Why do Ching chong Chinese use Asian premium made by Korean and Japanese???
It makes me so fucking mad
Why do Ching chong Chinese use Asian premium made by Korean and Japanese???
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What's Asian Premium?
Not only ching chong chinse but Vietnamese monkey too
They are immigrating to Europe like rats
>It makes me so fucking mad
funny how you think you are any qualified to say that when your very existence has literally never contributed anything to promotion of East Asians
Koreaboo and weeaboo
because its your fate to be cucked by chinese.
no matter how bad their current condition is, they will always walk all over koreans and japanese.
He doesn't even look like he'd be in a kpop band, she's a qt though
If Kpop fan and Anime fan girls are okay with dating Chinese or Vietnamese or whatever because we arr rook same, let them be.
Those girls are fucking retarded and cringey anyway.
And sea monkeys are cucked by East Asian ㅋㅋㅋ
Suicide bombing!
??? are you fool?
시발 병신 같은 일뽕새끼야 여기서 지랄하지말고 통베가서 놀아라
The problem is that they pretend to be either Korean or Japanese to hit on white girls. Are you not pissed off about it???
cope, the only dominant east asian in SEA is, wait for it....
guess kings will be kings anywhere, while slave will always be enslaved.
you sow, we reap
you are talking to chinese diaspora
Just like Koreans and Chinese pretend to be Japanese to commit crimes.
Ikr? It boils me to see how they ride the bus we are driving for free. Know your fucking place you disgusting mongrels!
But you need to remember they are not civilized humans like us. If they give bad experiences to these koreaboos and weeboos then it will ruin our images as well as they think arr asians arr the same which is obvious.
If it were true, Why are so many SEA monkeys in Japan and Korea even tho they are treated like shit and looked down on by locals???
Couldn't care less.
I will pretend to be Korean if i could fuck a decent looking Koreaboo, and you should pretend to be Japanese if you could fuck a decent looking weeaboo.
you all the same
아니 씨발 일뽕 말기네 케이팝 얘기하는데 갑자기 일본 처넣고 뭔 아시아 프리미엄??? 어디 펜팔하다가 현타 오셨나? ㅋㅋ 아시아 프리미엄은 얼어뒤질
좀 씨발아 개쌉소리 짓껄이지 말고 꺼져라
But you are also riding the bus for free if kpop fan girls like Kpop star and not you,
and they jsut wanna fuck you just because you happen to have the same nationality of the idols they love.
based mutually benefitical alliance
There are many weeb girls too you fucking gookbbong
because of smoke and mirror fads you work sooooo hard for like a fucking slave you are?
meanwhile a chinese can simply walk and be a god for free.
chinese are poor. because nobody has a good image of china and chinese so they have to be pretend south korean or japanese and use strong pop culture influence of south korea or japan to get gf in europe and america. what a pathetic "emerging superpower" subhuman chinks. you can not get white gf by a cheap chinese fake shit.
네다음 좆족화교짱퀴벌레 ㅋㅋㅋ
지네들이 하는 짓꺼리가 까발려지니까 뜨끔한가보네 퉷퉷
t. chink diaspora in russia
개븅시아 케이팝 얘기 처올려놓고 일본 ㅇㅈㄹ 하는 새끼가 어딨어 좆븅신아
대가리 달렸으면 생각하고 살아 그리고 외국인들이 케이팝 얘기해서 덕보는게 뭐? 동남아 새끼들 욕해달라고? 아니 초딩새끼냐??? 그러면서 다른나라 사람들 개씹무시하면서 개인을 국가에 대입해 우월감 들이미는 쓰레기짓 하고 있냐? ㅋ
중국 쓰레기 니애미 쓰레기 ^통^
통베충아 제발 통베가서 나오지마라 통베만 해라 진짜 좆나 쪽팔린다 씨발아
I personally know russians who work in my lab. It’s a fact koryosarams get big respect from russians while the chinese in russia are mostly associated with illegal workers and smugglers.
You are not russian
I cannot understand what you are saying. Anyway why don’t you persuade your country people to go back home???
koreans slave work hard, chinese kings work smart.
my people? chinese or indos? asia (soon the world) is belong to chinese anywhere we go that is our home.
if we want SEA to replace you in your current home, then you dogs have no choice but to oblige it
I Don't even like Western Girls. Only Third world Asians such as Chinese and Southeast Asians are crazy for Western girls like Blacks and Arabs do. Let them use Our cultural Influence.
T, Ching chong roach in Indonesia
One does all the work and Mr ching chong takes the credit. What can we do about it Japan user???
roach which live like god, comfortably reaping money and influence despite beset by all sides.
chinese can turn even the most incompetent human resources into productive society, meanwhile korean factories had to import the best human resources from all over the world to be relevant.
근첩개새끼야 니 분수에 안맞게 글로벌 이곳에서 꺼지고 니네 소굴로 돌아가 평소처럼 2d 로리 보면서 좆 발딱세우고 울이니 대깨문 거리지 왜 여기서 애미보지 시궁창 인증하냐ㅋㅋㅋ
Ching Chong Chong Chong ching
근첩이 뭔데 통베새끼야 애미디진년이 혼자 개씹소리 짓껄이면서 K-pop에 일본 처넣고 아시아 프리미엄이라는 개씹소리 하고 자빠졌네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아시아 프리미엄이 뭔데?? 애새끼냐 시발 무슨 케이팝이든 한류든 거기에 탑승해서 덕본걸 욕해달라고 징징거리고 있어 븅신아
Samsung lg bad spy company
Huawei fronteir of technology and leaving all other in dust
He is delusional that Asians are exploiting the influence of K-pop
His point is this.
>As other Asians impersonate K-pop and Korean culture. So he wants you to blame them
Literally childish
Even OP's weeb, He added Japan, which has nothing to do with K-pop culture
In doing so, He makes strange claims that it is an Asian premium.
He claims that Korea and Japan made the image of Asia good
in addition, If someone criticizes him, he says that all those who blamed him are Chinese
It's literally a psycho. Do not answer him. He's a crazy dog.
korean contribution: samsung, hyndai, k-pop idols, k-movies, kimchi, etc
존나 니따위 개찐따랑 더이상 얘기하기 싫다 걍 짜져라
다수가 정상이어도 이런 문제의식조차 없는 우동사리 개빡통새끼들 덕분에 윗세대분들부터 열심히 세운 나라가 흔들리지 씨발 어떻게하면 우리나라 이용해먹을까 호시탐탐 노리는 적들에게 얼마나 고마운 일이냐
>If someone criticizes him, he says that all those who blamed him are Chinese
l think it's deja vu
Perhaps I think op is a young child under 20 years old.
At this age, they are enjoying the entertainment culture such as animation and games
Indonesian king licking korean asshole so hard lol
>He claims that Korea and Japan made the image of Asia good
Its true though
Chinese image is soulless insect
SEA image poor jungle monkey
Japanese and Korean pop culture is the only thing that makes Asian look good
based. never had to pretend to be any other race to get laid but if the opportunity presents itself you bet im lying
Why mad? Low quality and stupid girls, no loss value.
욕해줘!! 빨리 한국 문화 가지고 으스대는 아시아인들 욕해달라구!!! 빼앵애ㅐㅇ애객!!!
애새끼네 시발 개병신 새끼 ㅋㅋ
>all these insects in one thread
A simple fly swatter won't be enough this time
>t. A black
응 느금 ^ㅇ^
Can’t you see her face???
OP is acting like a child.
Soulless bugpeople.
니 편들어서 까주는애들 없어서 우짜노? ㅋㅋ 섭섭하겠놐ㅋㅋㅋ 빨리가서 분노의 애니 시청이나 해라 ㅋㅋ
아 그리고 이런건 통베가서 열심히 짱개 까면서 놀아라 여기서 놀지말구 ^통^
>Chinese image is soulless insect
Other east asians have that title too
>Japanese and Korean pop culture is the only thing that makes Asian look good
Apart from the minority who enjoys them this is what japanese and korean pop culture is like to everyone else
Unfortunately, yes. I can see. She is unfortunate but I do not wish to be unkind.
That is true though, but the pop culture of South Korea and Japan is still the subculture of enthusiasts in the West. Perhaps Westerners' prejudices of Asians and Asian culture will continue forever.
yeah, pretty much this. korea isn't really in the position to complain about that.
>run sushi place/japanese restaurants in the west pretending to be japanese
>corporations have used japanese icons for promotion
>"i'm japanese" for better treatment
korea has long been on the coattails of japan, while shitting on 24/7. and korea also benefits from china, as charm of east asia is still largely made up of ancient chinese civilization, feudal japanese stuff, modern japanese culture (from which modern korean pop culture derives), and power of modern japan and china.