1. cunt

1. cunt
2. do you want to try on maid outfits?
no but l want to make the boy try it on!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe one day, but for now I am more focused on continuing to lose weight so I can feel better about my body.

Yes, my forearms are still kinda big though

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Maybe when I've been on hrt for a bit longer

I would love to try it on Felipe whil I pound his twink ass hahaha

yes and thats probably the next thing Ill order online after my bra and pantsu arrives

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モンシュ... 今は仕事に行く途中だ
4時間で話すのはOKかな? ダメなら9時間
ああそれと昨日の僕の答え見た? desuarchive.org/int/thread/105343371/#105354433

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leviticus 20:13
kill yourselves

um j'ai lu ta texte, puis crée ce fil pour te répondre, c'est assez de l'attraction pour te rendre venir, huh?

Tu ne pourrais pas plus de mon serviteur くん. De toute façon, tu me rends service d'une façon authentique dans un sens. Je me demands si je peux faire le même truc bien que je suisse ton maître. Mon cœur est plus pulsant que ma bite grâce à ta tendresse d'ange. Merci.

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Ah c'est une réponse au poste après de la conversation dernière

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I'm so lonely


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im as horny and lonely fuck

T'es si kawaii dans beaucoup de sens
Ah tu m'as montré assez de l'affection déjà pêh, je n'ai pas besoin de répondre à ce poste. お仕事, 行ってらっしゃい~

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>je n'ai pas besoin
*Tu n'as pas besoin
Je suis déjà content

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yeah, i've already talked with someone who says he could buy it for me

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the more you all talk about wanting to try maid outfits the more interested i become
how does it feel to wear one?

1 flag
2 already have and already took pics

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Why don't you show us then dear~

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You're the one who made the other thread the other day, don't ya?

Uh sure when you ask so nicely~
Well I didn’t make any threads but I posted in one.

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oh yeah
you are the same one
very nice pic friend


sadness, pity and shame.. get well please

>tfw no qt bf
i'm so lonely and it's not fair

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I'd love to wear one for a bigger stronger boy to make fun of me and make me give him blowies in it

i could do that
how tall are you?

Iktf and it's been raining and storming here so much lately and I need a qt bf to enjoy it with and we can be comfy and cuddle and play vidiya and watch anime. I need it right the fuck now I'm so lonely ;_;

same ;-;
it's also raining here

where do you even find other guys like us for a bf? tinder and grindr are filled with normiegays, not the kind that "gets" dressing up and other cuteboy stuff

5'9 or 10 idk but I just need a qt bf idc about sizes really but we could cuddle and share body warmth

i genuinely wonder the same
grindr is just for casual fucking, not actual serious relationships with cuteboys

well i've heard people mention they met their bf on there, but you're right, i'd rather not

i'm 1.77cm idk how much is that in feet

are you guys really romantically attracted to other guys or is it just a sexual fetish, im not sure if I just have autogynephilic meta attraction

i'm unironically homosexual ._.

This. Can't believe nobody on there ever wants more than a hookup. It's all so tiresome.
We're the same height

2ch(dot)hk but it's Russian

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>tfw no belgian chan like ylilauta to meet fellow belgian cute guys

>We're the same height
aayyy that's a good thing, right? :D

there was a other mexican gayposter here who met his bf in discord
but idk, discord is not my thing

I dont want a bf I just want to be used as a cumdumpster because that would make me feel like a girl, idk if that makes me a homosexual or just a weird fetishist

Very nice indeed

Yes but who will be the big spoon?

that makes you a homo and a slut
not trying to say that as an insult, just saying it how it is

that's possible yeah
i'm just jealous of people who can just find a cuddle buddy online on a whim haha

well shit .-.

fucking same
that same mexican added me on discord (even tho i don't use it) and had to unfriended him almost immidiately cause i just couldn't handle it

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What's the matter? We can take turns if we need to

there is an opportunity with discord, user
why did you unfriend him?

I suppose you just didn't accept it. I used to be like you, but then I started to feel a romantic attraction for other guys

i regret doing that and i don't know what was his discord and he has stopped posting here
it's not on the archives

>that makes you a homo and a slut
not trying to say that as an insult, just saying it how it is

haha its okay I dont take it as an insult, im pretty masochist and enjoy getting called a slut

you're right c:

hope you can find him again fren

Same. I like being a fucktoy and being dominated by other guys
It gets hot in Mexico. I think if we cuddle it's be too hot. We'll have to take our clothes off

the jew knows whats up

>mfw saw Frenchanon's heartbroken post yesterday after he showed up too late to talk to Japaneseanon
>mfw they reunited today
det er... så sot!!

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i barely accepted my faggotry 2 yrs ago so maybe you are right
>Same. I like being a fucktoy and being dominated by other guys
you have any stories

>French people speaking Japanese
>Portugese people speaking Norwegian
>Japanese people speaking French
These gay threads are strange places

I'm not gay, but I met my first gf on Jow Forums and later went to Discord.

You should try to find him again, Mexibro.

thanks i guess
i think you're escalating things a bit too quickly
idk, i didn't really lkied him and he is already in a serious relationship for fuck's sake

Oh then nevermind.

Also I have a question to all of you. I don't really mind gayposting on Jow Forums, despite not being gay, but why the fuck is everyone here a bottom? Seems so weird. Shouldn't there statistically be the same amount of bottoms as tops?

try /soc/ or any crossdressing social encounters site

i'd consider myself more of both really


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the other day l found uma casa Portuguesa sung by a Japanese lol

we just embody Jow Forums esprit

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Last time getting the fuck was a cute 19yo twink that swapped head with me in the back seat of his car then dicked me down and pushed himself as far in me as he could as he came and it hurt but felt amazing. He was really cute.
>i think you're escalating things a bit too quickly
I'm a slut. I tend to do that.

That exists?

pretty tall for a mexican

sorry, not that much into sluts

im only a slut online, I have posted lots of lewd pics but im still a virgin

if you are a slut online and still a virgin that means you'll become a slut once you have sex

yeah i guess
eh, not really pretty tall, i'd say a bit tall

very nice
when are you going to post dick

>if you are a slut online and still a virgin that means you'll become a slut once you have sex

yeah I know id be a slut, the only reason im still a virgin is because I dont have a social circle and im afraid of having sex with strangers

post ass faggots

Fadoboos are amazing
you gotta embrace the Jow Forums spirit, speak another language, post anime and save the cute maid(male) pics lol

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I've tried my sis dress and it was ok. It's nothing special but I won't mind wearing some uniform.


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post ass again then

Come oon dearie~

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These are the maids uniform nowadays.
Fuck you Perverts who fetishized the noble industry such as housekeeping.

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Im in school I can’t

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Why are you gayposting while at school you big degenerate?

>post ass faggots
faggot here, i only have this old pic of me rn..I hope you like it

Just a little peek~

Thats none of your business!

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I liked it.

Taku said that Japanese people liked his Fado shows because the Japanese tend to like emotional things
do you agree?

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>because the Japanese tend to like emotional things
>do you agree?
l do agree with him, there's a reason the Japanese love Chopin and Hesse.
not saying we are soulful tho

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is that also why japan loves flamenco too?

oo Paco de Lucia! Fuente y Cauda

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Chopin is pretty great
it's like you can feel his emotions 170 years later...

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I learned to play entre dos aguas a few years ago

the 1st tune of Chopin l played
did you learn to play Astolf-Asturias as well?

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no way, that's too hard... i'm no flamenco/classical player, I just learned entre dos aguas because it was fun

honestly l really liked the vibe of Cordova and Granada 2bh it was so fucking hot tho l think it was over 40 degree. the region of flamenco is literally full of flame

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