
>SINGAPORE: A case of imported monkeypox infection has been confirmed in Singapore.
The patient is a 38-year-old Nigerian who arrived on Apr 28 and tested positive for the virus on May 8, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) in a media release on Thursday (May 9).

Read more at channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/monkeypox-case-imported-singapore-moh-11518664

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Sorry Singapore

the beginning of the end

Didn't even know something like monkeypox exists

Bushmeat is scary shit, man.

back to facebook

wtf is monkeypox

zombie apocalypse

>Monkeypox virus (MPXV) is an orthopoxvirus that causes a viral disease with symptoms in humans similar, but milder, to those seen in smallpox patients. Smallpox was declared eradicated in 1980, whereas human monkeypox is endemic in villages of Central and West Africa. The occurrence of cases is often found close to tropical rainforests where there is frequent contact with infected animals. There is no evidence to date that person-to-person transmission alone can sustain monkeypox in the human population.

Why is always an african?

because they both fuck and eat monkeys

Oh gee, why would the most biologically diverse and largest continent that also happens to have giant regions of limited human developed also happen to have many sucessful ancient viruses.
Dumb English teacher.

Chill out, I'm no english teacher.

you will apologize for them until the entire world is niggerized

enjoy your globalism, pudgy eunuch fucks


>mfw E*stoids get this first

Are you seriously blaming the fact that the cradle of the human species has tons of diseases adapted to us on Africans?


I'm blaming that individual for going to a relatively nice place like singapore when he doesnt deserve to because he crawled out of some shit african village like an animal
of course something bad happened, would be more surprising if he was totally clean and had no problems

>The patient is a 38-year-old Nigerian
Why do we allow niggers to travel abroad?

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>monkeypox bad
>measles good
It's just a rash bro. calm down

This is even more stupid than if you had just replied "Yes" to my post. Kill yourself, retard.

>muh craddle of umamity, muh external conditions
>don't bring them in then

The wonders of diversity

Singapor should know better than importing dangerous and exotic animals without proper control.

Nothing value was lost

>some poor African lad goes back home for his annual vacation
>unwittingly catches some weird virus
>goes back to work in Singapore. virus is detected


is Jow Forums just the boring version of Jow Forums?

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asia is the largest continent genius and is also incredibly diverse

well is that the actual story?

isn't out of africa out dated?
they found homo remains in europe older than the oldest homo remains in africa

Monkeypox is essentially a Cousin of Smallpox

Singapore reports first case of rare monkey pox virus after Nigerian man ate bushmeat at a wedding

Bushmeat, which can be chimpanzee, gorilla, antelope, birds or rodent, is a staple of some African diets


>Bushmeat, wildmeat, or game meat is meat from non-domesticated mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds hunted for food in tropical forests.[1] Commercial harvesting and the trade of wildlife is considered a threat to biodiversity.[2][3]

>Bushmeat also provides a route for a number of serious tropical diseases to spread to humans from their animal hosts, such as HIV/AIDS and Ebola.[4][5] Bushmeat is used for sustenance in remote areas, while in major towns and cities in bushmeat eating societies it is treated as a delicacy.[6]

>Animals used as bushmeat may also carry other diseases such as smallpox, chicken pox, tuberculosis, measles, rubella, rabies, yellow fever and yaws.[34] African squirrels (Heliosciurus, Funisciurus) have been implicated as reservoirs of the monkeypox virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.[35] The bubonic plague bacteria can transfer to humans when handling or eating North American prairie dogs.[36]

>In many instances, contracting the diseases mentioned above often occurs due to the cutting of the meat, when animal blood and other fluids may touch the people cutting it, thereby infecting them. Another path of infection is that some of the meat may not be completely cooked. This often occurs due to the type of cooking method: hanging the meat over an open fire.[37] Improper preparation of any infected animal may be fatal.[38]

Nigeria's Top 2 Bushmeat is Monkeys and Fruitbats.

This guy from Nigeria caught monkeypox from eating bushmeat at a wedding he attended in Nigeria and then brought it to Singapore and now 21 other people who came in contact with him are being forcibly quarantined for 30 days, affecting their livelihoods and employment.