Tell me spooky stories from your country

tell me spooky stories from your country

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I live in Serbia.

my friend's dad got catched while fucking a donkey.

Tell me more, I bet you got lots of them.

How does your friend cope with it? Does he still look his father in the eyes?

>be me
>staying at parents farmhouse one weekend as a teenager
>9:30pm, not tired at all, 100% lucid
>decide ehh I'll try closing my eyes
>the MOMENT I close my eyes its instantly morning, literally the blink of an eye
>sister was in bed with me and she disappeared instantly
>can smell parents making breakfast
>have never time travelled before or since and have never had anyone be able to explain what happened to me

5% of the population is gypsies

Well, despite being 13% of the population...

It's... wait, I can't remember the word. Ah, yes: falling asleep.

I am living between Russia and Iran

we have multiple spooky stories, what are you interested about?
>Serial Killers
>Alien Abduction
>Ghost Myths

>>sister was in bed with me

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here's one that happened to me earlier this year, still can't explain it
>about 1 AM
>working on something
>go to the kitchen to have a smoke
>turn on the light and right when I step into the room I can clearly hear an older female voice saying something along the lines of "i'll come to you right now and fucking kill you" in Romanian

I live alone and yes, I'm sure I wasn't just tired and hearing shit, I freelance and working until 4-5 AM is everyday stuff to me

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Your brain got memory holed my man

>spending the night in my tent near some lake an hour and a half away from my home
>tent suddenly lights up as if someone's shining a flashlight through it from the outside, moves from one side of the tent to the other in a linear motion
>no thunder, no sounds of footsteps
>spend a minute in a state of panic, listen intently for sounds, try not to move
>eventually decide it must have just been a distant lighting strike and fall asleep
was spoopy though

Visit Naples and die. Literally.

The entire post-1989 eastern bloc is a spooky story in itself. The mafias were wild and rampant and people were high on the sudden freedom they were given. That's where my dad comes in. He was born in the worst part of the city and he used to be a criminal in these years of lawlessness. Many people were really bad with their finances because of the sudden change from communism to a free market system and his job was to brutally extort money from indebted individuals who weren't eager to pay up. The tactic he used was to fuck them up as much as he could making it as convincing as possible that he's going to kill them without actually planning to kill them. The police caught him after over half a decade and when he was released from prison he got an honest job, started a family and never sinned again.

Who is that based on?


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Alex Jones

Spookiest video ever recorded, containing the death screams of a hundred people burning alive within a couple minutes in an inferno

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So ur with ur honey and yur making out wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is "wut r u doing wit my daughter?" U tell ur girl n she say "my dad is ded". THEN WHO WAS PHONE?

Of course

That's Bill Hicks.


>visit Padania
>get snatched by the Swamp Beast

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Damn, Martin Scorsese should make a movie about your dad and not rehash the same dago story over and over again.

Hell, I'd give a whack at writing a screenplay about it

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this one time i was walking home at night and i saw a cat but it ran away

die bigot


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Didn't know Americans got internet access in jail, Tyrone.

It was the CIA.

A guy commited suicide in the presidential palace's bathroom (some say he was "assisted").

There have been ghost stories ever since.

two guys started arguing in front of me the other day, and i didnt know what to do so I left.