welcome to the fat parade edition
Joshua Lopez
Other urls found in this thread:
Cameron Garcia
Michael Perry
kek this is me
Liam Robinson
caught porke having a mcdonalds by himself in his work clothes
grim sight
Hudson Howard
Rorke asking his mum what’s for dinner tonight
Jackson Wilson
Wish a paki militant would run rampant around the BBC offices just going room to room splattering them all over the walls
In the ballot box of course
Xavier Wood
added rorke to the filters as suggested
the two underage mongs can giggle to themselves
Ethan Rogers
Rorke asking his mum if he can borrow £20 to go down to the pub tonight... He's 27
Colton Phillips
That rorkie? proper little cunt isn't he...
Eli Torres
cannot WAIT to get home tonight lads
gonna have MASSIVE PILE of pasta for tea
with cheese