South American nationalism

Does South American contries hate each other? I heard that Chileans are racist af, hate Bolivians and Peruvians and Paraguay hates everyone. Is this true?

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it just boomer hate in facebook/youtube comments

Well, paraguayans really do hate everyone.

I think the most uneducated a person is here, the more the chances that it would have an idealised utopic view of the "outside world".

In your daily life, when you encounter someone from other countries, it's very unlikely that there would a real issue. And it's quite common in the region where I live.

I just crossed two guys speaking spanish...


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I heard about an old Chilean general who said bolivians are anilals or something like this, is it true?

you’re not “everyone”, subhuman monkey

>hating anyone
why? they're a bunch of inferior amerindians.

We all hate each other, in Uruguay's case a good chunk of the population hates Argentina with passion.
Ironically, Latin Americans here are much more friendly to each other than they are on other websites.