough and we dont have real earthquakes, forest fires, LA type of urban sprawl, drought, a sinking water table, don't have to drink out own pee, exploding dams, etc.
lol you really have no idea. it's essentially a brand new house built 2001 with all the new materials like composite wood decking wrapping the house. Flyover fag tears. I could have even bought a mansion in the woods for half the price, but people dont like living like they're in a flyover state.
Christ even NYC has public restrooms in the parks, malls and a lot of places if they arent crowded let you use the bathroom. Also, I never understood people who shit away from home.
Major cities should ship them too depopulated ones like Detroit.
The sierras are fucking beautiful
This was my experience in your country. I only used a pay one in a train station. It had an attendant which I'm not a fan of but I only had to piss.
that's actually the problem. red states defunded their mental health facilities (and actually Ronald Regan eliminated asylums almost completely) and just ship their homeless to the next town over until they are shipped to a blue city. Nevada is currently being sued by california for this. Emptied their jails of mental cases and sent them to san fran and LA
SF was unironically better when it was known for its gay/art scene rather than tech. Tech workers ruin fucking everything.
He probably lives in a cheaper town like Eureka
It's not really Reagan it was actually the democratic Presidents in the 60s with the Community Mental Health Act, Medicaid (With the passage of Medicaid, states are incentivized to move patients out of state mental hospitals and into nursing homes and general hospitals because the program excludes coverage for people in “institutions for mental diseases.”), California passing Lanterman-Petris-Short Act. Regeam was just the final nail.
From what i remember Jimmy Carter passed new legislation for funding asylums but Regan put the kaibosh on it.
>California passing Lanterman-Petris-Short Act
Ronald Regan signed this into law
Why don't Americans poo in the loo?
>poop patrol
you have to buy a loo for 1kk at least because every unskilled stoner wants to live in the city center and study journalistics in ucla
The only thing about brazillians that i can't complain is their individual hygiene.