>Al-Sohel claimed, “This is science, and there is nothing to be ashamed of,” and “the sexual urge develops when a person is sexually attacked, and afterward it persists because there is an anal worm that feeds on semen.”
>Arab intellectuals
numbers wasted
At least they're doing something about it
The absolute state of muzzlims
>Jews accurately transcribe Arab television
Oh get the fuck out of here Hernandez
Says the Muslim.
I know white women that think just like this
Marry them
Top kek.
Marriage is enslaving male utility, nothing more. Normalfags like you need to be purged from the genepool and this cancerous social contract needs to die out.
*Jews accurately transcribe cherrypicked Arab television
Context for this by men of logic he means philosopher and philosophy is haram according to some Muslim clerics
Why are Muslims like this?
Home schooled?
Based lunatic
>anal suppositories that cure homosexuality
Makes sense to me.