Congratulation on the 74th anniversary of the Victory

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Can I get a russian qt3.14 gf?

>army led by totalitarian genocidal regime puts down another army led by a totalitarian genocidal regime

> they fought for wealth
They really didn't

>first post in thread is Butthurt Belt butthurt

>W-we were there, too!

Attached: berlin polish flag.jpg (800x518, 76K)

Who are 'you'
Better at what, being proud of existing as a nation? You know that's a gift that Russian heroes like Solzhenytsin gave your undeserving parents

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We are winners, right.

cкoкa тaм зoлoтых cлиткoв ocтaлocь в хpaнилищaх иcтoнии?

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Thanks russia for smashing g*Rmans

Is it not true that there was no country called Estonia prior to 1918?

Never heard of any Estonian doing anything worthwhile. Nobody ever has. Come on. USSR was a welfare state, and you guys were the recepients

Same thing now. You should really do something so that history remembers your nation in a thousand years.

>USSR was a welfare state, and you guys were the recepients

Russians really believe this kind of bullshit.

WWII ended in 2 September 1945.

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It doesn't feel like a victory

Russians are superior to other slavs, including you.

And now you all proudly wear adidas, a german company.

Because you didn't anything worthwhile.

There's economic statistics for that
No need for faith

I'm not denying Soviet crimes against Eesti people either. Only benefits of Soviet rule also existed, and more crimes were committed against Russians, and fewer benefits received.

The sheer size of your country makes it impossible for any other slavic country to beat it simply because of population differences. There's nothing special about you.

For a victorious nation you suffer more from your victory than potential defeat to be honest. To this day.

danke fuer adidas. du auch kaufst russische Lebensmittel in deinen Lebensmittelgeschaefte

Wait, is it? That's pretty cool. I didn't know that. Thanks for making stuff for us to clothe our poor

Baseless and retarded opinion.


Eesti genocide wasn't mistake, though.
Because we are the smartest, powerful and so on, subhuman pschek.

>you all proudly wear adidas
>Made in

Attached: 135654674617.jpg (736x736, 97K)

> your incomparable
> there's nothing special
That's doublethink

You know there must be something

See Sad to see a likely German spout some materialist BS. That wasn't your culture, once upon a time

Doesn't mean we can't grow that food ourselves. Adidas is unique and german. It doesn't matter wether the cow was killed in russia or germany for most people.
Adidas is short for Adi and Das to be precice. The maker of Adidas was Adolf Dassler. Adi is short for Adolf and he took the Das of Dassler. Making Adidas out of it. You're all wearing clothes made by a german with the name Adolf.
Also those clothes were literally luxury goods in your country for quite a long time.

Attached: adolf1.jpg (901x768, 102K)

I mean no nation celebrates the end of war in witch millions of people died with a party !

I mean if somebody raped you for 4 years you would not trow a party the day the rapist left .
You would be relieved but not celebrating ...

I will congratulate you as a sign of courtesy.

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Guy who holds the flag probably isn't even slav or russian.


We mass produce in those countries. But the initial product is designed and made in germany. They are just outsourcing their factories somewhere else for the dirty work.


Why would that matter?
> the one who was attaching the flag was 18-year-old Private Kovalev from Kiev, the two others were Abdulkhakim Ismailov from Dagestan and Leonid Gorychev (also mentioned as Aleksei Goryachev) from Minsk.[14][15][16] The photograph was taken with a Leica III rangefinder camera with a 35mm f3.5 lens.[17]

Well that's understandable that there are other things worth fighting for. But not if you lack the wealth to buy a loaf of bread and in turn have to starve. I guess I would at least fight for just enough wealth to survive besides all the other things that are important to fight for.

>But the initial product is designed and made in germany
implying some... vietnameese ask you what the design was..

Based Russia

Attached: rus.jpg (1200x744, 292K)

>27,000,000 Soviet people died
>Ivan on next day

It just seems odd, that's all

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Well they surely get some designs handed to them so they know what they have to sew together in their little 18 hours sweatshops.

>celebrating victory at enormous cost is odd
Don't be such a sore loser. All the allies were celebrating, it's only natural.
>other things worth fighting for
Like literally not wanting to be exterminated by bloodthirsty psychopaths, seems like a good reason.

But to be honest I think people are vastly exaggerating soviet occupation. There are even a lot of germans today that would like old eastern germany back and german culture in general is thriving more in eastern germany than it is in the west.

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We wouldn't have exterminated them. We fought bolshevism, not slavs in general.

It's the opposite of odd.

>denial and revisionism
You need to go back to school

>sore loser
Vichy France !!!!
Latvia did not participate in WW2

>. We fought bolshevism
Do Germans really believe this? You were fighting for land and only land.

>He дoлжнo cyщecтвoвaть пoльcких хoзяeв, тaм, гдe oни бyдyт, кaк бы жecтoкo этo ни звyчaлo, их cлeдyeт yничтoжaть…Дoлжны быть yничтoжeны вce пpeдcтaвитeли пoльcкoй интeллигeнции — этo звyчит жecтoкo, нo тaкoв жизнeнный зaкoн… Cвящeнники бyдyт oплaчивaтьcя нaми и зa этo cтaнyт пpoпoвeдoвaть тo, чтo мы зaхoтим. Ecли нaйдeтcя cвящeнник, кoтopый бyдeт дeйcтвoвaть инaчe, paзгoвop c ним бyдeт кopoткий. Зaдaчa cвящeнникa зaключaeтcя в тoм, чтoбы дepжaть пoлякoв cпoкoйными, глyпыми и тyпoyмными. Этo — пoлнocтью в нaших интepecaх…Пocлeдний нeмeцкий paбoчий и пocлeдний нeмeцкий кpecтьянин дoлжeн вceгдa cтoять в экoнoмичecкoм oтнoшeнии вышe любoгo пoлякa


>more crimes were committed against Russians, and fewer benefits received.

Well, yes of course. There's like 100 times more Russians than Estonians, so in total numbers more Russian were target of Soviet atrocities, and pool of Soviet benefits was limited and needed to be shared among much more people so the average Russian wouldn't receive that much benefits.

And against bolshevism exactly.
>denial and revisionism
Neither denial nor revisionism. The main fear of our government back in the day was rampart bolshevism and that it eventually takes over in germany instead of nationalsocialism.

>And this medal I got for shooting Polish officers in the back
>and this medal i got for raping 20 German girls in one day
>and this medal i got for deporting people from Baltics to Siberia
>and this medal i got in flea market

Is this what victory looks like?

Attached: Liberator.of.virgins.jpg (620x414, 88K)

It was against slavs in general.

You forgot all those starved russians before, during and after the war.

No it wasn't even Hitler himself said something along the lines to govern all these places with a handful of troops.

Speech of Heinrich Luitpold Himmler in 4 october 1943.
Translation of document 1919-PS: Speech of the Reichsfuehrer-SS at the meeting of SS Major-Generals at Posen October 4th, 1943 // Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Office of the United States Chief of Counsel For Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Vol. IV. Washington: US Government Printing Office, 1946. P. 559.

Martin Bormann

and so on.

Russia says it was ''excessive dieting '' that Ukrainians for example liked or wanted or did them selfs or never happened

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Bay, нихyя ты живoтнoe.

Himmler was just holding a speech just like any other politician. Also he didn't mention genocide in that sense. Rather that he wouldn't care how many russians he had to kill to win the war.

They say one but do other shit.

and you are still barbaric subhumans.

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Beats your grampa's trip to Magadan he won for doing his part in murdering Jews.

I mean we disagree about historical facts and you deny genocide/ethnic cleansing but you know what.....
It is you who calls me an animal for disagreeing with you

Hm, dunno about that you're the one that is so proud of all the rapes and attacks on civilians that occurred while all others, even us former nazis, try to distance themselves from such acts. Really makes one think.

Attached: Averagegermanmorning.jpg (1098x813, 308K)

Holy based.
F*scistoid incels still haven't recovered and never will.

>you are still barbaric subhumans.
May I remind you what you did to the ukrainians in the 30's and all those who dared to oppose your dictatorship?

Just look at these Nazis who obviously murdered like 10000 jews and partisans
Note the same style of train car used to transport animals also used in Holocaust

I proud your ancestors died and would be cool if your families die again :D

>so in total numbers
We're talking per capita here, even in Estonia citizens of Russian descent (mainly white immigrants and old believers) were the most prosecuted. iirc something like 50k of Estonians were executed/sent to siberia, but in reality 1/3 of those were Russians, despite consisting only 8% of Estonian population.

>Soviet benefits was limited and needed to be shared among much more people so the average Russian wouldn't receive that much benefits.

Sure, but Estonians did recieve more than everyone else.

Estonia's biggest achievment as a nation is being slaughtered by soviets, so they can't shut the fuck up about it, but with a closer look it turns out they aren't even that good at being victims.

Attached: deportations-11.jpg (400x329, 43K)

Cool picture =)

See? Just like I said and you're calling me an animal?

Did I?

Literally seething lmao

Yea or "barbaric subhumans" in that sense.

Wait, are you denying that?

Denying what? That I'm a subhuman? Well we certainly created more for the world and are much better off than russia.

>deport the entire population of Crimean Tatars to Kazakhstan as punishment for collaborating with the Germans
>Khrushchev writes to Stalin proposing attaching Crimea to Ukraine and resettling it with Ukrainians
>Stalin rejects that idea
>10 years later
>Now that he's dead, here you go, Ukraine
And all was fucked forever and ever after. The end. :^)

how can germans even compete?



you're entering a cringy territory, my man

kraut tears are cute

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My body hurts because of all this cringe

>didnt do nuffn
Typical Lett

i know

So were those 2.5 million Poles and 27 million Soviet citizens of varying ethnicity (who just all happened to be Slavic) all agents of bolshevism?


Я дyмaю чтo я видeл дoкyмeнтaльный фильм oб этoм


he mean end of war in europe dumb

Making the world a worse place, nice job Russians

fascists are chads, retard. leftie women get WET for fascists

No worries. Get blacked please.

thanks russiafrens

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