Opinions of Mexicans?

Opinions of Mexicans?

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Mostly good and decent people that get a lot of bad press

They're cool.

Pretty cool people, work and play hard. Underrepresented in media though, i've seen way more Hispanic people where I live and maybe 10blacks, but all the ads here have at least one African American

my brothers :)

Hate illegals, don’t have a problem with them in limited numbers otherwise.

>invaded us three times
>stole our corn, cowboys, poinsettias, etc and called them their own
>made their illegal immigrants declare independence from us
>stole half of our country
>helped France the first time they tried to invade us
>helped our dictator in charge for over 30 years because he gave them all our resources
>tried to install a new dictator when we fought the one above
>took advantage of our poor for centuries, giving them special allowances in order to make them go there and work on the rail network, farms, etc
>blame us for the fact that they invited those mexicans over centuries
>biggest consumers of drugs in the planet, and drugs are cultivated in south america so they NEED to go through mexico
>declare the “war on drugs” because they are puritan retards spreading their cancer around the world, and in the process mostly jail blacks and the mexicans they invited in a disproportionate manner, to the point they became the country with the most prisoners in the world
>make us start a war because they can't either stop consuming drugs nor legalize
>70% of the arms cartels have come from USA
>ask us to deport central americans; and then proceed to blame the central american immigration on us even when we deport more than 90% of them; to then pretend we not only don't deport them but help them reach the US because we are evil; while saying we are hypocrites because we do deport them. At the same time
>use their global media to talk shit about us and create shit stereotypes
>made us their slave labor with nafta
>blame us for nafta as if it was a bad thing for them even though they gained over 4.2 million jobs because of it; obtained cheap things, while making our gdp per capita stagnate and destroyed our agriculture with their subsidized corn
>export their shit food culture and sugar infested garbage here

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Defeated the United States

ugly subhumans

not really, some are okay if they’re over 50% European.

Wrong spic, you are all ugly and behave worse than niggers. You are literal savages

>let me tell you about your country

Americans do that all the time

shut the fuck up juan go mow a lawn

hard working ppl, but sometimes operates outside of law

They’re really not, not all of them. And I’m not a spic.

Basically americans. Fully assimilated into American culture.

I like them

They are kinda cringe bro

very bad surgeons

your race is dying out, or race is growing. Stay mad betaboi

White latinxs look ugly like lil xan

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The people are a nonissue here. Don't tink I've ever come across one or anyone who said they met one. I like their cuisine and beverages though, so cheers for those.

Gay (seriously, they're almost always gay)

My southern brethren. We may be of the same blood and origins, but our culture is way different.

tfw gay chi

i love white cock

They can be based. Most of them are hard workers and can be friendly. Blacks tend to be the exact opposite.

Most of them are nice and cool. Some are utter trash and despicable.

Fuck bandas.
Fuck cumbias.
Fuck quebraditas.

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speaking of lil xan Ive seen him around

Long time amigos

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seems someone couldn't sleep last night


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