Americans unironically buy things besides the bare necessities of survival

>Americans unironically buy things besides the bare necessities of survival

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Other urls found in this thread:

>How dare you spend money on grooming prole!

What the fuck is a subscription box?

You subscribe to a company that'll send shit to you in a box every month. Like lootcrate.

Just don’t shave, bro.

>God, I wish I was an American

>Just don't spend your money on things you like bros

and you waste it all on food and subscription boxes (

americans are 1 paycheck away from bankruptcy

>Median is probably 1/3 of that

Publishing something this disingenuous should lead to consequences

>food isn't essential
>$91 in cables
>subscription boxes

How the actual fuck do you spend 800 dollars of eating out and drinks?

Not median. Too much income disparity to make any sense at all. Cali + east coast megalopolis are most of the income and high life, also much more expensive, so again, not representative.

I donate extra food that i don't want anymore to the homeless

It's unfortunate, but few Americans actually know how to cook. Everyone prefers to eat out, for some reason.

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>food is a nonessential item

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Here runts like that get ready meals from the supermarket.

I noticed in new york there were more plsces to buy takeaway/dinner/lunch than groceries even in more residential areas

>wtf how dare poor people buy the occasional niceties
Orwell debunked this line of thinking in keep Keep the Aspidistra Flyin decades ago.

Amazon prime?
Netflix subscribtion?
Consoles online payments?

You first worlders pay a lot of money for toys you barely use.

Delivered, prepared and served food is. Nobody dies from making sandwiches for lunch in the morning and investing in a cheap chest freezer. The American culture is sick at the root of people have forgotten how to feed themselves.
One thing is occasionally eating out (1-2 times a month) and another entirely is to order take out and eat out several times every week.

>you don't need to buy your food from the grocery store bud that's a nonessential item just go dumpster diving and get it for free

>calling anyone else a first worlder

>Americans think personal grooming is nonessential
Explains a lot about them desu

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Obviously nonessemtial food is take out and restaurants you leaf idiots

How americans spend so much on it given that food is also cheaper there is baffling though.

>90$ worth of cables
what the flying fuck

>food, clothing, transportation and grooming are not essential

>restaurant meals
>buying lunch
Does any American make food at home?
>impulse purchases
>online shopping
>personal grooming
That's a lot of wasted money per month
>subscription boxes
What is any of this supposed to mean

>They eat lunch

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>Americans still watch cable TV
>Americans spend ~800$ a month on food instead of cooking
>Americans think grooming is non essential
>Americans buy whatever the fuck a subscription box is
>Americans spend 100$ a month in car rides instead of using whatever other alternative there is
The absolute state

Czechia (and rest of eastern europe) is sadly 1.5th world at best.

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I work as a lifeguard and I'm paid 26.5 and hr (or 19.7 USD)

Ok lgtss
>be american
>spend $800 usd on takeaways and restaurants in a month
>be obese
>pay 9000000 usd to treat it

>The budget breakdown of a 25-year-old who makes $100,000 a year and is excellent with money

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>Health insurance
Fake. Companies pay for health care here. Get redpilled.

>excellent with money
>$615 in donations
what the fuck is this meme? that other pic that gets posted here, the american couple that makes like 500k per year, also donates a fuckton of their money. do americans really donate that much?

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Tax levies. You can earn more and invest more and end up with less tax than before provided you give to charity and note this in your tax return. This is standard in many countries, maybe you should look into your own system and save some money by giving to charity?

maximum frugality is living in a van/being homeless and scavenging food btw

>nearly 100 $ for TV cables

Could be tithing.

i've heard of that but never looked into it, always assumed it was for the mega rich. middle class choice seems to be Roth/IRA for Americans or RRSP for Canadadians

Roth IRA/401k *

It would never add up here, all you ever do by claiming donations on your tax return in Germany is subtracting them from your taxable income. So if you earn 50k a year and donate 2k they're just gonna tax 48k of income, and there's no way you're gonna end up with more net on 48k than on 50k.

I may be naive, and Yonder Leaf has a point. Maybe it's more about giving to charity to fit into a tax bracket that nets you more? In some countries, certain kinds of saving accounts let you deduct a large portion of what you deposit from your tax.

Yeah but a tax bracket doesn't tax your entire income with that percentage, it only takes the income exceeding the previous bracket. So you're gonna pay nothing on the first 10k, 20% on the next 10k, 30% on the next 10k, and so on. There's no way in Germany that you're gonna end up with a higher net by lowering your gross.

>excellent with money
>Dining out: 250

Yeah it is okay. I don't spend that much every year but I guess it is reasonnable

lmao wat

nope, not matter how much you donate and unless you are in a very special scenario, like close to retirement and donating property that is hard to sell, it never makes sense to donate money to 'lower your tax bracket' you will always end up giving more than what you get back as a tax credit.

Forbes puts the average cost of healthcare for a family of 4, with the most commonly offered employer healthcare package, at around $25,000 per year.

If by drinks you include beer and vodka I say I spend about 25 a day on that alone, but I think it is a necessity of survival.

>personal grooming
The absolute STATE of europoors

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>subscription boxes

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I pay 80 dollars in cable and I don't even watch tv.

where the fuck do you spend 100$ a month in grooming? at least for males, I don't see how

also, with >700$ a month I could feed a whole family and still have spare money. And bear in mind those 700$ in OP pic are not counting groceries (as those count as essential spending), it's just plain lazyness

>poor shaming by using upper middle class indiscretion spending projections
Top fucking wew, lad. Imagine being that detached from reality.

>house cleaner

>I noticed in new york there were more plsces to buy takeaway/dinner/lunch than groceries even in more residential areas
Welcome to the service economy.

A lot of "cheap" apartments here have no kitchens so cutting back on eating out isn't as easy as it sounds.

Based Margaret

>USA Today

Literally a borderline fake news rag that shills for the rich, article was paid for by a Forbes top 100 billionaire trying to pretend low wages are fine and it's the peoples fault.

No sink? All I have is a sink with cold running water and a double power outlet for the entire place. Doesn't stop me from being able to buy raw ingredients and cook a meal.
Fast food is dear as poison here, desu.

All memes. Try again, faggots.

I guess the US isn't the prosperous wonderland I've been led to believe in.

>$96/month on ride sharing is such a waste, just buy a car for a few thousand then pay for gas and monthly insurance instead

I wonder (((who))) wrote this.

You'd have to be the crown king of retard island to actually believe this picture. You SERIOUSLY believe the >>>>>>>>>AVERAGE

$100k per year is a lot of money. A good restaurant will cost you around $80, and a 25 yo probably will spend something in drinks at the club and stuff like that

That's what I thought without looking up USA Today. It's always extra nice when the rich tell the poor or middle class that they don't need any more money and they're fine by giving hypothetical examples where everything is always fine.

It's places like NYC where can rent a little room with nothing in it for $1000+ a month.

He is shitposting. Most appartements do have at least mini kitchens. Americans just don't cook
Also American disposable median income is pretty high, our purchasing power is better than most of europe. If we just make healthcare free, things will improve alot

That and the daily anti-Trump headline on every issue.

I spend about $300 per month for food, I eat 1800kcal a day. If I eat out it could easily shoot up to 800 bux a month. Having lazy jobless gf can shoot that food bill up more.

western europoor cope

>restaurant meals
>buying launch
How are these "nonessential"? Cooking is for the poor. Also going for drinks with friends is the most basic form of having a social life, and an absolute necessity.

>Social life is non-essential
No wonder we have so many mass shooters.

that is unironically why people live paycheck to paycheck and have no savings and stay swamped in debt for so long

>just bought an AR 3 weeks ago
>started building expensive computer 1 week ago
>want to buy an AK

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Unfortunately they're the same people who decide who qualifies for any sort of government help which is why so many working class people who actually work are against creating and funding more programs for the people who don't and citizens of other countries.

that would be like top 1% of restaurants, most are only $6-15 for a meal

Working class people generally want more gibs. Boomers don't but they aren't human.

none of that shit in OP's pic is required to be social you consumerist freak

where do you live? if in cali or florida then dont try to sell your shit as the norm

leafs are 1 misgendering away from being sent to jail

cable means cable tv

Flyover cucks please refrain from participating in this thread thanks.

Maybe they want free health-care and education but not ebt or something like that.

come back when you have a kitchen kek

Those are obviously good things?

>subscription boxes
I don't get the appeal, desu.

>impulse purchases
>online shopping
There should be an app to prevent the first through the second.

grocery shopping for one person would be like $200 or less a month (assuming youre not a lard ass), so yeah spending $800+ on food a month isnt essential

S-shut up.

Where the fuck do you live. Even nyc shitty apartments have kitchens tho alot of them look like russian commie block kitchens

where in the OP does it saying grocery shopping at all retard?

You could easily put them all into one category. Still quite a lot of money for takeout? Or lunch? I tend to cook my own stuff for food desu, buying your lunch seems so expensive.

Say sorry, you goof.