Do Americans really?

Do Americans really?

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how else is one supposed to the cashier when one's groceries end?

in american marts (american term for grocery store) your items then continue to slide into a SINGLE LANE where everything is mashed together with everyone elses items

Why are most normal things considered a fucking whitey thing lmao what's wrong with this?

Ask some Tyrone LaHendrik.

i use that stick and i'm not white
that's bullshit + it's racist

Lol this is Publix, I used to cut those fruit bowls all day

yeah, as far as i'm aware, everybody uses that stick thing

No one calls it a mart
Supermarket, grocery store, or just store

Black people here consider everything that is standard to be white exclusive culture and anybody who participates in it being white or trying to be white.

lmao whitey be liek ‘exuse me sir this my food this yours’ lmaooooooooo no

In America it's common courtesy that white customers pay for some of the wares that a non-white customer brought to the cashier. Putting a segregator there is comparable to not tipping. It's also cheaper in the long run, because when you segregate a POCs wares from yours, this exclusion can cause PTSD and you can be sued for this.

the murrts

>not going to self checkout
The future is now old man

>extrapolating what one literally who did to an entire race
This is why they make fun of us, user

>Not being a dick to cashier is now white thing

It's "racist" humor
Like Asians posting a picture of water with the word spicy and white people replying with a picture of a cat with the word dinner

yeah it's socially acceptable racist humor

If the person in front of me doesn't put a bar on the belt, I also don't do it. Once someone bought my juice and I went back to get another one. Usually though, people will stop the cashier instantly or after one or a few items. Rate.

shut the fuck up I grew up in chicago, I'm not basing my opinion on some tweet. it even happens in the media, if a black athletic talks like a normal person he is ostracized by the black community and called cornball

You put the bar before your items not after, are you retarded?

why wouldn't you use the divider? I'm an autist so I use self-checkout but still it just saves time for the cashier

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I grew up and currently live in the bronx
I work with black people, I live around black people
Never in my life have I heard an insult towards an athlete that wasn't just an attempt to shittalk them because said athlete was on a team that the shittalker didn't like.
I don't base my opinions on what some article extrapolates from some literally who on twitter with a black profile picture says.

I grew up in somalia and current live in the central african republic
I have been exposed to way more niggerdry than both of you
dont fuck with me

You put them on both if the person in front of you doesn't put one at the back of his stuff

You only need in front, putting them at both sides is retard-tier but not expecting much from your flag

>work and live around them
Yeah you and the vast majority of people in this country retard.

You're retarded because you can't understand we're talking about american blacks

In the civilised world, people might put one in the back if another person comes to that register.

Shut the fuck up larping Jow Forumsscum.

I grew up in Wakanda

we do that too

>buying bagels

Another false flag conjured up by a fucking jew.

>the vast majority of the us has
But also forgetting
>black people are 14%
>mostly located in urban areas
How does that make sense?
There are plenty of homogeneous areas in the us

Don't you? What the hell is wrong w you then, you're a churka, don't you?

most people in the country are located in urban areas

most areas have blacks, even in the homogeneous areas, because it is much easier for them to get jobs because of race quotas

Hahaa white people also take showers and use a trash can to store their trash instead of using the floor so huwaito

This is not a normal thing in the rest of the world?

Every market sells fruit bowls.

I referred in the OP to niggers chimping at the use of the conveyor stick, brainlets.

Well I'm going to enjoy the complete collapse of civilization

europeans call some stores hypermarkets wtf is that haha

Can't you just put your items neatly and leave a gap like normal countries?

Based autist, in america I like using it too because I dislike the little performance with fake smiles and small talk you need to do at the cashier. In Eastern Europe we just give each other the standard depressing gaze, much more comfortable.

yes good boy do their job for them

It is saying that there is no segretation, not that rising one is segregation. I love autism

>Fake smiles and small talk
It becomes more and more common in Moscow (except for lowest tier supermarkets)

I don't think I've ever in my life gone to a store and not used that stick both for the customer before and after me. Unless I'm buying like one bottle of water or something.
Why are non-whites unable to live in a society?

According to one study, "The Social Origins of Social Structure" by Charles Duhigg, there is no clear answer – "it may be that whites are simply different, that they have some traits and characteristics that are passed on without their having to grow up" – but "otherwise why do people of other races not develop into civilized man?"

It is not the absence of culture and knowledge, it is not the lack of understanding, that prevent non-whites from becoming "productive participants in the industrial and technological progress of their communities" – it is how racial and social attitudes change on their own terms.

Whites are unable to evolve their own identity until they have passed down their collective culture and "civilizational knowledge".

I see it more as a matter of individual behavior.

Really? When I was there 2 yesrs ago absolutely no one did it, just there was one lady in the hotel who smiled and fixed my jacket while we were in the elevator. I guess it’s a recent trend.

found the a huwhite

Yeah, it all started about 4-5 years ago, service standards have become higher, I guess.
But as I said already, it all relates to high/above average tier stores, which, in turn, are becoming more common nowadays

Black people don't like that stick because it makes sure they can't steal white peoples' items.

This. I never put in the front because other people do that for me; so I only put the line at the back so that no one else sneaks in their items in my queue.

It's just a stick lol.

They smell the ukrainian scent and cant help it

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god I miss the onion

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Based bob

By leaving some space between the items, and telling the cashier.

You dont, you hope one day you will pay someones groceries ans the next someone else pays for yours, it statically evens out

God this shit reminds me of this couple at my work who ALWAYS start shit whenever I’m working the register. Whatever poor sod who has to get stuck with them get guilt tripped or told they’re “literally Satan” for not accepting their 2 month old coupons or not giving them a discount. They got me once by making my accidentally scan a few items of theirs while scanning for the couple in front of them

I use the self checkout, so I have no experience using the stick.

This is a joke. I won't accept any other reality.

Are you retarded? You put them after your items.

Not everyone leaves space. Some people by mountains of food and practically stacks it on yours.

Why are they square instead of triangle?

Do americans really do this?

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They are rectangular here

i thought europeans didn't have eggnog

(Pretty much)

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pls start using triangle ones. Slowly replace those in your local supermarket to make a difference

What’s the difference? So you’re Not-American^tm?

Do they trigger you?

those are the exact fruit bowls and cookies Publix has though


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this is unironically based

I've seen plenty of triangular ones in the past, but these days I see this more

>not using this

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>tell the cashier and still have a good chance that they'll fuck it up
>just put the fucking stick down
real tough choice


damn whiteys and their
*sracthes muh dik*
fucking dividers 2bh

Then tell the cashier or something lol, it’s not that hard and they’re not dumb, you whiny manchild.
Cashiers can think, dude. You’re just a social failure and are too timid to tell them that these tendies are yours lol.

>Cashiers can think, dude.
there's a reason they're cashiers working for minimum wage
>You’re just a social failure and are too timid to tell them that these tendies are yours lol.
nice projection there kiddo

What is the English name of that thing? In Dutch it's beurtbalkje

Bitoniau in french

You realize most cashiers these days are either extremely old people who have retired or people who are 16-23

Niggers aren't ready to rock and roll? wtf

Just come live here and you'll find the stick a great convenience

>most cashiers are retired

Even Google don't know that word. New word?

Most people who i’ve met that are cashiers are retired from their “real” job and are cashiering for extra cash on their pension

Probably because a lot of them are retired people, part-timers, and adults who can’t afford to go to uni or a good college. Besides, even those that did graduate still end up in minimum wage because capitalism is a meme that went on for too long.
I can’t think of anything more pathetic than a lower-middle class incel like you be a classist shitbag. Consider hanging yourself, please.
>n-no u
Try to jog in real life and you’ll see it’s much different from your delusional fantasy world, insecure fat incel.

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just admit you’re a pathetic sad excuse of a man who’s too timid to talk to people, but not timid enough to talk shit about them behind their backs on an incel circlejerk like this site.

You sound frustrated. Have sex.

Is this what is called protection?

have sex

Based Bob redpilling those Liberal cuck soyboys

Wtf. Are you memeing?

In Quebec we just say bâton.

That is product of an individualist society. Here it's normal to take the last item of the guy before you and he would take your first. It can't be a cheap product but you have to be a moron to put expensive stuff at the end or start.

It's just banter
Not everything is an attack