This girl says she'd like me more if i was white instead of italian

this girl says she'd like me more if i was white instead of italian.

Why do white women go for arabs but apparently i'm not dark enough?

Attached: brighid.jpg (960x955, 72K)

Fatty girl

I don’t know a single woman that likes arabs.

You are not Italian Sanchez

1.your not italian
2.nobody cares about the fatty zoomerette girl your crushing on

you're not italian, mutt

rape her

t. moorish muslim mutt with no actual italian genetics whatsoever

she's in florida and i'm in new york. She's also younger than me.

Attached: dna test.jpg (863x484, 41K)

more italian than you mohammad

i went to hs with this polish girl (from lowicz) and recently found out she married an arab.


>35% is Italian
>implying that's not entirely Sicilian

Try again mutt

Attached: results.jpg (1080x1431, 194K)

I can't tell if this chick is fat or not

>spanturd and moortuguese

i look like a brown eyed anglo.

Attached: north italiann.jpg (731x950, 104K)

dont call yourself italian ever again

what is the point of this thread?

>i look like a brown eyed anglo
so a mutt

>italian last name
>not italian


Attached: basedmussolini.jpg (850x400, 81K)

That guy doesn't even look N.Italian
t. real N.Italian

pol tells me that white women prefer blacks, arabs, spics, and other dark skinned subhumans but i've never had a gf so obviously this is not true.

austrian rape babies aren't italians

ma parli italiano? sei mai stato in italia?
Allora non sei italiano dio bestia

More like Austrians are Venetian BVLLS rapebabies

è un'incel col cognome italiano molto frustrato

Never seen a white lady with an Arab but Italians have a good chance.
It's most likely that you just are missing some features which are mainly inherent with white European blood. Or she could just either not be into Italians or not be into you in particular

>but Italians have a good chance
there's not a single thing italy is good at doing. It's a joke meme country. Never should have united. Sicilians don't feel to be the same race as lombards.

True, but they definitely aren't known for being ugly. Black and Asian dudes typically have a really hard time (at least for where I live) and are generally much more ugly/undesirable.

Really, just have as long as you have confidence and don't look too bad, you'll be fine. Sure you'll get rejected. Maybe you'll get rejected alot.. but that doesn't mean you can't still get laid or get a gf.

and not even italian women like me because they're dark as fuck already so they want pale, effeminate skin instead.

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