Get into an argument with a Russian

>get into an argument with a Russian
>he starts linking RT videos

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It's an american under a proxy. Nobody watches rt here

RT America is unironically a good source and is vastly superior to all American media outlets.

They actually have a Russian language website since like the last year
Still true, RT is for non Russians, that's why it's so high quality

Literally nothing wrong with RT as long as it's not about Russia. I remember those ultra comfy Fukushima streams.

>as long as it's not about Russia
such an important keyword here

T. Tankie

>Not being a tankie

RT is only good in comparison to (((opinion analysists))) at CNN and other juden owned media

RT is probably one of the weirdest news outlets, in the sense that it adapts to whatever country its based on, you don't feel like it's a Russian owned network, unlike Aljazeera which clearly lets its ideological roots slip from it despite its liberal leaning

Disgusting larper

redacted tonight is literally better than any of the other shows where American liberals foaming at the mouth pretend to be funny

Larry King when he had a show was not too god, but still okay.
And they had fucking Assange for like a year, some episodes were not bad a tall

RT America/ RT UK are pretty fucking nice if you ask me as far as Anglo 'news' media goes, too bad it's leaning so far left most of the time

Shoo shoo discord tranny
Al Jazeera is just pandering to brown shitskins to provoke fifth column opposition within a country

RT America is leftist so it kind of sucks half the time. RT Europe is borderline alt-right so it's a lot better.

I check out RT just because there's no escaping the government's opinion on shit, it balances out my view on things.

Like fuck what we're up to in Yemen, I wouldn't have known about that shit if I'd only watched BBC News.

Cuck post
>caring about shitholes
Spotted the communist

t. US State Department

RT is a good news outlet though

>Not realising that they're shitholes because America keeps cucking itself to the Saudis for oil, even after they openly practice the ideology of Wahhabism and incubated the terrorists that committed 9/11.

It's not just Yemen being a war torn shithole, it's realising that the West isn't as powerful as it thinks.

Okay Mr. geopolitics analyst, you going to come down for dinner later? It’s chicken tenders, your favorite

Agreed, for comparison it's better than majority of channels and the docs are alright. Of course you won't find shit on Russia beside occasional promotion and smug bants but aside from that (why would you trust a national tv about its own country) the news, debates and coverage on the rest of the world is pretty fair and respectable without hysteria, also people you rarely see or could even think of being interviewed on western media.
Our Italian state tv RAI is absolute cancer and BBC/CNN/F24/DW/Euronews tier, just like Mediaset TGCOM24 news channel they do unirinically use CNN and WashPost as sources quoting other sources and anonymous experts to report retarded news or last minute filler news when there are no happenings at all. Currently RAI is shilling pro-EU, pro jews and lefty agenda as always instead of reporting news neutrally. Apparently now Italy is under a literal nazi fascist regime if you bother watching 5 mins of Rai News 24.
They should cut with the cringe smug shorts perhaps and maybe have at least 2h a day for news focus and discussion between the hourly newslines reruns.

hey killing brown people is bad though
Europe is closer so the cause-effect loop is short, so they're starting to get it
the long time between actiona nd reaction is making you guys stupid, on the other hand. but the principle is the same, you fuck up shit on the other side of the globe, you get nine-elevened, it's pretty much the law of nature

Being a weak minded slag is your prerogative in America, a one-and-a-half continents and the entire Atlantic sea away. Everything your government says about Iran, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan was 10x more true about Saudi Arabia and thousands of New Yorkers suffered from the tyrannical teachings enforced by the house of Saud.

I don’t live in jew York.

Oh no... the tyrannical teachings of the house of Saud..

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>Cucking yourself this badly to a foreign prince
>Pretending you're anything else
You must live in Isolated Americana Shithole, Wyoming, population: a few dozen

>gets into an argument with a a southamerican
>he starts talking abut Europe and how insinificant % of european culture he has

your brother might
or a kid, since, you know, the loop is about 20-30 years it seems, since to affect you guys it takes a youth from a bombed out village to grow to a man with a following

you never know, but karma is a thing, so, the way they say it in Russia, "saw off the iron sight"

Also both Rai and Mediaset, nobody sane watches La7 the most jewish and liberal of all channel after the American owned ones, have their two female reporters, the radical chic Giovanna Botteri for the state tv and the cokehead Maria Luisa Rossi Hawkings, they are literally paid to showcase and read the American newspaper headlines on live. Yes, they just read newspapers and chat about gossip passing it as news. Yes, they do it in the internet information era. And yes, they quote USA Today, WashPost, TheNewYorker, HuffPost and other garbage. The Hawkins is also legit scary, has that insane gaze and fake smile, probably assimilated with the Americans.

if karma is a thing what did the russians do

Kit out the baltic soviet states with industry?