Viet diaspora here. Can you tell me more about wizardry in vietnam? I haven't heard much about this. Is it common?
Are wizards a common problem in your country?
wen ther sumthin wyrd nd t don look good, give all of your money to a renegade wizard
yes but they aren't a problem.
Its hard to explain since its different all over, maybe shaman is a better word in english
does their "black magic" work though?
Can they teach you spells to get a gf?
Peaked my interest
Can you fuck these wizards to obtain their wizard powers?
Black magic only works if you believe it.
The wizard is playing with your emotions, it is somekind of wicked curse.
I will teach you the way to cure the magic, but you have to believe me.
You should do simple short time meditate with your breath. (3 seconds to 5 minutes per meditation).
Close your eyes, spine straight Aware of your breath, in and out, in and out. Do some fun homework like counting how many breath do you have per 5 minutes.
Remember, dont push too much, dont block your thoughts and emotion, left it be, and do this at least 1 time per day.
Also in combination you can try to meditate with sound, be aware of the sound.
Try this
Keep doing this for a month, this is the antidote for his matic.
I am tunisian and I made shitton of money from buying and selling abondoned """haunted""" houses. People who believe in the supernatural are really dumb
thanks user, i actually believe in supernatural and even have experience with. the meditation tips are similar to the ones my therapist gave me, i didn't master the breathing technique yet lol. oh, also, the video is really relaxing, feel free to post more.