1. Your country and you

1. Your country and you
2. Is taking down the school shooter and being the hero a common daydream for kids in your country?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-08_18-21-28.png (634x912, 199K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Wtf one of the shooter was a tranny?

Attached: 1484891781477.jpg (920x380, 69K)

>aspiring marine

Attached: B7718798-CD43-407C-941B-9CCF6BD95F96.jpg (750x422, 62K)

Your country
Do chink immigrants shit talk your country all day on a Brazilian monkey soup making imageboard


1. America
2. That was a common daydream for me in high school ten-fifteen years ago. Dunno if zoomers think about it, though.

>take testosterone to become man
>No one takes you seriously because you are still 5'2"
>Lose it and go on a shooting spree

is that the tranny shooter?

lawyeress looks kind of cute, post more of her please

all school shooters were incel manlets including brendon torrent

>Kendrick Castillo
Who would've known chicanos are the saviors of western civilization in the USA. Whiteys can't be trusted when they shoot up schools for every little shit

Attached: shooters.png (720x630, 450K)

>a juvenile female who was in the process of transitioning

He was a big guy.

Attached: kendrick-castillo-13246924-7006221-image-a-9_1557324611115.jpg (634x951, 89K)

No, but being the shooter probably is

Western Civilization is so cancerous.

If something bad happens in America Americans always talk about western civilization instead of the USA.

WTF he looks like a fatter version of a friend.

>aspiring marine stops anti-Trump activist and his tranny accomplice from shooting up school



Attached: 4.jpg (400x268, 20K)

Why do leftists get triggered by heroes?

Attached: american hero.png (974x652, 682K)

According to Ben Shapiro you should never discuss a mass shooting because it rewards the shooter. I think we should take his advice.

Where's the anti-immigrant manifesto?

Where are the pro-Trump bumper stickers?

Where's the anti-semitic screed?


Attached: OH NO NO NO NO NO.png (826x1634, 801K)

*you should never reveal the shooter's name

>Your country and you
>Is taking down the school shooter and being the hero a common daydream for kids in your country?
Not really, I either dreamt of saving people from the burning building or a terrorist group, not a single weak bitch boy.

Who gives a fuck about that cringy kike

my daydream is being the school shooter

>appeared in les misérables

I blame British theatre for this tragedy, it's like the Cats killer all over again.

>first the Jow Forums shooter failed to get Jews
>Now the tranny does the same thing
Why are zoomers so bad at this?

>Brendan Bialy

The Chad marine who kicked his ass WAS a Jew

Attached: pjimage-2019-05-07t202607.869.jpg (780x450, 36K)

>jew and spic

Attached: christmas present.webm (405x720, 908K)

Is America even real?

An aspiring marine Jew and a chubby Mexican just stopped a guy who hates the reality TV star president and his transgendered accomplice from shooting up a school.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 77K)

absolutely based and a good way to die

*casts a spell on you*

Attached: based.png (734x944, 566K)

this is what Washington dreamed of

Lmao imagine having to think the posibility of a kid shooting your class

>juvenile female


It would be problematic to misgender the tranny mass shooter.

1. USA
2. No

this planet is flying into the void at full speed, with an american at the rudder


SO basically, a tranny and a white guy started shooting up a school, hero spic saves people. Sounds about right

Attached: 1402022809323.jpg (430x684, 220K)

We need an american version of that image.

PoC and honory PoC (Jews) are the truest Americans.

t. Joe Gomez

Attached: joe gomez.png (547x626, 18K)

The shooter was ftm

>transperson commits act of violence
>is ftm
Wow it's almost like men are responsible for almost all crime or something. ftm transitioning should be illegal.

he's so cute

Attached: akane.jpg (491x276, 38K)

t. Tyrone

Attached: 1525624829-525.png (857x1128, 703K)

I know right? Watching the Usa live is like watching a Beckett s theatre of absurd

>imagine the void and very real identity crisis

It's not normal Americans causing these shootings, usually you have to be fucked up. So obviously some retard tranny would shoot up a place, all those testosterones going to her head and shit

Attached: american flag.jpg (640x640, 116K)

>les misérables
>British theatre
I know Canada is bilingual, but can you really not tell the difference between French and English?


>tfw used to fantasize about being a school-shooter and publicly raping all the popular girls in the auditorium

Fuck, I'm glad I'm not a teenager anymore.

America South
No, the biggest dream here is to be a victim while blaming others for whatever happens to you.

That perfectly describes what Jow Forums is. It's like if Jow Forums became a TV series and this was an episode where the Jow Forums mutt sacrifices himself to defend the site from discord trannies

Remember when AHS did a whole season on Jow Forums?

>not just stopping time and then having sex with all the popular girls


2. It's rather a being a school shooter.

>implying I didn't have this fantasy too

>trusting that disingenuous ogre

you guys may be me

It's a British musical based on a French novel.

evan peters isn't going to be in the next season ;_;

It was the only season where Evan Peters didn't show his bare butt.


GODDAMN you know he gon get those cheeks busted by Tyrone