Why don't they like me

Just to clarify I hate america, I hate trump, i hate hollywood, I hate spain, I hate portugal, I hate brazil, I hate colombians, I hate argentines and most of all I hate americans. I wish nothing but misery and despair on all of them.

I love the aztecs, I love the incas, I love Tenochtitlan, I love zepata and i love mexico (pronounced meh-ico)

And yet all I face from them is hostility and anger. Why is this?

Attached: Mexico.png (1000x572, 98K)

why so much hate against those other countries?
that's no good

they ruined mexico

You love cocky


no, they didn't
you're being hateful for no reason :/

Pretty cringe post there, Bruce.

>I hats portugal, I hats brazil
Why? Super fine cunts

No one hates Australia, maybe some complexed norteño but besides that we love Australia since we see you as cool americans :)))

most mexicans are mongrels, there is very few "aztecs" alive today