Wake up

>wake up
>still e*stern "european"
I wish g*d gifted me with strong will so i could finally end it all

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We built 12 story commieblocks in your "country" for a reason.
Do it, faggot

You, my brother, are a NORTHERN FINNIC man. Be proud.

I look nothing like a nord though :(

Party rock is in the house tonight

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same here


Eastern euro is still better than almost everywhere else on earth dude

>i suffer living in east europe where the average woman is much better looking than the world average

Attached: lith girl.png (396x600, 331K)

And these woman riding on muslim/black/rich europeans cocks

No. It's full of slavs and no one from actual countries respects the "countries" which are in e*stern "europe"

My god

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Why are you crying and complaining so much? Now I understand why the b*lts were so hounded in the Soviet army.

cope. Your "country" will always a shithole


a westerner sees a girl like her and scenes of him being married to her while holding hands together surrounded by beautiful butterflies pops up in his head
an eastern sees her and immediately gets reminded of the repulsive and psychopathic mentality that attractive EE girls have, with a guaranteed cheating on a weekly basis unless you are the one with the BMWs and huge social status

That is why you are such whiny, effeminate fagots?

>tfw born geto-dacian
wtf why am I so based

i actually really love eastern europe as an american. the men dont know how to dress though.

It is literally the worst, we are in this weird limbo. We have no benefits of the 1st world while having all the responsibilities and we also have all drawbacks of 3rd world and no benefits of it. Not to mention we are not under PC umbrella.

same feeling

Your thoughts on this? youtube.com/watch?v=wxjwMKqkeAM

that's why you must end degenerate western influence and restore byzantine, my lad

absolutely fucking this
Couldn't have said it better

If wanting your country to be considered an actual country and not a meme state, like all countries in e*stern "europe" are counts as "whiny" and "effeminate", then yes.

it's not the 'degenerate western influence'
Eastern 'european' w*men are all degenerates from nature. The majority of them are not even exposed to the 'influence' in the slightest.

My god. Lithuanian posters are the worst.

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Why? is it because it is "exotic" like all shitholes are?

>One chance at life
>Born in Africa

I think about drowning myself every day

no need to remind me that we're retards, Ivan. i know this already. I want this country to be nuked

>wake up
>still central european

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Just kys already you whiny cunt.

You are so stupid and uninteresting creature that it made me sick of realizing that I spent 5 minutes on you. KYS.

here's a win-win situation:
1. Lithuanians start massacring Russians in Lithuania

2. Putin nukes Lithuania, killing all Lithuanians(you included)

3. NATO then nukes Russia in retaliation, killing all Russians(me included)

A simple 3-step plan.

There are no russians to massacre in Lithuania.

>I want this country to be nuked
There is no need for such drastic measures, we can figure this out. I promise, it will work this time.

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1.2% of Lithuania is Russian, so there are some.

t. 91 iq slav

Tы oткyдa взялcя, хyйлo?

why do YOU care?

Зapeжь ceбя, живoтнoe eбaнoe.

jeez, why are you so aggressive?

Those are lithuanian citizens of russian ancestry.

Not really tho

they still count as Russians and can be slaughtered.

Your thoughts on this? youtube.com/watch?v=wxjwMKqkeAM

No, sorry, not since 1991. We might need to ask Latvia for help.

Я тeбя cкopee зapeжy, cyкa ты тyпaя

That could work

Sure thing, kiddo *winky face*

Don't be sad, eastern europe has a lot of history, culture and great people.

Гoвopи гдe живeшь, cвининa


Apparently not high enough.

>e*stern "europe"
>history culture and great people
pick one

Ulitsa Pushkina
Dom kolotushkina

But please, hurry up, I have important matters to attend to.

Дaвaй гoвopи, cвинья тpycливaя. Зa cлoвa oтвeчaть нaдo, oтвeтишь и ты.


I bet I'm much braver than you are.

>has a lot of
give some examples
>great people
mention some of them

And on top of all that you have the ugliest flag in europe, literally africa tier

Noooooo dimitriii

t. incelcuck

It'll take me a bit to answer, my autism kicked in

It's kind of complicated and I'm a bit of a historylet, but I'll try to explain.

The discussion about Dacians doesn't really stem from the historical footprints they left, but more from the historiography written around them. In the period beetween the late 19th to early 20th centuries, the Romanian principalities were uniting and forming a larger country. In order to promote national unity and homogenity, Romanians turned to their past in order to look for symbols to represent these ideas. Dacia, and its inhabitants, the geto-dacians, became such symbols. So, (romanian) historians from this period turned Dacia into a prototype for Romania, and they described our ancestors as having a single language, a single distinct culture, well-defined borders, basically trying to show that Romanians from all the different principalities are the same people and that they are rightful to their territories. This concept of cultural unity was also reinforced by the process of latinization, Even though, the dacians are our oldest ancestors, the Romanian people is described as a mix of the native Dacian population and the Roman colonists.

I am still a manlet portuguese I fucking hate this life....

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But this is sort of a different discussion, about the continuity of Romanians on our territory and the different theories supporitng or denying it. What I was trying to say with all of this is that the source of the skepticism surrounding historical discussion about Dacia, is the way it was used by past historians as a way to propagate national ideals, without having enough informaton to completely back them. This isn't to say that they weren't doing their jobs properly or that everything written in that period should not be taken into consideration, but this is why the most popular historians here tend to be doubtful, or at least that's what they say we should be doubtful of this part of history. They say that there isn't enough proof to reach any definite conclusions about dacian civilization. For example, we don't know what this "dacian language" sounded like, and we don't really know for sure if the "geto-dacians" really were an homogenous people as it was claimed, or as some people still claim. This is another reason why this subject isn't really taken seriously by many: the people that claim things like "Romania should just be called Dacia", "We are poor because the romans stole our gold". (I'll continue a bit later)

It's not like these people necesarily make ridiculous asumptions (some say things like the chinese being an extension of dacian civilizations, or that the greeks and the romans stole their language). It's just that they use them to justify things being bad in the present day, or trying to equate modern day Romania to this people from thousands of years ago, in an attempt to make us stand out, or have something to be proud about

Now this is the part where I actually talk about the video. Because of all this skepticism propelled by modern historians and intellectuals and the bad reputation given by some people, this entire subject of Dacian history isn't really taken seriously anymore. We do actually know enough things to have a broad idea about dacian civilization looked like and it's role in the world's history, much more than our schools and popular writers want to make it look. I personaly don't really know that much about history, what I've written here is what I learned from school and the few books I've read, so I can't really say if the information presented in the video is true or not, or even if those people have any credibility at all. If you look at the rest of the videos on his channel, he has many videos about conspiracy theories: masonry, neomarxism, etc, so I guess you should decide if you want to trust this video or not. But at the same time, the mainstream historiography is pretty dubious as well, and it seems like they're trying to push an agenda.

>tldr: the jews are up to something idk

Thanks very much. Are there really people who proclaim these?
>"Romania should just be called Dacia", "We are poor because the romans stole our gold".

>conspiracy theories: masonry, neomarxism,
They didn't free Germany of Freemasonry for nothing before the war.

Rare one a.uguu.se/MyC2Wfay3JSP.pdf

Yes, it's not uncommon to see people saying stuff like this, you just need to look at the comment section of a video about history or something. You hear things like that nowadays because the way some people see Dacia was also warped by communism. Even my grandpa used to say something like that because that's what he was taught in school.

And by conspiracy theories I didn't mean that didn't mean that these things can't be taken seriously, masons played an important role in Romania's history and this is something we're thought in schools. It's just that this is what the channel is about, most videos have titles like "Romanian's stolen history" or "Disturbing truths about Romanian history". I don't really think you can trust this guy or the "experts" he talks with.

Thanks. I've never read any of CZC's books. The Iron Guard is kind of controversial here, in history class you barely learn anything about them, and they mostly just skip over it saying things like "it was just a fascist movement in Romania".

Some people would probably claim now that CZC's secret plan was to reclaim the old territories of the Dacian Kingdom or something.

southeastern yuros masterrace

I wish I lived in Lithuania.

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>wake up
>still alive

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holy shit she's fucking disgusting, looks like a fucking ghoul like most balto-slavic "WOMEN". Get me a med gf and then we can talk.

i want to move to slovenia and help slovenebros reach their peak