Do you think in English or translate in your mind?

Do you think in English or translate in your mind?

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I think in both my native language and English

I got so cucked that I think in english.

think in english

I don't think in words, since I cant hear them.

of course in Germany, why should I in English?


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Translate it in my brain

i use english so much that i find myself multiple times remembering words in english but forgeting them in greek.

english is my first language but i switch to thinking in spanish when in speaking it.

a better question is, do you think in first person or second person?
usually second person for me, I tend to refer to myself as "we" rather than "I" in my mind

Think in English commonly used sentences, translate in my mind when it's about more complex subjects

think in english, kinfda wish I didnt', I forget words in portuguese

Because it's retarded to translate english words in your mind to your native language when you do anything with english.

>all these eurocucks thinking in MY language instead of their native drivel

excellent, truly

I think in binary

what the fuck, mutt
that's creepy

first person

visualising thinking?

yes i think in english,,, for the most part at least.

deaf? do you have a story?

>I tend to refer to myself as "we" rather than "I" in my mind
royal blood

It's not a better question since this is the international board and most people here are non-anglos who spend a lot of time online therefore a lot of us think in English.

But to answer your question, I do refer to myself as "we".

I've been thinking in english for as long as I can remember
Occasionally in danish too but never in Greenlandic


>royal blood
more like tribal nigger blood

Yeah, and I think in concepts. Like watching a movie with subtitles, kinda.
Born deaf. Can talk, but people say I sound weird.

How can you talk if you were born deaf?
How do you know what words to say?
You're lying.

in multiples languages at the same time, weird but you find words more quickly

t. eternally butthurt serf blood

t. buttblasted nigger

Tfw refer to myself as "you" and "we"

Imagine being born as an NPC


We do that sometimes.

Also to the ESLs that think in English, do you dream in your native tongue? If so, do foreign people in your dreams magically speak your native tongue when they normally shouldn't?

Usually in the first, but if planning things I might think in one voice explaining my course of action to myself

He still has a throat and vocal cords and a tongue he just imitates what people do but all he says is monotone and wierd sounding since there's no reference there

Speech therapy since I was a child. Look it up.

>hearing aids don't exist

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Did you learn signed English or ASL?


ASL. Should probably learn other sign languages, since I like to travel. But I'm lazy.

you all are telling me that deaf niggas who've never heard words can speak ? actual words?

you haven't encountered one? they kind of sound like someone who had a stroke

if youre deaf how do you use 4channel without braille

>do you dream in your native tongue? If so, do foreign people in your dreams magically speak your native tongue when they normally shouldn't?
Pretty sure they were studies proving that you don't actually need senses and even less logic to dream. Blind and deaf people show signs of dreaming during REM sleep. I, for one, have never noticed whether the people in my dreams were speaking in French, or English or Spanish, they just communicate with me.

A good sign of fluency is when you are able to speak a language while completely switching in your head to that language and not translating continuously. This is why having conversations in two languages simultanously is so hard.

I refer to myself as you

I've never encountered any deaf or blind people, never even heard of anyone knowing them.
And I work at an old people's home.

you and we and in English sometimes

based japanese cuck poster.
For me it's hard to think in spanish when your language is so smooth at modeling reality.
Spanish is better for poetry and literature in general tho.

the concept of being able to think or experience the world in another language is so fucking abstract to me, even after studying spanish for years

i wish i was bilingual

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i think in english when im speaking/writing/listening to english

Yes. I learned to mimic mouth shape and throat vibrations. Like other anons have said, we sound weird apparently. But it's enough to get the point across.

fuck english it has ruined my life
i think way too much in it

if you learned to sing with the deaf voice you'd be a legend


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nice numbers

It easier to think in english, the output comes faster and more natural.

I thought English was one of the slower languages

god thinks in English
it’s just the best language overall

The best part is you have a slightly different personality depending on the language you think in.

I'm a very vulgar person in Polish but I literally can't be in English because It sounds like i'm trying to larp as a chav so I can't.

t. monolingual
its disgusting. French is the best language.

I watched so many gangster movies in english sometimes I just think like joe pesci

actually Pyccкий is Бoг's language

>sorry sir we're all out

then how come French sounds like gibberish? Retard

English most of the time I guess though sometimes I just think in feelings like a baby.

Because you don't understand it

They can but they sound weird since they probably don't know what they sound like. They sound like someone with laryngitis trying to speak

it's aesthetic in text form

Yes Because it’s gibberish

What do you imagine hearing sound feels like?

Sometimes I have to translate english thoughts into russian language, which is my mother tongue.

I can't even fathom it. It's such a foreign concept to me. Sound is just vibrations to me.


That's kinda sad and funny at the same time. I've always wondered how an extra sense would be, and as you just wrote, I can't even fathom it.

Just like we can't imagine extra colours. It's impossible for us.

I use different languages for different purposes per example I use catalan for studying since its what i've done most of my life, I do fun stuff in english like watch videos or anime subs etc.
This leads to funny things such as if I try to read a book in catalan I get a headache.