>dear rest of the world
>i apologize on behalf of the usa for the retardation of other americans
>a (hopefully) slightly less retarded american
>dear rest of the world
>i apologize on behalf of the usa for the retardation of other americans
>a (hopefully) slightly less retarded american
>have sex
Insecure incel.
Insecure femcel
I know we're retarded, and I embrace it.
Insecure incel.
insecure femcel
what you need to understand is that man is retarded
Insecure incel.
Fat American roastie.
Projecting WASP incel.
Kek, the fat part triggered you.
But only incels like you are obese though, hence why it’s projecton. :D
it's ok, chubby sjw, you can start a diet
Daily reminder that the only good americans are the ones who feel ashamed of being american
>projecting to deny projection
Typical incel defensiveness.
While you stuff your face with fat and meat, I’m a proud supporter of the Mediterranean diet! :DDD
Not his fucker again
what the fuck is the source or context of this?
Shush, incel nerd! :DDD