Why don't they like me

Just to clarify I hate america, I hate trump, i hate hollywood, I hate spain, I hate portugal, I hate brazil, I hate colombians, I hate argentines and most of all I hate americans. I wish nothing but misery and despair on all of them.

I love the aztecs, I love the incas, I love Tenochtitlan, I love zepata and i love mexico (pronounced meh-ico)

And yet all I face from them is hostility and anger. Why is this?

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why so much hate against those other countries?
that's no good

they ruined mexico

You love cocky


no, they didn't
you're being hateful for no reason :/

Pretty cringe post there, Bruce.

>I hats portugal, I hats brazil
Why? Super fine cunts

No one hates Australia, maybe some complexed norteƱo but besides that we love Australia since we see you as cool americans :)))

most mexicans are mongrels, there is very few "aztecs" alive today

Imagine actually seeking validation from fucking Mexico.

Why don't you migrate there instead?

this lmoa

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yes they did
america, trump, hollywood, spain, portugal, brazil, colombia, argentina and america all played a hand in ruining mexico

i love you fren but stop being paedophile

no, who told you that? that's not true
we're still here even with all the shit that has happened here
i think hating those countries for the past is wrong cause that's from the past, not nowadays
i like you my aussie friend, but stop hating, it's not good

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most mexicans have spaniard blood, if you hate spaniards you should hate them too

meximongrels deserve nothing but hate

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It's ok I hate spain too


No one on earth hates Australians


You must be one of those native orcs that I heard about.

kek it probably is an abbo

Based nordestino
If a Portugal would lay claim to Mexico it would be a nicer place today.

I think so aswell. All humans like to project, for Europeans is Rome for abbos must be the aztecs. Which I despise but I do like the Maias

>played a hand in ruining mexico

what? how? very rude user
what hurt you?
its OK Portugal doesn't hate you.

Buen intento Cuauh buen proxy

Mexico is cute! Cute!!

You sound like an obnoxious white person