If Italians are really Romans, why don't they use garum any more?

If Italians are really Romans, why don't they use garum any more?

Attached: garum-Roman-high-cuisine.jpg (660x300, 69K)

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What is it? Looks good

They do

>it's another "Jow Forumsard thinks modern italians and ancient romans are the same race" episode

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only very locally, some villages

I wonder if any ancient roman dishes are still around

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many italian dishes are evolutions of roman ones

google "colatura di alici"

Are you implying there's no genetic link at all?


he is, he is this dumb

they had a type of hamburger

I read that process basically creates msg.

there are some videos on how to make it, i plan to do so in a few years when i have my own house
colatura di alici is supposed to be the closest thing to it as someone here said


modern Garum because we wuz too

They ate some pasta like things. Their breakfast was mostly just boiled grains. The upper classes ate weird "delicacies" like field mice stuffed with pine nuts, I don't see that making a comeback.

fish sauce

we use anchovies

it's still around, checkmate audists :DD

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>Modern Italians


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>Italians are not descended from Romans reeee
>can NEVER point out when this great replacement actually occurred

lmaoing @ Jow Forumsmads

I thought it was just from being a big empire and having a bunch of foreigners gradually move in and mix with the local populace.

Have sex

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no evidence of any replacement.

I do

they also bred bald eagles

colatura d'alici, you dumbo

you're right by a nice sea with tons of commerce though

that's why a lot of people lived here and they didn't go anywhere.



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Normans and germans were never so many, our blood remained pure.

Я дyмaю чтo дpeвнecлaвянcкиe плeмeнa дaжe в caмых гoлoдных вpeмeн дo тaкoй хyйны нe дoдyмaлиcь

My Latin professor once organized a Roman barbeque

why do Spaniards always larp as Romans?

no, you are not Roman

sounds based, what did you eat?

come home Roman men

>Roman men
Actually I am

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Mostly various different sauces with bread and barbequed meat (he made this small pig with a chicken inside and more meat stuffing which was pretty good). Also wine with water, honey and various spices

based and invictapilled

your prof sounds like a legend

He was pretty based indeed

I'm very jealous
>tfw studied latin and remember almost none of it


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I just made this

I am a powerful wrestler and a cooker to

What do you think rate it

I am adygian btw Circassian

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are you underwater bro?
what' in it, dried tomatoes or peppers?

Because the guys that created this country larped as both visigoths and romans and hated the ayyrabs and since we kicked them from the peninsula (although the south is a kinda arabized) we can larp to our heart's content. Also Spain comes from HISPANNIA the roman name for the land.


Dried red tomatoes and hot red peppers And more a secret sauce of dead scorpion and a kubra

Hold on here is a pic of the sauce i am slav Circassian i speak Russian and adygian my english is bad

Attached: IMG_20190516_220101.jpg (1079x1418, 333K)

Here the Sauce with dead kobra and a scorpion in a battle

It make you holty and strong as a bull also make your dick standing like a rock

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weird flex but absolutely based

germanics and shit were just the rulers of the people and didnt really mix with or replace the native romans in north and central italy. They were the ones that were eventually assimilated into the italian people and not the other way around. North italians are basically still just those same celtic people (mixed with some roman) that were conquered by rome but culturally italian
Im not sure on south italy t.b.h, i know they are supposed to be close to greeks, which is probably due to the greek migration before rome even conquered those areas, not 100% sure though

You mix it all with the italian pasta and thets what you get :)

I would love to visit italia amd Cook togheter with you some crazy kavakz russian foods thet mother and grandmother mother teached me

With out the olders we are nothing in this world

I am off to watch the Eurovision ;)

Can you write here some more Roman Italian restaurant food incan cook make make

I am a professional cooker btw and a bodybuilder powert power lifter my cultural heritage is Russian empire and kavakz mountains

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>germanics and shit were just the rulers of the people
lmao fgt

I've heard italians and maybe romans used to eat pasta with honey and sweet shit before tomatoes arrived

you should make a youtube channel, I'd watch the shit out of that

Roman (modern Rome) cuisine is bretty good tho, I like Amatriciana, Gricia, Coratella, Carciofi alla Giudia, Cannelloni, Pajata, etc. but there's more

Can any italians tell me if this is a good deal or am i getting jewd?

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Seems about right, although you are getting fucked by import taxes
It's 8€ here

Understandable. I wonder how much maple syrup costs for you guys.


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you aren't getting jewed for that brand in particular

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is this expensive for you?

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Huh it's actually priced pretty similar. Odd.

lmao Eataly are such jews
>45 dollars for some shit and a bag of Tarallucci

It's probably the CETA. There should be no more tariffs between EU members and Canada


>25 euromonies for TWO packs of pasta and TWO sauces
LMAO the jewing is strong

Although it's probably because they're sending everything to the US

Litteraly foie gras

yeah that seems like the only explanation, but they are jews even in Italy sometimes.

fuck that shit, barilla is all i need


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What's wrong with it?

99% of roman population were slaves and mercenary soldiers picked from various parts of the empire

It's very low end stuff

it's the most basic and industrial one you can get.

Shut up, my Nonna made the best pasta with that.

trust a m*nkey to pull stats out of his flaming red arsehole

yeah...who would just eat barilla haha

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okay this one is pretty based not gonna lie.
I'll stop posting Eataly packs now.

just eat voiello nigger

yeah of course it was a hyperbole but its a none fact that roman economy depended on coupious ammount of slaves to survive, not to mention mercenary armies and traders.

a knwon fact

don't you have other mainstream ones like Voiello?
Barilla is a huge company so it caters to the lowest common denominator, especially for its exports. Good pasta is supposed to be a bit more "rough" and uneven but Barilla doesn't do that, either because their machines are too good or because they fear foreigners would mistake that as a sign of low quality.

nah i usually get de cecco or store brand like pic related

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kek that one is made to look like Garofalo, which is actually a good brand
De Cecco is fine tho

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