Would Israel be destroyed in America stopped backing them?

Would Israel be destroyed in America stopped backing them?

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Why do you care? Leave them alone.

Someday, a subversive pro-white movement will overthrow the mongrelized american governement and the first thing they'll do will be launch a nuclear strike on Israel and we are all going to be alive to qitness it

Oy vey take care, shalom.

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probably yes.

Yes the parasite would die without its host.

no because jews are god's chosen people and every time someone tried to destroy or oppress them bad things happened

russian empire
>rots in hell
thousand year reich
>lasted 12 years
soviet union

Their god is too powerful, how do we stop them?

What do you think?

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you don't
we let them build third temple, then their messiah will arrive and move all jews to heaven while you and me either stay and suffer on earth or go to hell, can't remember

There's no heaven or hell in Judaism


The Jooz are race mixed asiatic mongrels and Edomites like Herod. Modern Jewry has no connection to the House of Israel, both racially and religiously. Israel was never supposed to be a 'place', but a group of people. The Jooz are the chosen people of the god of this world, not God the Father in Heaven. The Jooz have contributed nothing to this world as the House of Israel was supposed to be a blessing to other nations.

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>no hell
what's russia then
zionists btfo

hands off israel


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r u jewish

No, i just hate shitskins more than jews. We have less than 3k jews in Sweden and they are all already fucking off to Israel. Why wouldn't I be a zionist?

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Mom is, though not a religious one

Only one way to find out
