This stands between Russia and Sweden

>this stands between Russia and Sweden

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fags need to be publically executed on all tv stations

pipe down muhammad

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that looks very fake to me.


their lips must feel very soft while touching haha

Sacred band of Thebes

You’re both sinners against God. I wish America banned faggots like you from living in this country.
God hates fags

Russia and Sweden should spitroast you

imagine how pink their pussies and their little clitties are


Nice meme faglover

I don't think God hates his children, he just weeps the sinner, which you probably are for most part of your day, you consumerist pig filled with incel rage




It's likely that you'll go to hell without ever understanding God, so why not befriend some fags on the way?


Get with the times Grandpa. We're never going back

Have (gay) sex

so this is the power of.....nato?!!

You will all face eternal damnation, fags are products of those who signed deals with the devil

I don't remember signing any deals when I found out in the 5th grade. I thought if I were a good pius boy it would fade away but my thirst for cock never did go away. So much for all those prayers I memorized

I'll be dabbing on you atop a cloud holding hands with my bf while your fat ass toasts

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Heaven is only for Straight White Evangelicals Baptists, nobody else will get to heaven

Have sex, preferably gay sex

I'm trying to get my bum filled off grindr but everyone just swaps nudes and fucks off even when they say they wanna hookup god I haven't had dick in over 3 weeks

we're not part of nato

God hates you fags

God doesn't exist

None of the 3 nations mentioned are part of NATO.

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t. Ahmed

Say that again, tr*nny

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>t:closeted faggot
i hope you find the courage to come clean one day, dearest Hans

Have sex

Do a flip, fag.

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Fuck off ahmed

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You first

God doesn't exist



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Grindr is garbage

Every time a Euro claims their country isn't overrun by Muslims just make one of these threads. Sweden, Germany, UK, France flags show up and flip their shit, then you call them Ahmed and they get even more angry.

Easiest proof possible.


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love trumps all

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closet homo


your going to hell, remember that

Keep preaching that invisible bearded sky man

your relevance disappeared with ancient greece

I'm too cute for eternal damnation, God is gonna want me in heaven

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What does that have to do with anything lol

Vote faggots

man, this is disgusting

My gosh. I'd like to stand between them if you know what I mean.

>tfw no finn sizequeen bf
It seems we have a winner

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How cute

Wow Finland it seems you have adopted our tactics!


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God is GAY



Fuck Finland. I hope it's nuked. You fags are ruining the board with your subhuman antics. I hate Nordniggers and I hope my countrymen replace you.

>Scandi cock comeback

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You stand between Russia and sweden

that's the point of the thread, user

لعنة الله عليك، مادرچود
Finnish twinks are precious.

This is how the whole world imagines Northern Europe

No they deserve a massacre.

>t. North Macedonia formerly Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Yeah I'd massacre them real good with my rod of power. The difference is they would explode with cum, and you will explode in the next mosque bombing.

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