israel belongs to Iraq
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ewwraq and the entire middle east belongs to Israel :)
Are Hitler and nazi jokes as edgy among menas as they are over here?
we will take over the middle shieast , you are talking with the future version of Saddam
>رمضان يبتدي
>زميلي في الأوضة كان بيروح بارات بشبه انتظام
>دلوقتي بيصحى الساعة 1 الضهر
>مبيتحركش من سريره لحد الفطار
>بيعمل أكل الساعة 2 بالليل و بننام الساعة 3
كسم رمضان
uhh, i mean, we always joke about saddam and other dictators that killed thousands, why would nazism that did nothing to menas be considered as edgy jokes
They are not jokes though
What sort of jokes are edgy as fuck over there?
i have a nazi stalhelm in my room and i think hitler was a divine being.
The edgy stuff for you are normal for us, So I'm yet to see something I consider edgy
Fuck arabs
literally none, even suicide jokes
Israel should wipe out all of the arabic speaking people outside of arabia
نتعرض للغزو من الاعاجم
شغلوا بروتوكول التحكم بالضرر وتكلموا بالعربية
كسم الاعاجم
تحيا الامة العربية العظمى
>iberian penisula
>sub-saharan africa
>central asia
>horn of africa
i don't think so
Amazigh nationalist are so much cringe
كافر مجوسي شيعي سني كسمك حقير يهودي روح موت لاسرايل هههه xdDXD
say 3 first words which come up in your mind when you hear Iraq:
kys faggots.
Islam jokes
تحيه من العراق الاخوتنا الطعميه في مصر
not sure if they edgy, but they are always a red line
Remember posting a child porn meme that no one said a thing about but everyone going crazy when I made a meme that makes fun of a شيخ
kill yourself you disgusting muzzie inbred shitstain
>their funny dialect
>iraqi literature
>my iraqi ex :)
أاااه يخرب بيتك شو مهضوم
حاكيني كمان يا حبيب ئلبي انتا
mup da doo allah mallah didda po mo akbar durka jihad bidda be kaffir wallah challah dat tum muhfuggen bix nood habibi cof bin laden dub ho sharmouta
>killed alot of sand niggers
>killed alot of iranians
>killed alot of kikes
he is atheist actually and you are so triggered by him
Arab dicksuckers are cringier
Lebanese Christians should be massacred desu
مرحبا يا /مينا/!
مـ-مرحبا يا النشمي 3>!
based phoenician BVLL
cringe, also m*hamm*d couldn't write
>believing this
Muhammed was the smartest man to come out of mena and all his trickery cause d islamic empires to rise and islam to be on par with christanity world wide
he could write
he knew much because he was smart and traveled with merchants around the the old world
and then he said it was a divine creature that told him these things
based, hazbollah is based
lebanese muslim miltias should fuck off they are holding the country hostage
Lebanon is supposdly a christian majority friend of israel
no more tho because muh jihad
most of them are OK but Maronite Christians are edgy as fuck
Muhammad couldn't write until much later in his life after he became the ruler of Madinah. That's why he needed scribes all the time.
>friend of israel
muslims pulled it off
>friend of Israel
Lebanon isn't a "friend of Israel".
You know the Israeli-Lebanese border is walled right? You know that Israel has a history of interfering with Lebanon's politics and doing shit like bombing their planes, etc?
Isra*el and p*lestine belongs to the greater egypt
Praise al pharaoh sisi
قاعدي و مكبسل احمر
is that supposed to be a cigar he's holding or his severed bepis
Sisi is a joke. Literally every single egypsie & shittle eastern leader is a joke.
Wish Egypt practiced non-interventionism desu. The country is plagued by tons of problems, yet the majority of the people only give a shit about muh palestine and muh israel is gonna attack.
cope sjw tier faggot
you can drink all the propaganda you want and use FB memes but he is growing stronger
dont @ me again because you will use your same arguments as always ignoring facts that our economy is skyrocketing in the future
By edgy do you mean superiority complex and incessant arrogance? That's my experience with them, bar a few.
also the only solution to mena is an Iranian-Turkish neo Seljuk empire
It'll be secular and degenerate in Anatolia and Persia, and Sharia will be implemented in the Arab regions for containment and to avoid revolts, like the good old days.
Also your mosque Imams during the friday sermons tend to blame the people for their own poverty citing lack of piety, lmao.
>our economy is skyrocketing in the future
Is that a penis in his hands?
هو إيه دخل كل الأعلام المتناكه دي؟ ممكن نبطل عنجليزي دلوقتي؟
why would a Jordanian hate Shiites?
Their holidays might be slightly cringe but overall they are muslims just like others, aren't they?
and based.
we are dead to them
They are
actually they fight for islam in media more than others
when will people realize that it is not religion related but Saudi-Iran related
Because Ir*an is one of the reasons Iraqis and Syrians are flooding the country?
المحيط واحد
البحر واحد
البحيرة واحدة
شربنا من نبيذ العشق
يا علي
LOL this is the real world diasproach, your vickyIV campaigns don't apply here
this desu , you can make fun of anything as long as it's not islam
If mohammad said angel Gabriel told him you must suck his dick to obtain his holy seed and go to paradise what would you do?
>iranian-turkish neo seljuk empire
Nah I prefer a Kurdish-Azeri neo sumerian empire with wahabbism and communism in the constitution
Because jordanians loved saddam for being pro palestine and for free oil money
&shia hated saddam
سكوت يا ايري فينيقي خسيس
اشرفيه اراضي تركيا
plebeian, colonial slaves
Lurk more newfag
>This guy isn't a Muslim but I'll make fun of Islam to make him mad
Ben ali is mostly gonna die this month. He is super ill
You are not dead to me!
Sunnis hate shiites and shiites hate sunnis. They each consider the other not real muslims, I don't see that ever changing.
>Iranian-Turkish neo Seljuk empire
Stupidest thing I heard all day
>actually they fight for islam in media more than others
true dat
Shiites look more organized than SUnnis and it seems they have a plan, while most of Sunnis are just fatalists.
Syrians are nice, we have them in our cunt and I can't complain much about them
I thought you guys basically share same culture with them?
itt coping arabushes
greater israel is inevitable
I would suck Gabriel's dick of course!
أرّب اذا فيك يا برو
alot of shias were in the ba'ath party retard
but I welcome my Jewish overlords
>greater israel is inevitable
>when arabs take map scenario memes serıously on a board made for memes and onion layers of irony
every time
ramadhan kareem, you remember the 39 rockets?
why would a moronite be against Israel?
> 39 rockets
Based and sadampilled.
Not saying they are bad, I like Iraqis for example but our cunt is too small and poor to get millions of them
I know many shia iraqis like saddam, but other arabs hate shia because of saudi arabia lies
The most overrated military operation in history that only brainlets take seriously
ريلاكس يا بايبي، آعدين ساردين عم نمزح
هاذ ميم يا حبيبي