/v4/ & frens

Nice edition

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First for all of these countries are russia

if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best

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Argie bless thread please

whos next

doing a blessing lads

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have sex

nice bless,thanks

recoil would probably snap your tiny wrists

so far I have decided that I will buy these models

>jap plane
nice too.

Cannot argue with trips ;__;

probably gonna get a tank too, and a big plane if I find a nice one

nice they are not even that expensive.

I might buy this spook

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More American than you, Pablo

good choice with huey

10 hours more

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very nice. get panther or leopard.

Watching gonna do about it wh*toid,m

I would like to do one with a desert camo, always liked how it looks on tanks

Tried to make out with the nerdy girl when we went back to her place.

Got a kiss on the cheek and a hug instead. RIP.



Come to think of it, I always do this in my dates, except for the hug, hugs are too much for a stranger

>hug is too much
>kiss on cheek is not

For a stranger it is
Kiss on a cheek is the way we always greet, a hug indicates certain intimacy or confidence

Do not call us wh*te
We are proud Iranic Negroes of Europe

Tfw living close to Baltic sea and collecting amber at night after storm. U dont know this feel

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But she is still texting me all day today. Wtf do I make of this.

>Got a kiss on the cheek and a hug
What a chad. I once tried to hold hands with a girl but she didn't let me. That's the closest i ever been to getting laid.

Hmm for how long have you texted/seen her?

cz*Ch """"""women""""""""""

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she'll bang you on the third date

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I don't even know the sea

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You tried to make out and you got a kiss
Thar's two good things most incels won't ever even dare to attempt, so consider yourself a minichad

That you found a decent girl who's into you, but doesn't want to come off as a slut. Congrats, ask her out again.

If dubs I will post my biggest autismo story where I rejected girl who wanted sex with me

(I already posted it 5 years ago on Jow Forums and Jow Forums tho)

No, the closest "sea" to me now is New York harbor and the east river. There are no beaches.
How have you never been to the ocean?

Ive been back in Ireland

The closer I was from it is in the 'rio de la plata' that divides Buenos Aires from Uruguay, other than that I've never had the chance or the money to go, I live in a landlocked province

Are the "vaginas are disgusting" pepik?


I will never understand this copy pasta.
Daughters also cary their father DNA and when they have children those Children cary your DNA and obviously the DNA of other people. Not everyone is Muslim procreating only in their own family having 80% of children disabled.


I miss Ireland ;__;

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Do you live in the Pampa?
Rio Negro maybe?

>Hmm for how long have you texted/seen her?

She's a girl that is my closest friend in uni. We have known each other for months and only gone out once before, but that was to figure out a project we were doing together, wasn't a date as I was dating a different girl at the time.

This was our first time going out, we've been texting on and off for months. After I tried to make out with her I got apologetic and called an Uber, she was adamant on walking me out to the street, then as I was walking away and we were saying bye she went in for a hug and kissed me on the cheek.

Should I do it tonight or text for a few more days and then ask her out? Or just casually text her and be like, want to hang out again next week?
Yeah maybe, she did invite me in to make us cocoa and sober up so I took that as a sign of wanting to bang.

I miss Kraków ;-;

I didn't try 130 kg bench press because I didn't find a reliable spotter but I did 120x3 and 110x7 so at least in this month I have lost some weight without losing strength.
Tomorrow I will try for sure 165 kg squat.

She flirts with you?, if so as I said before she may be playing hard to get and wait for a few dates before szegsz, I suggest you to keep dating her and approaching her slowly

>She flirts with you?, if so as I said before she may be playing hard to get and wait for a few dates before szegsz, I suggest you to keep dating her and approaching her slowly

Right but I don't want to come off as creepy if she just wants to be friends I am cool with that too. Should I text her and ask her if she wants to go on a date next week? Or is that too direct?

oh no you're the canuck
on second thought fuck off

I miss my friends ;_;

Trami is the best poster here

Why would someone want to be with a whore who fucks in the first date?

Hi Lodówka
How was it

I miss my PC ;-;
Don't talk about 'date', to avoid self-roasting, just invite her to go somewhere and see what happens

4 cool years despite the fact that i was bullied at work by a pack of Polish whores but other than that it was great

on opposite day sure

I don't get it either
Jews use maternal lines and it made them super influential

What do you mean by see what happens? Just say hey do you want to go out and do X on Y? What do you mean by self roasting?

thanks I know

>tfw you see your posts from 2014

where the fuck did the time go

Tons and tons of thirsty cunts

Make v4 great again

I mean that you should be subtle about your intentions, most (good) girls don't appreciate that guys only invite them to go out just to fugg them

can we make a list of polish /v4/ posters?
>aussie pole
>jap gf twink
>marcel (rip)
>that guy who wants to start a twitch channel to rant about jews
am i missing anyone?

Fridge, pedopole

nah the old good posters are gone.

I remember posting here in 2013 with Irish flag. Damn

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>>that guy who wants to start a twitch channel to rant about jews
who lol

also forgot FRIDGE

I think most of pl posters are newfags desu

>I mean that you should be subtle about your intentions, most (good) girls don't appreciate that guys only invite them to go out just to fugg them

I mean I would be fine with dating her, I am not the kind of guy who is only interested in sex. It's far better when there's passion anyways.

Been 6 years here
Time fly fast

Looks like foggier Poland Tbh
>Or just casually text her and be like, want to hang out again next week?
No, don't ever be casual around a girl, send her a formal letter of intent instead.
Lmao just go for it dude

I remember old memes

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Also that canadian that post under polish flag, but dunno if he counts
Good, then have patience and try to have fun and learn about the things she likes (that always gives you extra points), invite her to go out and if she accepts that means you have chances and you should go for it tiger, if she doesn't, rip

>Croats Ruskies and Latinos in our thread
I thought we are the future of white Europe, the proud xenophobes.

Bullshit, do talk about date, I repeat DATE, otherwise she will have an excuse to pretend she thought it's just hanging out with a friend
Girls fuckin love dates

no he does not

>Also that canadian that post under polish flag, but dunno if he counts

It's literally me who you are helping with this chick.

Oy vey now I am confused.

>tfw no (random v4 cunt) gf

I remember you my security bro ;3

Dear Czechm8

A 'date' gives you more pressure, instead of a friendly and chill going out with an acquaintance, but maybe that's just me
You should get a trip desu, I always reply as you were sarmatian


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how can you not recognise that retard on first glance

>You should get a trip desu, I always reply as you were sarmatian

I don't want to be an attention whore. I will stay user. But I am like the only guy here who talks about their dates and such so its easy enough to recognize me.

>A 'date' gives you more pressure, instead of a friendly and chill going out with an acquaintance, but maybe that's just me

I texted her saying " Do you want to go for dinner in a couple days? Italian? "

Cuz I'm a dummy

Why do you do it so had with women to yourself?
Just tell her that you find her cute and want to be more than a friend.
If she says no that you won't waste your time.

>I am like the only guy here who talks about their dates
That's because tou're the only one having dates...
>I texted her saying " Do you want to go for dinner in a couple days? Italian? "
Did she reply?

Im so hungry I forgot to take money to work reeeeee
Good luck user

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Not yet. I will post reply screen whether or not its positive or negative.

Don't worry we will have many dates on our ranch in Patagonia. I can cook garlic shrimp very well.

Fuck Wahmen.

Sorry but I only date sarmatian bulls older than 26

This but literally

Quite good

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what about me :(

That's what they all say before months and months of isolated sexual tension bursts.

jump off a bridge, no one likes you

we like you