The ultimate whore

>Cumslut of spain at first
>Given to the US but is treated like a diseased animal
>Japanese rape the philipines
>Americans comes back to save them and gives them indepence
>Now, the country is no better than the whore that opens her legs for the man with the deepest pockets

Attached: IMG_8879.png (715x800, 355K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what country is this again?

she looks way too white to be the philippines

>has 10 kids at age 13 because birth control is against catholic teachings
>has sex at age 13, unmarried

They're truly stupid.

>Countryball larping

Attached: 1557938773521.png (1059x802, 1.52M)

>join any international dating app
>4 girls per European country
>30 from UK and US each, mostly slag who ignore you
>9573 from Philippines, 6583 from Indonesia, 3922 from Thailand

>Now, the country is no better than the whore that opens her legs for the man with the deepest pockets

Why do you hate the free market?

Because Asian women are bottom feeders and only care for the white cock and status

Well they can either live a life of poverty with one of their men or "hit the jackpot" with a comparatively rich western husband and be set for life.

save yourselves

Half chink SEAniggers are white.

>(((free market)))
why do you fall for kike tricks?
they arent

Attached: averageflip.jpg (500x814, 119K)

>He thinks the Spanish were the first ones

>that feel when dated a sociopath filipina that was married
big mistake

decent immigrants. relatively low crime. they just become nurses and shit.


Attached: Who is pure Filipino.jpg (564x871, 187K)

We tried but the Amerimutts chimped out and went full wartard.

Attached: Moro Massacre.jpg (600x408, 142K)

they are the niggers of SEA, that's my conclusion after having worked with them

Why are they using modern flags except Japan

There is a line. malaysia and brunei didnt exists yet.
There's Settlers
First was Aetas then various Austronesians(Malay/Indo)groups, This dont count as conquerors since its just us conquering ourselves without the flags.

Chinks never conquered since it was not lucrative and we were mostly seen as a pirate outpost.

Spain was the first western one.

Do they teach you about that in school? It's not that long ago. So it always seemed strange when your women are eager to go with an American after reading that they killed a couple of you guys for land.

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>modern Spanish flag instead of the cross

There are people that still believe the discredited Beyer's Wave Migration Theory?

It's called the Austronesian race for a reason.

Attached: Chronological_dispersal_of_Austronesian_people_across_the_Pacific.png (1024x432, 204K)

thats exactly my point wtf
Aetas and Austronesians(Maly/Indo) were settlers
not conquerors

Austronesians originated from Taiwan not Malaysia and Indonesia. That's the mainstream view.

>Beyer's Wave Migration

american education...


our spanish genes

Exactly, we were just conquereing ourselves before the spics came
Even the negritos were from Andaman islands.

The other theories are paratically the same.
It's basically saying we arent Malay, Indo or Flip like the beyer thoery suggest but all came from one core population(labeled Austronesian) that gradually deffuse, but this is pre historic tier.

The other 2 theories are simmilar notions of migration but different origins and pattern either we originated from the Yunnan plateau or Coastal vietnam and south china, that they are aslo calling proto austronesian.

>threatened by sexually liberated woman
Americans are such incels

Attached: Incel-American.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Getting ruled by the Chinese for over 1000 years and being stuck in their sphere of influence for the next 1000 and then getting ruled by the French for a century isn’t impressive

Thailand on the other hand is based because it was never colonised

Thailand is SEA's Wakanda.

Even the brunei part seems bullshit, since it was just based on oral tardition.

The ones shaded in yellow is just us, thats the ""Pure"" one disregard the flag and the arab costume.

The one with the red slashes are bullshit. A questionable pirate outpost on one side of the island hardly a colony.

Attached: 20190517_180050.jpg (564x870, 348K)

>American exaggerates things

Nothing new here just american education

Wife *
Still is, 300 years were enough to make them ours forever

>our spanish genes

Attached: sergio-busquets-1021x580.jpg (1021x580, 45K)

Filipino-Japanese is cute

Attached: ikedaeraiza.jpg (960x854, 64K)

>has 10 kids at age 13
damn hot, on my way to philippine to get a wife

t. asian male

Cross off Japan too, they were there for no more then 3 years. No way they could have a significant effect.

>our spanish genes

Attached: Ahí va la hostia Patxi.jpg (866x517, 318K)
