Worst posters on the board:

Worst posters on the board:
>Austrian yellow fever faggot
>Saudi proxy femcel faggot
>Finnish "EVROPA kill non whites" faggot
>Any of the genes autist faggots
>Trannies/any LGBT faggots
Best posters:
>Based anti tranny gook
>Russian cook user
>"Do Americans really do this?" posters
>Soyjak/Gigachad posters

Disprove this, oh wait you can't you poor sod :)

Attached: sleekntears.jpg (884x1200, 156K)

>you poor sod :)
genuine cringe, but apart from that i agree


Saudi femcel? on the internet? impossible

The Austrian is pretty cool actually

great post
>Any of the genes autist faggots
you mean the canadian and lithuanian spergs who post about brown eyes?
if not they should be there too

he might mean Yamnaya and Jomon posters

Precisely those.

Austrian guy is the best poster though

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He never sleeps

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he says that he will never die

he dabs among niggers and albinos and he is a great favorite

Canadian posting about brown eyes?

came here only to honor the based anti tranny gook

does the pisstralian still post or is he confined to /vp/ nowadays? He's my favourite

>excellent post, OP.

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Based. I browse every single asian thread on int to see based people like you. My entire life goal revolves around making hapa children with a qt 3.14159 Asian wife

>why yes, I exclusively make gigachad posts

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t. Gook rat proxy

absolutely based

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>first American to post in the thread is a yellow fever faggot
>overall quality of the thread decreases from there, with more and more soyboys infesting the thread
Adding Americans in general to the worst posters list, and also that Swedish "I will make the Meds my slaves" goes there as well.

>Based anti tranny gook
based? shouldnt that be common

Have sex incel freak

seething gook rat thinks he is british
i cannot wait for based kim to nuke your hometown back in gookrea

Why do chinkagook chasers never learn that chinkoids are extremely fucking ugly? Even when presented with extremely below average chinki, they drool over them and pretend that they look any good at all

I grew up around them and I’d settle with a 3/10 asian any day.

Shut the fuck up you insufferable niggerlipped bonobos

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you forgot to add the japan vs korea posters in the best posters

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All chink 50 cent army spammers.

which sentai is this

>Japan is rule by Korean thousand years!
>Ugly gook you are rape baby of super ior Japan seed
I agree. Best posters league status has been conferred upon them.

same here, brehs
gonna drive to the exchange student party in the town nearby tomorrow to find azn qt love

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you mean the autistic armenian american dude?

i have a severe case of yellow fever lads how does one get over it

i'm at the point where even interacting normally with asians is hard and i feel like a horrible person.


Wish you luck bro, hope you find love in Germany

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>how does one get over it
Why would you want to get over it? Find an azn qt, but it's incurable
Dated an Asian, thought I got it out of my system after we broke up
No, oh no, it's grown stronger

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>tfw jungle fever