killer death robots edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>what age did you start smoking
>do you want to quit
All aboard
for me, it's terrapins
Oxford thotty is a youtuber too
why don't we have realistic sex robots yet?
>a chubby little robot can do a backflip but I can't
love the vids of these guys bullying their robots
they’ll probably be first against the wall when the machines take over
18 (2 years now)
nah ill do it later on
have cut down about 50% since quitting my last job
because (((they))) want men enslaved
Wanted to watch a film with me dad tonight. Are there sex scenes in The Revenant? We're fine watching gruesome violence, but a little bit of fanny and the atmosphere is unbearable.
Didn't bother reading that mental health blog post.
white man in kfc with a peng mix raced gf
god I wish that was me
Uh oh
13 (7 years ago)
quit for about 6 months then had a ciggy on a night out and have been back on 10 a day since
that is one black n-word
For me, it's tarpaulins
Doesn't Leo get raped by a bear in that?
wish i was mates with femi
try blue velvet
Not sure, I've looked into the rating and its 'tons of violence' etc but mentions a bit of nudity and sex - concerned it might be too graphic to watch with the old fella
What the fuck are you talking about
Cheer up mate could be much worse
Just temporary shit
there is none dingbat
the sex is a native american being gang raped
based Femi
why are indian girls so easy? very much intimidated by white women
I'm literally the white version of this guy and I'm too ugly for a gf of that level, that's not fair at all
Is it normal to dread everything and feel empty then suddenly feel euphoric and full of energy
Feels a bit weird ngl
oh fuck, i'll probs look into something else then.
the old fellas just retired and got himself a projector/screen setup and keeps wanting to bring films for him to watch
Why is this written in green?
Smoke intermittently
Smoked weed since I was 15, only smoked 2 cigs ever though
sounds like a nonce
one week of toil remains
And then what?
>"thanks to everyone who donated for my new MacBook!!!1 x"
sure everyone loves sex and violence
absolutely peng
cut your hair you hippie fuck
Based Belle is Kaczynskipilled
I've been led to believe that is what being bipolar is
but I'm the same and from my own observations most people are
life is just utter nonsense
then I start a different toil
always spit when I smoke
never smoked
imagine being a 33 year old incel who's only pleasure in life is posting the N word on the internet
wear my heart on my sleeve I do
would honestly love to decimate your jaw
no doubt some of you freaks are gonna call me a virgin but does anyone else find putting your cock in a fanny abit grim? i dont mind it with a rubber on but everytime i try raw it just feels weird putting my willer inside
Oddly specific
have sex
watching babylon 5 it's a bit cringey but I like the politics stuff
I wouldn't know
anyone here buzzed their head and found out the shape didn't work?
Maybe you're not sexually attracted to girls lad
he's among us now
in the nicest way possible you might genuinely be a homosexual, not that theres anything wrong with that
wouldn't be able to
Rorke running for Tory leadership
no it feels good and natural
you may be asexual
*peers over shoulder to make sure he isn't listening in on us*
no I've a lovely skull shape because I'm a white
yeah I'd probably put my back out reaching down you half pint warrior
thats good lad it means your not bent
immensely fit though to be fair to her
i thought jeff was dead
catyank is volcel
he should auction his virginity for charity
seen two browns and a black today.
feeling a bit miffed about it all now.
Hope she's forced into prostitution when her popularity wanes and is no longer receiving beta bucks
militarize space
Smells pretty, er.. 'Ripe' in here, lads. Heh
don't believe you
wtf is that top
Hope a stalker kills her haha
think rimjobs are supremely peng but my piles are so bad I'd be too shy to let a woman near my bum should the opportunity present itself
the threats in space aren't about piracy
it's about ensuring other states can't escape Earth or access space resources
Is the USA going to be the first galactic empire?
how did you know of her if it wasnt through youtube
are you bent or asexual? I'd genuinely get your T-levels checked too.
dont click VIRUS
seth efrika
end racism NOW
The girl looks Asian
at 60k a month she won’t be forced into anything