What do Arabs and Africans think of Western Sahara?

What do Arabs and Africans think of Western Sahara?

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Why is that place always NO DATA AVAILABLE? What happens there?

You mean Morocco? Nice place

i dont think

West Sahara WILL be free from m*Roccan oppression

this is moroccan territory
i am not morrocan
this belong to morocco moroccans lives here and speak moroccan and think themselves as moroccan, morocco is here im not moroccan just thought I visitied im noyt moroccan

rightful moroccan land used to divide maghrebis

t. m*Roccan diaspora
m*Rocco’s colonization and oppression of the Sahrawi people is no different than the pissraeli colonization of Palestine.

>i am not morrocan
True. Moroccans have better English than whatever the fuck you just wrote

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Look like Spain territory to me

Its unrecognized moroccan owned land with half of it being an unrecognized independent nation

Now they are part of Morocco so fuck them tbqh, they supported that and they thought that Morocco will free them
you are wrong France and partially Spain support that so do you


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Arent m*roccans besties with usa

I saw a travel documentary of some dutch guys going there and they had to remove the country shape from their car because of its political implications, since morocco claims all of the western sahara
pic related. The dotted line is the "mooroccan wall"

Attached: Mena-Marruecos-Historico-Evoluci%C3%B3n-Independencia-Marcha-Verde-Ocupaci%C3%B3n-S%C3%A1hara-Occide (1310x951, 167K)

Ifni and Rif back to SPAIN
West Sahara including Cape Juby back to the SAHRAWI BVLLS

sahrawi identity is a meme you faggot.

>Ifni and Rif back to SPAIN
right, if there's something we need it's an even larger border with African countries and a bigger Muslim population
go get shot at some school, Yankoid

nothing wrong with africans or muslims

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>nothing wrong with africans or muslims
We should go full genocide after the rise of the Front Polisario tbqh, the only thig of value there are the phosphates mines and empty land to test nukes


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they have good music

literally what the Sahrawi rebel national liberation movement and after them the Front Polisario were doing, fuck them, disgusting goatfuckers
