Dear rest of the world

>dear rest of the world

>i apologize on behalf of the usa for the retardation of other americans

>a (hopefully) slightly less retarded american

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>have sex

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Insecure incel.



Insecure femcel

I know we're retarded, and I embrace it.

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Insecure incel.

insecure femcel

what you need to understand is that man is retarded

Insecure incel.

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Fat American roastie.

Projecting WASP incel.

Kek, the fat part triggered you.

But only incels like you are obese though, hence why it’s projecton. :D

it's ok, chubby sjw, you can start a diet

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Daily reminder that the only good americans are the ones who feel ashamed of being american

>projecting to deny projection
Typical incel defensiveness.
While you stuff your face with fat and meat, I’m a proud supporter of the Mediterranean diet! :DDD

Not his fucker again


what the fuck is the source or context of this?

Shush, incel nerd! :DDD

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