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International #1056
Does Americans really do this
Is it wrong that this pic turns my d*ck into diamonds?
China is going to declare war on the US and the West
Post cuties that define your continent or part of your continent
How common is this view in your cunt?
/fr/ - le francofil
Someone, help my country, please, it just won't stop going up
Capitalism? It's the Jew's strongest weapon...
Women must die...
Russians be like "Hi, my name is Bleboslavglobyatekiev"
You will never be Scandinavian
183 cm
Why are there so many people from Bhutan in Vermont, New Hampshire, and North Dakota?
Civil war 2.0 breaks out in the US
Have sex you freak!
Americans think entrée means the main dish
Who would win in a war desu?
ITT: Jow Forums in 1942
Do you guys support a united Türkestan?
Would you rather have a child who was really extroverted or really introverted?
Sverigetråden - Slagupplagan
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Right wing is mental illness right girls? lets show em what we are made off! bash the fash
Go out
This is what a perfect lady looks like, if you disagree, then you are a soyboi who does not deserve queens like her
Do your countrymen like the USA?
Imagine not living in a Mediterranean climate. I'd probably suicide myself
I admire the real greeks, who have survived this far
His country has no martial arts
Currently hiding under a girls bed
/ita/ - il filo
Post images from your country
50 km/h speed limit? I better go 40, there may be a school or a playground nearby
I hate everything about how islam is portrayed in the west
Still waiting on that smug tuxedo pepe/soyjak edit of this
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
Imagine being coastlet cunt
Ways Spain has FUCKED OVER my life:
Which countries will exist 100 years from now?
What happens here?
Father take a bath with his daughter
Post your lock screen
This just in
Do you prefer Tea or Coffee?
The only Slovenians the World knows are a meme communist and a woman who sucks Donald Trump's dick
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Yeee lets fuck'em black girls yeeee!!!
One chance at life
This just in
What's the most common fetish in your cunt?
How do Euros cope with the fact that they have been beaten by "Pooland" in the video games front...
Did dinosaurs roam around your country?
Fabrication for War
Fucking an asian sissy is possibly the most based and redpilled thing you can do
Is this a popular Finnish hobby?
Sverigetråden - Städisupplagan
Euros be like: dat toothbrush a girl, dat table a guy
My friend from Australia that went to Spain , Portugal, Poland...
1. Your country?
Éire is cute! CUTE!
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
Never again. Glad it fell
Gandhi was planning to go on a hunger strike to give Pakistan 10 km wide corridor through India which would connect...
How is he seen in the UK?
Why is the mere mention of Canada hilarious to Americans? You see it all the time in American media
Do you love Israel?
Estonia's navy is KYOOT
What is your biggest problem that you have with your cunt Jow Forums?
Lmao. A stray mutt
Euro bro's get in here
Why do Japanese people get so happy when outsiders know things about Japan?
Fuck indos
Watches of Jow Forums
I'm a fucking ugly manlet
Do you support a Hokkien ethnostate?
Why do Americans hate mass rapid transit networks?
British say "needn't"
I can't fucking wait bros
Gratulerer med dagen, kjære landsmenn!
Why yes, I am indeed Southeast Asian
Would an Islamic Europe really be that bad?
Should I trap a lonely Korean or Japanese guy into getting me pregnant? East Asia seems like a neat place to live
Would you?
This is comedy in America
Asians be like: if they make abortions illegal i'll be forced to shut down my soup restaurant
/fr/ - le fil du Royaume de France et de Navarre
What are the main rivalries in this region?
Reminder that every single slavic country is rightful Russian clay
Really makes you think
Google "Swedish"
Why yes I did intentionally ignored and pushed away the only girl I liked and irreversibly destroyed any chance of...
Today is Norways independence day! On this day...
Sverigetråden - Fredag Upplagan
Volkswagen to open €1.4B factory in Balkans
Why is english so hard?
Architect behind Louvre Pyramid dies aged 102
Are Norwegians and Swedes distinguishable by appearance?
These countries are gonna get banned from Jow Forums soon
/cum/ + friends
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Do any of you guys keep a journal?
Solve this
Now the dust has been settled, after 2019/5/24 all gay couple in taiwan can get married!!!
Americans actually do THAT? LMAO
Cops here don't carry any firearms
China, WTF?
1. Your cunt
Lmao, are these acturally true?
What do you call this?
T-The ethnostate is c-coming
I failed my driving test :(
Arab country
Why do European women look like boys?
Insult Romania
Left : soul
Are other Asians embarrassed about the Philippines...
What are some less known interesting facts from your country?
Tfw don't have a bro nation
Kurva anyátok
We must protect her bros
Best country in the world. Has always been a role model for Russia. Now keeps the third place in terms of trade
Polish girl living in UK died while riding a bicycle when her large breasts made her lose her balance and she fell...
This triggers the american
Why yes, I'm Mexican, how did you know?
Would Israel be destroyed in America stopped backing them?
Out of touch with reality
Is there for real about to be a war with Iran?
Shut the fuck up
nobody on Jow Forums can refute this
The ultimate whore
1. Your country
Proud African country
Russia and Britain think they contributed as anything more than distractions in WWII
Happy birthday Don!
Do you blame them for giving into temptation and creating mestizos when they saw this after landing
Why are they so ugly?
Wypipo be like “damn this sandwich too spicy” lmfao
I'm the Australian poster who makes threads about how great China is, AMA
He is a cool guy
Describe Jow Forums in one image
ITT: we predict each other sense of humor in relation to the result of political compass
Third time's the charm lol
Internacional comedy
Why yes I do unconditionally support Israel. They are the only democracy in the Middle East and our greatest ally...
Ukrainian girl in america
your country
What do you call a Turkish Car?
/Germanic/ - Germanic language general
How do I export democracy to Kazakhstan?
The People's Republic of China, the best country to live in the world
Your cunt
I don't get the latinos who are obsessed with white girls since their own women are far superior
Why yes, i am a Finno-Ugrian supremacist, how could you tell?
Is this accurate?
/ita/ - il filo
Latin america new and improved
/simmering brennt/ ehemals /deutsch/
What is the point of this country?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
The Japs know
Korean tourist in Japan
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
What's going on, russians?
White people be like "Margaret, could you bring some more marmalade and biscuits for our guests, we're running out""
Do Eurofags really not hold hands while shitting?
Why are they so smart?
Where are horror stories generally set in when they take place in your cunt?
Brazil should be forced to give up control of the Amazon to the USA or the EU...
Eurovision Song Contest 2019 brought to you by Israel™
What are some surefire signs that shit just got REALLY thirdie?
Can any American user explain Trump's new immigration reform bill?
Does anyone else hate the Irish?
Is this man the only good communist prove me wrong!
Nominal GDP in 2030 and 2050
White Girls Tier
Patiently awaiting the final draw
Who will win the race for world domination Jow Forums?
There are girls browsing Jow Forums RIGHT NOW
Your country
Of course I support trans rights bro, what do you take me for, some kind of hateful bigot?
Post famous criminals from your cunt
Why are Brazilians like this?
Confess Jow Forums
Anglos: How do we deal with them?
Your cunt
Post zoomer music from you're country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Recently got back from a trip to Germany...
Amerilions are extinct
Cute Asian girls are what will unify us in peace and harmony
Lie in bed excited as fuck about our national day tommorow
I have never left Canada. Canada is my life and my life is Canada. It's all I ever knew and I'll ever know
Why are Germans fat cunts?
What's with this board and hating on British women. I mean some of the most beautiful women come from the Isles...
Do you speak with an accent Jow Forums? Is it easy to understand?
Daily reminder that 2nd world in the hardest mode of all
Any good animes you guys recommend?
Does your country have rivalries between universities
Do they act any differently than brits?
Will Poland ever be a top 3 EU country?
...So what's the verdict?
Why women thinks they can have babies without semen?
Every named country in this image could disappear tomorrow, and the world wouldn't even notice
Once and for all : Which is whiter, Dark Blue or Light Blue eyes?
What happens to white people in jail in your country?
As a latino it saddens me that so many of my brown brothers are lusting for wh*Teoid females when our own women are far...
Sverigetråden - Sv Ho Upplagan
/ita/ - il filo
Why do some British men only date foreign women?
Kurva anyátok
What food does your country have?
Why are white Americans so short?
Do you guys use reddit?
Why do chinese people look SO ugly?
/deutsch/ formerly known as /nachtschicht/
Your country
Worst posters on the board:
What would you do if you found out that the holocaust actually happened?
/fr/ -
ITT we post badass traditional music from your cunt
Guatemala guy here ask me anything
Which would you rather fuck?
/cum/ + friends
Tfw rarely see or interact with Mexicans in the UK
American education
I have Mexican maids cleaning my house right now
A gay mosque opened in Canada
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ita/ il filo
Does your country have a beard culture?
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
ITT: Jow Forums in 1973
Roll thread because I know you autists can't resist roll threads
ITT: Jow Forums‘s favourite music
Do other countries have these god tier little pizzas?
What are Latinas interested in?
Why are British women so ugly?
I thought that having sex is some magical thing that will change my life forever but i finally lost my virginity at the...
Why do racists do this?
Do you think in English or translate in your mind?
1. Your cunt
Finland love thread
Why are you hate russia
What is the "Alabama" of your country?
Abortion is intrinsically immoral
Why is the royal family of Spain white even though most other Spaniards look Middle Eastern?
Have sex
Eurovision thread - 2nd semifinal
Is Maisie Williams considered hot in your country?
THE obedience of THE med Will happen
ITT you pretend to speak in a language of the poster above
/deutsch/ medicopter 117 ausgabe
Why can't they get along?
Talk in russian in csgo voice chat
What race/s should the followimg races mix with to produce the best looking offspring
1 your country
Are blue-eyed blond people considered exotic here?
This is Princess Märtha Louise of Norway and Shaman Durek
What's an Arab?
/fr/ - le francofil franco-français
What should i buy from the store frens?
Are you good looking in your country?
What happens in Bergamo?
I came back from Japan yesterday
Why is Brazil so fucked up? They have such rich land and a huge population
/v4/ + friends
If Italians are really Romans, why don't they use garum any more?
What is your opinion on delusional alarmists?
American "bread"
Which former USSR states still learn and use the Russian language...
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
Take the Economic-Freedom Pill
Be Latino
Does this happen in your cunt??
Fil d'eurovision demi-finale 2/ semi final 2 of the eurovision
Just came back from Japan yesterday
*disproves claims with an actual coherent argument*
Sverigetråden Kasslernupplagan
/brit/ /brut/
Haha yeah I make 30 threads A day on Americans but im not jelous of them or anything, I just uh, think about them a lot
Do your cunt have “men” like this?
Do Americans really?
1. your country
Slavs aren't white
Are bathroom passes really not a thing in other countries?
Why are they always so rude and insecure?
When will Poland pay for their war crimes? For their Polish death camps?
Why do Americans wear shoes inside the house?
Canada has no cul-
Are esports a big thing in your country?
ITT WE banter our neighboursrs
This is an Ethnic Polish person
Literally giving away billions for free
Why do Americans want to legalize being a degenerate?
You,are cunt?
While norway and denmark during the 1100 to the 1200s were busy building massive empires that spanned the northern...
How do you call her in your country?
I am moving soon to this country for studies... Am I fucked?
Which country is the worst to be an incel, and why is it Brazil?
Is this the most based region in the world?
This Hungarian on our general committed suicide. He was suicidal earlier in the year but bailed out...
Watches of Jow Forums
Holy this is based. European Federation when?
Are these models or just common girls in italy
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
My impressions from my america trip
Americans are the stupidest people that have ever lived
I got these cute flags at Ikea and I placed them in my entrance
/ita/ il filo
Non Finno-Ugric
Jews are the true master race
Do you want to lick Chinese pussy?
Mfw a third worlder is racist to me
Is it true most Frenchmen have Spanish and Italian ancestors?
Fuck cumskins
I hate being hapa. My dad is German and mother is Japanese. I was born and raised in Illinois. I hate my Asian face...
I hate this so much!
Why is it considered unmasculine for men to cook and clean? Like...
Sverigetråden - Dampfria upplagan
Why did the Spanish bred with the redskin natives into near extinction but the British didn't do the same to their...
Is it possible to compete with German engineering?
Stop seething and face reality, fatties
How are trans people treated in your cunt?
Get an american reply
Has a good command of English
Alternative /norgetråden/
Does anyone else remember the times when instead of the Danes being called pigs and Finns being called Mongols...
How good are you at actually speaking English IRL as opposed to typing it on Jow Forums?
Europe today
What is the most hated country in Asia?
Depression thread, bedroom edition
Northern Asians are simply barbarians and will never be anything different
Youre cunt?
What happens here?
/fr/ - le francofil
Why are Americans the most attractive?
What's the difference between American and Italian lasagna?
Is there any reason Americans hate Huawei except them not putting NSA backdoors into their infrastructure?
1. your cuntree
This is how the average white woman dresses
Tfw all of my relatives make fun of me for being under 90kg
You wake up in Norway
1. ur country
Map of religions in Europe, circa 1900
Bigger chance to be born in Western Europe
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/: oбычный
I want to lick the beauty skin of Korean women. Then I want to SEX
Do americans really?
Should I learn portuguese or spanish?
This French man murdered 3 year old in Finland
Have you ever committed a crime? I once masturbated in a subway tunnel when no one was around and got away with it...
Why americans do this?
How to start a political party in Russia? I want to create an Uralic people's party...
/ita/ - il filo
Königsberg: before Slavs and after Slavs
Sverigetråden - Raka upplagan
Is Kazakhstan the only place on earth where you can find cuties with Asian facial bone structure and blue eyes?
Tfw no Jow Forums bf
Post your cities ghetto
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Why do many Mexicans and Brazilians (especially Brazilians) act racist on Jow Forums and say things like "I hate...
Tfw Allah has been answering all my prayers lately
Do Americans really do this?
I want to learn Japanese, but only how to speak, I'm too lazy to learn all 5000 kanjis
Despite having its problems, at least Brazil has good universi-
Mfw americans really do
1. your kot
A) cunt
Just unite already
Redpill me about gopniks
Any other non-whites afraid to visit this area?
Ok, I guess is time to kms
My favourite video game? Well, that would be Gothic 2 Night of the Raven
Im a mutt
Do girls Dye their hairs with those silly colors in your cunt?
Why are Americans (literally) like this?
European history is pretty much just France chimping out and being put down...
Bolsonaro just made a fucking 30% cut to public schooling and universitie's funding recently...
Is America still a first world country in your opinion?
Would you suck my big willy?
Are weed moms common in your country?
What do incels do in your country? What happens to them?
>mexican food
Thoughts on this?
Go get haircut at Walmart
Do you love chile?
So Vietnam likes us? Can anyone from Vietnam explain?
why yes I haven't made my bed in over 2 months, how could you tell?
How easy is it to get a job in your country?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
If you didnt know about her at all, what'd be your guess on her ethnicity?
Kurva anyátok
You wake up in Adelaide, Australia
You wake up in West Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Stable monarchy
Post in this thread and I will make a tuxedo pepe for your country. Limited time offer only
/cum/ + friends
Ok Jow Forums, how do you feel about this part of the US/california
I'm living with my parents again. My dad can barley even look at me
Most of the white supremacists on Jow Forums are mexican, brazilian, or some other type of latino
My ancestor :)
Korean study thread
Basically a chink version of America. Full of retards and assholes and a few nice people...
This is El Tepeyac National Park, located next to Mexico City. Say something nice about it, Jow Forums
Mena list tier
Asian women and skin whitening cream
How do I get an arab bf, when most arabs hate fags?
I'm drunk
1. Cunt
Would your country gladly annex South Korea if given the chance?
Damn, Koreans look like THAT?
Do Americans really do this?
Why do so many of you hate the chinese? They're not all that bad, right?
You laught at american education but... what about japs...
Hey int
Islamist Iran forces leftist feminist women to fall in love with their rapist captors
Came to Jow Forums after my neo-nazi phase ender because I was curious about the world
3 tranny erp threads
You wake up in Athens, the birthplace of western culture
ITT: Foods that trigger Yuropoors
Has anyone else here been diagnosed with obesity? How do you deal with your disease...
Does mexicans really do this
Folk stories
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
1.your cunt
Britain decides to leave
Is smoking common in ur cunny? Do people smoke a lot?
Post your city's THEATRO MVNICIPAL
How's Japan really like for a brown fella? Might go there or Thailand for the Fall. Not interested in anime by the way
How do I stop hating americans?
Does Jow Forums like horchata?
What countries would back the US up in a hypothetical war on Iran?
Opinions of Mexicans?
What do these two cunts have in common?
Sverigetråden - Kattupplagan
How is incest viewed in your country?
Light green/white: TRVE EVROPA
Imagine fucking her
Foriegners come to America
If your country does not have pyramids, it does not have real history
Serious Jow Forums question
/Bootmädchen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Are robocallers a problem in other countries?
You wake up in Portland
4 week beard
you are cunt
Type 3 low class names in your country and 3 upper class names from your country
Heritage thread
Confessions of Jow Forums
How do i get a qt turkish gf
If America is so great then why is homosexuality legal there?
Go to Spain to show off my beach body to the senoritas
I will never be able to live a normal life because I'm mentally ill
*destroys americans intellectually*
This is the average American couple. Thoughts? What do couples look like in your cunt?
Ur cunt
What are some countries with unfortunate geographic location?
How do you say "have sex." in your language?
I just wanted to thank Poland for creating this masterpiece, I cant stop playing it...
/fr/ - le francofil
Have sex
The US has never had a dictatorship
Why are Jews so fucking based?
If Brie Larson was just a regular person and she was in your country, would the common folk find her attractive?
If you had to live in a medieval country, which one would you pick?
As a non-American, my opinion of America is blah blah bleghhh bppppppptht
Do people have a hard time making friends in your cunt?
/ita/ il filo
Sverigetråden - Våga Vägra Politik upplagan
What do you hate about yourself, Jow Forums?
Come to my country
Do Americans Really?
Are you plebs helping your national average or making it worse?
Guys I think these two really hate each others
Your cunt
Hey France
Do Americans really do this?
When will US troops leave Afghanistan?
How much German cultural influence has remained in the parts of Poland that were originally German?
ITT: Jow Forums in 2004
Y white people do this?
Will Switzerland ever join the EU? If yes, when do you think it will happen?
Why are women so evil?
Alabama banned abortion
I always kiss my gf after she gives me a blowjob
/v/ - Jow Forums and Jow Forums
Sverigetråden - Utan GoT soja
Why aren't you a black woman in Poland yet Jow Forums?
Dad came back to us after 15 years, because he had cancer and he tough we would feel sorry for him...
/v4/ + friends
What were the culture shocks?
I want see Americans invade this place and get absolutely destroyed and dominated by persian BVLLS. *rubs hands*
Shoutenings to the balloon seller
That Kid thread
Can latinos revive the amerindian race by mixing with asians?
/Nederdraad/ aka /dutchthread/
African/int/ - anti west edition
What is the Saskatchewan of your country?
/rus/ + /bel/ + /ukr/
/ita/ - il filo
Dear rest of the world
Have I told you that today is my birthday, Jow Forums?
France's killed this 222 years ago
Where did the modern African American names such as Quantavius or Shabommaniqua come from...
Do you love Portugal?
Be playing CS:GO
/fr/ - le francofil
Kurva anyátok
Your country have a little version of you?
Turns out, Americans really do
/deutsch/ für immer und ewig
/danmarktråden/ 7.0
Kurds are based
I'm moving to Europe and there's nothing you can do about it
The age of BBC is over
Wh*tes get out
80 million people, about the same as Germany
Hindus and Muslims
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2194
Britain to offer a war crimes amnesty to all soldiers of the past 10 years
Europoor hate thread
Why do Ameritards think that going to a 3rd world country means instant death
Do you have this candy in your country? its from Finland
Countries in red haven't won Eurovision yet. Thoughts?
What do these two cunts have in common?
Draw yourself
Islamic shithole x say his country/culture are similar to italy
Do women in your cunt do that?
Itt describe your life with a picture
ITT: posters you want to strangle with your bare hands
Can we just ban this yellow fever fag already
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
/unser jahr/ ehemals /deutsch/
Someone unironically says latinx
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
My little brother (10 years old) just got bit by a fucking stray dog
Imagine not living in Europe
So... Latinas
Why do Chinese cities look so cool
/ita/-il filo
How do we fix America's birth rate problem?
/frosch/ ehemals /deutsch/
Post your police
Wake up
How is this fair?
Is your country as well behaved as China?
ITT:we laught at american education
Horse, of course
The memes are real
We must protect our future
Yo wyt boi, say something in that cute european accent of yours
...damn, he's onto something here
There are BLACK WOMEN posting on Jow Forums RIGHT NOW
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Do Americans really do this?
/cum/ - Canadian United States of Mexico
I've made a list
There are girls posting to Jow Forums RIGHT NOW
/fr/ - le francofil
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship