europeans don't have any history and living culture anymore which is why they compensate with museum artifacts and dead old buildings to convince themselves that they are something.
Europeans don't have any history and living culture anymore which is why they compensate with museum artifacts and dead...
Other urls found in this thread:
cry more
painfully true
>europeans don't have any history. . . anymore
what the frigk
very accurate thank you japan
European culture has not been relevant since the first world. American culture has flourished and dominated ever since. Meanwhile 75 IQ Jow Forumsfags pretend like it's islam that is somehow killing European culture rather than american cultural imperialism.
>don't have history anymore
>living culture
All I see is white faces around me.
Our people are a reflection of our history and culture.
Never seen a black in Latvia!
Feels good.
Ps. Asians are fine in my book
What in the world is American culture?
They have no Culture
avengers: endgame
it's the culture that is dominating the planet rn, adolf
why are british only european denying?
Tell me about it please
Ain’t nuttin wrong with worshiping a rat and drinking holy sugar water
>What in the world is American culture?
Country music, american frontier culture as a whole, down to earth music like the stuff Tennesse Ernie Ford used to make, etc...
Nowadays actual american culture is dead and has been replaced with the same shit that is being showed down europeans' and russians' throats. Don't mistake it for geniuine american culture.
I have to admit it. It's not great but better than Chink culture for sure. Cultural victory Civ V
Remove your proxy
American culture has became another word for Post modernism even though it started in europe
woah this really opened my slanted eyes
You're confusing decadent consumer culture with real culture. This guy did a better job than you. We started it but that consumer culture has largely taken on a life of it's own now, the entire planet is on a path to become a lifeless grey mass devoid of humanity or feeling.
Based LIIBEN RAIGEN poster
>Meanwhile 75 IQ Jow Forumsfags pretend like it's islam that is somehow killing European culture rather than american cultural imperialism.
it's both
Pretty boomer and cringe references
That's precisely the point of this thread. Culture belongs to the past.
They eradicated it
Post modernism began during the interwar between ww1 and ww2 where culture was being destroyed.
Or the future
That's pretty depressing and some of these were actual genocides, said this they also genocided each other like nigger tribes in Africa still do.
What does culture even mean? Bunch of bullshit if you ask me.
Reminder that placing so much cultural value in physical things is idiotic because they’re eventually going to disappear or be destroyed by accidents or terrorists and then a huge part of your culture is gone
Superior culture is within the people
>That far gone...
You don’t see old rooted American culture, but essentially your default “culture” is modern American culture
>t. can't see the forest for the trees.
it is because of atheism
Honestly all pop culture
Mostly American
>b-but that's not REAL culture
Yes it is you retard. The entire west is American culture now, like it or not.
Basically you're saying that the one you responded to is unaware of himself while you know his thoughts and experiences. That's a way to shut down any rational discussion.
And you're wrong obviously. To everyone not making a conscious effort not to his own culture is the reference "default" culture which is used to compare others against.
Nothing but a bunch of bullshit for old people and betas to control the young and alpha.
america made the world retard
Fuck off christian subhuman take your harry potter jim jones cult and stick it up your ass
Whew slant-eyed insectoid heathen scum.
You want more nukes or you will nuke yourself again like with Fukushima?
How about an earthquake?
based varg
Your food, your music, your popular culture, your imports, much of your fashion (a ton of it comes from the US military such as bombers and aviators), many scientific advances you benefit from, they’re all American. Like another guy said, you aren’t seeing the forest for the trees. You’re surrounded by it so it actually takes a step back to see
Of course you have your own culture too, but pretending we don’t is silly
What are you going to do when your cultural monuments are destroyed? Your culture was tied to them, what now? Like I said, culture exists within groups of people, anything else is extra
>Of course you have your own culture too, but pretending we don’t is silly
I didn't pretend this. All I said is that Austria's default culture isn't American culture. Now what you're doing on the other hand, although you stated the opposite at the end, sounds a lot like pretending other countries wouldn't have their own and are basically just copying everything America does and then adding their stupid medieval stone age Europoor quirks to it, which may come as a surprise, but is wrong.