Do people have a hard time making friends in your cunt?

Do people have a hard time making friends in your cunt?


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im in uni and all my "friends"are dudes from highschool i see every couple of months

I made one friend and lost 4 friends in the last 5 years (hell the last 14 months) bringing me total friends to 0 (zero).

teaches you right for having that stupid fakely nice culture

It's just good manners, nothing more.

It's not fake everywhere in the US, just Yankee states.

the only way to make a real friend is to grow up with him or be in a life or death situation with him were you both act based as an adult

Same but im bad at making new friends. Actually all my current friends were friends of my one childhood friend who stuck with my retarded ass.

I didn't make a single friend in 3 years of studying in this cunt. People here are not kind. I am constantly homesick and want to kill myself.

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what's your cunt of origin fren?

Cyprus fren

never met any Cypriots personally during my time at uni but you're probably a good lad
larger English cities here tend to be full of pricks, especially London, but most Brits are quite friendly

I haven't made a new friend in a little over 5 years

It's not easy man because mostly in America you have plastic people that get their cues from televison, few are genuine in thought,feeling and speech.

Not to say they're bad people, In fact my experience tells me they're very good, but their culture is unique in many ways.

Or maybe im just the dip shit lol

I find you can make friends in any situation where you are outside your comfort zone and don't have friends around. when I've moved I usually became pretty good friends with other expats, I'm back home but my friends from Italy still text and we visit each other ocasionally.

>i've never left my house the post

Almost true

I have friends, but we're separated by distance ever since I moved for work. Haven't made a single friend in this new area.

After college everything changes.

I actually made a lot of friends in college.

Then I graduated and my life became an empty desert devoid of purpose or meaningful personal interactions.

Incidentally that was also when I started posting on Jow Forums.

Did adults actually know how to make friends in the past? Is people's growing isolation due to the internet?

the few friends i still have are from high school, so +15 years ago

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made plenty this year at college
and then right before the summer break started everyone got really flaky and distant and now I can’t organize hanging out with any of them
Next year is my last year and I know I’m fucked if it’s already a struggle now

Don't do it bro. Jow Forums will be your friend

It's easy to make friends here but everyone is so busy and there's less and less social things going on

Haven't had friends in close to a decade, desu.

I haven't made new friends for over 10 years.
And if you have more friends than you can count on one hand, they're probably not friends then, but buddies.

I made some "friends" in the past few years, but I really just want to hang out with my old classmates from K-12. I'd lay down my life for my old bros, but I honestly can't even stand talking to most new people

I have like 3 or 4 friends and I haven't made a new one in like 20 years. I think a lot of people misuse the word friend. I would do anything for those guys.

Why do we become so cynical of others, fellas? I always feel a sense of distrust in new people or try to compare myself to them.

I made a decent circle of friends in college, we still meet up and chill every couple of months.

Drop acid with people, you'll either hate them or become really close

It goes back to the tribe mentality of people. Meeting a stranger is like an alien from another tribe. Who will assimilate into the other's mentality?

I actually haven't made a single friend in the United States in the past seven years. While I've occasionally put in the effort, I find most acquaintances aren't worth the time--either they don't reciprocate or are so busy with their own friends you've essentially got to schedule an appointment to meet.

I travel pretty often and this is never a problem overseas, especially in Latin America and South Asia--you can call up anyone, at any time, and they'll tell you to come over if they're kind-of free or will be in a couple hours. Now, I'm sure people open easier because I'm a foreigner, but that kind of casual hospitality seems to be part of the culture(s), too.

Are you me?
I make a couple friends in uni though, but we just aren't as close as my boys from highschool. We still meet up a couple times a year for camping and vidya

I have three friends total, but I don't see them often. Most people just don't like me or don't even notice me. I'm like a ghost. I try interacting and get the impression that people are annoyed and not interested. Then those same people tell my friend that I'm the one who seems annoyed and not interested. I don't get it, guys.

I don't have any

My problem is I have too many friends despite being a social anxious assburger.

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I don't have friends

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now kiss :)

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just cracking a joke. hope you find someone