If i tell my parents i don't want to fast during ramadan they'll cut my NEETbux and throw me out of the house

If i tell my parents i don't want to fast during ramadan they'll cut my NEETbux and throw me out of the house

I suffer as an atheist NEET in a muslim country

Attached: tired pepe drinking coffee, hoping it'll wake him up.jpg (657x527, 54K)

join the military

i'm too old (25)

even for the foreign legion? I thought they take everybody
what have you done since school?

good, you deserve to suffer you apostate dog, you sandnigger you filth

Why would i go to the foreign legion, i have the citizenship and i don't want to live in hell

to not be a NEET leeching off others anymore

HARAM! you must always respect you elders!
Do you want to be a Kufar?

just go eat something at a restaurant.

get a job, move out

Just fast fatty.

>muslim country
Sounds about right.

>they'll cut my NEETbux and throw me out of the house
they can't desu

just fake it

government neetbux or parent neetbux?

Are you white ?

Get a job then

>fast anyways for the sake of my parents since they're not long for this earth
seeing them happy makes me happy

No he's muslim.

Are you educated?

I'm apostat too but my parent didnt care lmao