Jow Forums
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International #1058
Why do Americans put peanuts on their coke?
What's better in your opinion, Jow Forums, living rich on a 3rd world country...
Teesside /brit/
I'm a god. How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence
/flag/ - /extraflags/
/frosch/ ehemals /apu/ öfters auch /deustch/
What th fuck
Sverigetråden ökenfrökenupplagan
They had a good run being the worlds biggest superpower for 100 years (1918-2019) but the 2020s belong to China
I... I have no black friend or white friend
China is the greatest country in the world. What if you just accept it?
Which one of you want a new kebab shop in your city?
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
Me? I cycle everywhere. Healthy body, healthy mind you know?
If your country is not top 1 in this list you literally live in a shithole
Northern European food
Why do Americans do this?
Why do jews pretend not to be white?
If he'll admit they're a problem why won't he do anything about them? Are there forces at play to big to defeat?
Why does this board support countries and leaders that take away their democratic rights?
Spurdo spärde
/fr/ - Le francofil
Prague to begin construction on Metro D next month
Made chinese for lunch
Andrew Yang...
Fuck this piece of shit poor excuse of a country
Germans will defend this
This is the newest spot for the new Polish right-wing party
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Korean woman vs japanese woman
At what age did you realize that your life isn't going to be as good as you expected when you were young?
For breakfast he drank coffee, a glass of milk and some orange juice with a tablespoon of olive oil in it
Abrahamictards actually believe some man named Noah built a ship big enough to fit for a pair of every single species...
Tfw i go abroad and people make fun of my name
Americans are sure stupid af...
What happens here?
Why have you not learned one of "the big 5" languages?
Average American couple
Music is Jow Forumsernational
/brit/ shag edition
Deletes your 4channel
Sverigetråden - NORDLAND upplagan
If socialism is so bad...
Tfw no korean schoolgirl gf
Is the "Red Scare" still a thing in USA?
What do you think about this?
Find the incoherence
I've never met a white person in real life. What are they like?
Why isn't Europe listening to America?
Dad always used to slap me, if I said something wrong or asked a question he didn't like...
How do I get a billionaire tuhao chink gf as a laowai?
Another day on Jow Forums
White people be like noooooo don't throw milk at me i don't digest lactose
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Have you ever played sauna gollum with your lads?
Is this Jomon or Yayoi?
Why do you love finland?
Incel: the religion
Talking with my mom
Be Chinese
Me Turkman. You?
The fact that half of these flags call for the end of America just shows how penetrated your country is...
How do we save them from extinction?
Do Guatemalans really do this?
Describe your cunt with a Game of Thrones character!
Why do they hate us asians so much?
Would you racemix with a Latina?
Kurva anyátok
Best pianistis came from Russia
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
18 cm
Thoughts on this?
Why are Brits bootlickers?
Do americans really?
Why do we bother being world police?
Be me
You wake up in croatia
/ro/ Firul Nostru
How many Russian are White???
Would you racemix with a Turkish person?
/v4/+the rest
Why do Mexican and Latin American women love white guys?
No you're not white now shut the fuck up
I often search for "latino" when I'm looking for gay porn
I have a friend that just committed suicide. How do people in your cunt cope with this
Is it common for Mexicans and Latin Americans to be weebs?
Is there such a thing as the European identity?
Hilo /lat/ino
Went out on a date with a guy and in the beginning it was all going pretty well...
/ita/ - il filo
When a Latino calls himself a spic
Dad just got visited by the cops
Do americans actually do
Would you racemix with a Mexican?
Would giving Taiwan nukes result in a Cuban-Missile-Crisis-esque situation?
ITT We say nice things about Japan
Red sun rising
Korean study thread
You can revive ONE(1) dead nation, kingdom, empire, etc. from history, and it will have roughly its original culture...
Why do many latin american country copy mexican words like
Why do slavic women do this
What the fuck
Does anyone else just get sick of all the low effort threads
What a cute family
Culture Pals /cp/ general
What are some Jow Forums-approved YouTube channels?
Is-is this really what you think of us Americans?
Entire mobile network banned because of Barneyfag
Americans are not welcome here
If a white man with brown hair and brown eyes breeds a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes is it considered race...
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Britcuck megathread
He only speaks his native language
Whore yourself out to China
How would your life have been if you were born black or hispanic instead of Whitoid?
Stay positive!
MFW we really DO do that
Do adults in your country dress like children
I wish i could move to a third world cunt to have a comfy and easy life
Does your country have SJWs? In Canada it's impossible to avoid these people in big cities
White women worship thread
Americans have BUTTER burgers?
Why do I feel like I want to physically asault these guys and kill them with my bare hands?
Do you prefer girl on the far left or girl on the far right?
What are you're views on anti-depressants? are they normal in your cunt?
What's the most useful european language to learn as an english speaker?
What is this called in your country?
Why are Russians so bad?
Let's try to become Japs by saying "desu" enough times
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Ummm guys we are winning right?? This is worrying
Was he based and redpilled?
Americans don't even know how to drink from a bottle of water
Why are south americans so racist?
ITT: things that scare americans
It's only going to get worse
1. Ur cunt
Mexican appreciation thread
Spreadable /brit/ on toast
NEETs of Jow Forums -- what's your average day like?
Why yes, I AM going to commit suicide
Chinks are so butt-blasted about losing the trade war they are writing anti-american songs
/fr/ Le fil Français de la nuit
Do you guys have sex very often?
What were they thinking?
Do ameri
Tfw no bf
American documentary
/ita/ - IL FILO
I hate England but LOVE Ireland, Scotland and Wales
ITT: Jow Forums in 1780
Why do all of you hate us so much?
/ck/ is very slow so you guys are gonna watch me make hoe cakes
Jow Forumscraft is a Minecraft server populated by the fine folk at Jow Forums, the international board of Jow Forums...
Sverigetråden - Mysig nattupplagan
I hate mexicans
ITT We say nice things about Brazil
Do Canadians and Americans need passports to visit each other's countries?
Tfw no bf
What phone do you have?
Post your favorite song from the country of the poster above
Why are Japanese women obese?
What the fuck are Aboriginals?
What's wrong with racemixing?
I love America. Say something good about them
Who are your favorite and least favorite posters on Jow Forums?
Texas should leave the union
So i watched this webm
Mexican male beauty contest cancelled because entrants were 'too UGLY'
Do americans look like this?
ITT: Shitholes that need to get nuked
Why did Brazilians commit architectural genocide?
Would you leave your city to live in a village if you able to do that?
What's her name, Jow Forums?
/nachtshicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why americans like to rape so much, didn't their families told them rape is a bad thing?
Ur cunt
For me there is nothing left if we took out tacos from this shithpool.. Nuke already
What are the sexiest accents in your country?
Russia isn't communist any more. Why do Russians still have the communist attitude of nihilism...
Hmm, my little brother maybe trying to kill entire family and after what committ suicide. What i suppose to do?
Sweden (yes) folk are required itt
Sverigetråden - bögar är vidriga
Wtf americans are heartless
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why don't they just end the cartels and become a nice country?
/lgbt/ Jow Forums crossover
Does this happen in your cunt?
/mode/ - früher /deutsch/
Why are they like this?
/cum/ + friends
/ita/ - IL FILO
How do you call this in your country?
Your country
Is it common to cheat on exams in your cunt?
We do not want this shithole
Do people in your country get excited every time they visit a supermarket...
/fr/ - le fil français
Why cant murrishits tell the differences between us and spaniards from spain?
Survey reveals shocking attitudes in the Norwegian population. We have a lot of work ahead of us before we get better
Latin America
What are Vietnamese girls like?
Kurva anyátok
Do americans really do this?
/fr/ - le francofil
How are you preparing for the african century? have you invested in africa yet?
Would you rather be black or mexican? id rather be black desu
I'm white but my gf is Mexican
We, EUROPEANS will stand with our Chinese brothers
EU is great
How does one dates a Nordic girl ?
/böhmermann/ ehemals /deutsch/
Religion is an important institution. A nation without religion cannot survive...
Why are German women love nonwhite men?
What do you think about israel and the jews, int?
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
My gf wants us to move to Norway (bergen). She doesn't realise that the white people hate us
Anyone else hate Germoids?
Map thread
Black American here
Im so glad to not be white
I live in a slum five minutes away from a rich area
Banned for 3 days for posting an image of putin morphed with a monkey
What the FUCK is wrong with bong kids? Tens of thousands of dollars in damage...
/lat/ hilo latino
Everything is wrong with hairy legs
What do they think of each other?
Tfw you realize there are actual chink paid shills on this board SEETHING because their spyware company got BTFO
Why do all countries hate us? Have we ever started war on anyone or invaded them?
English-speaking, decent internet, European, one of the richest countries in the world
*blocks your path*
Does this happen in your cunt?
Is this the ideal map of Poland?
Give me one reason why we shouldn't tax the rich
Create a motto for the country above you
Is it true that France is essentially a third world country that’s getting economically subsidized by neo-colonial...
What ethnicity has the cutest noses?
Teenager attacked in the Netherlands
Try to differentiate between the real voice vs AI generated voice and post your results
What race is the more disgusting male race to western women?
Latin Union
Do boys do this in your cunt?
/deutsch/ ehemals /neu/ heute /bourgeoise/
Why yes i support genocide of anglos and germans for all the atrocities they committed. What about Russian...
Sverigetråden - LÄGG UT-upplagan
Ahh the wonders of diversity :)
Based India shitting on brazil
Prove to me, using non-testimonial evidence, that there is a Chinese government backdoor
He is right you know
Why do french ppl do this?
Chilean Girls
What's up with med looking phenotype in the British Isles?
Sup Jow Forums im tired of this shithole, i want to emigrate, im between canada and the uk, what do you guys sugest?
Guess ethnicity
Fucking russia has more moslems than europe!!!
Why are French "people" like this?
TFW all we have to so to send Xi and his insects into a meltdown is recognize Taiwan as a separate country
/ita/ - IL FILO
Post you're cunt's tree map of exports
Why do Russians do this?
Imagine not having good public transit
What does this chart make you feel Jow Forums?
Russians actually went and banned this movie
Are there really German people named Helmut? Why?
Brown skinned people on twitter hate white people
This perplexes and scares the am*rican
Chinks need to be stopped
Fellow autists post your flag tier results
You bring home a South American gf
Why asians can't create anything original that isn't stealing ideas from the west?
I have a second cousin and my relationship with her is very abnormal
/lang/ - language learning general
Lower temp than spain despite having no mountains
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2196.3
Based or cringe?
Haven't yet taken poo pill
Tfw refugee
Nobody even fucking knows my country
“Europe is a peace project. We have had 74 years of peace in Germany. You had a war in the 1990s...
A lot Finnish girls have started to go outside without bras
Non-Nordic inferiority complex thread
Taiwan is a part of China
Daddy Sweden, why do we hate Denmark?
It's a weird feeling that Game of Thrones is over bros
How do you call this in your country?
Which of these alternate expression for "Oh my god!" can i use without making myself look like a soyboy or idiot...
Where is the border between Western and Eastern Europe?
WTF Japan is problematic! Ugh, I can't even
Sverigetråden - Städis fick psykbryt igen-upplagan
1. you äre a cunt
Thoughts on British men?
Which European country has the best pastries and desserts
How do Europe and Asia cope with not having Latinas?
Average american's phenotype
Anyone here insults America and i'll actually kill your family
Let's be honest here
Japan won’t let me emigrate, Korea won’t let me emigrate, Singapore won’t let me emigrate...
What the fuck is wrong with indians?
Really makes you think huh?
İ want European women to rule the world
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
Ça fait à peu près 1 mois que je me suis mis à apprendre le français sérieusement...
Is life really that good in these countries?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post your favorite French person
What game is most popular in world now?LOL?
How can a people willingly and knowingly drive itself extinct?
Any kraut could recommend le a German imageboard, or a German website to browse so I can get better in German...
Canadian steel is a national security threat
ITT: post white people phrases/words
Feral /brit/
Let me just entertain the thoughts of the microcephalic anti-Asian-queen people on this board...
Americans seem to be the most outspoken in their opinions of other countries. Why is that?
If you can't speak Deutsch, you're not living
I suffer in Scandinavia post introduction of potatoes and rice
/luso/ fono lusófio
Imagine what a world we would have if these "people" and their nation were deleted from existence
Force Canada to open it's dairy market
Why do you hate China?
Tell me about Japanese girls, what’s their endgame?
Ah yes, swedish cuisine
Muh orange roof
I'm a 172cm 18 yo mutt manlet
If you had to change your first name, what would you choose?
Future superpowers of the world
What were you doing in the April of 2011 Jow Forums?
One chance at life
/brit/ at Beachy Head
Asian racism
Why do the Neapolitans call their children creatures?
Some dumb cunt makes a thread to shit on italian colture/art/language/food
Favourite meats
Italy what the fuck
Yesterday i made the mistake of watching TV and got bombarded with really shit polical ads for tiny irrelevant parties...
Jow Forums if we were living in Game of Thrones universe
Finns are Koreans
Post wh*teoid destroyers
Asian bros of Jow Forums
/cum/ - 加拿大,美國,墨西哥
His language isnt pronounced like its written
Shocking pictures show the scale of destruction caused by yobs after they went on the rampage at a model railway...
Remember that God and Jesus Christ love all of us and by faith alone we are saved
So do Romanians consider themselves Southern European or Eastern European? Meds or Slavs?
I'm not living in a dystop-
Why do they love france so much?
132. Chad
Would you immigrate from your country to Rationalia?
I dislike Iran, I hope we invade it and I will gladly join the army to destroy it
Kurva anyátok
Bros what the fuck?
Do you want to join our ”fuck white fuck china fuck muslim fuck black" ultimate squad?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Poles be like "Hi I'm Gryewinor from Psowenskokowjskoroansk"
/fr/ - le francofil
Should I plan to commit suicide?
Who do yuros trust more?
Your cunt
Is your country's population mostly redpilled or mostly bluepilled?
Do Americans really confuse New Zealanders?
/cum/ + friends
I fucking hate Korea so fucking much
Why dont asian incels go to latin america?
Do americans really ? This can't be real LMAO Oh no no on no no no
Google cuts off their deal with huawei
Fact: Finland is gay
I really fucking want to go to Mongolia...who else?
Why do Asian girls do this?
Is it Brazil or Brasil?
What number are you?
If you dont have 70% iberian blood or more you are not hispanic
How does this make you feel?
1. your cunt
/fr/ - francofolie
Ugly names
Life on Babby Casual mode: A white man
You wake up in Bolivia
Which country gets the least shit on Jow Forums?
Why is McDonald's the most famous burger chain abroad? It's so fucking shit tier
Fucking garbage
I'm getting married
/absolute majority/ now boys. Eat shit labor drones
Why are you guys rude/mean for no reason?
Korean study thread
Chinese Media Now Airing Anti-American Films in China
Do you like your life? Do you like yourself?
*singlehandedly destroys American hegemony*
Why do americans so obsessed with teeth? Fake teeth and fake smiles
Which country would you move to If you were a poor Eastern European?
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Will the world like America again when Biden boots Trump out of office?
One chance at life
Why yes, I am a pagan, how could you tell?
Look at the fucking chin on this chink. Holy shit
Is racemixing with latinas bad?
You saw this
Do europeans really do this?
I wanna to fuck pic related
Frankly, we'd be in a better place if they ruled the world instead of the British
Why do Americans want to be white so bad?
I don't want to die because a bunch of retard hicks thought it'd be cool to make a reality tv show star their president
Why do hispanics outperform blacks in almost every metric in the US?
/lat/ - hilo latino × hilo hispano /hisp/
We should do this again
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
How free is internet in your country? I'm tired of Roskokokonadzor...
ITT: """countries""" you think should be nuked from orbit
This is Donald Trump, the most famous man in the world. Say something mean about him
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2196
Why are chinks so angry that we're BTFOing them? They love to dish it out but they can't take it?
This is considered a meal in italy
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Bowing to the demands of a trade union you aren't even a member of
Send bobs and vegana
Is it true that Europeans eat vegetables?
Nuclear energy
I have brown hair and brown eyes but my wife who has beared my son has blonde hair and blue eyes
Whose side are you on?
What country is she from?
What do you think about this image? i don't understand it
I suffer in brazil
Map thread
Erz/deutsch/e /nachtschicht/ nur für die echten ficker unter uns
Why is it that only non-whites on Jow Forums such as Chileans, Russians and Pajeets dislike Brazil?
Hilo latino /lat/
Culture Pals /cp/
Are jeans and t-shirts popular in other continents or only in North America?
Opinions of White Americans?
What's the 1st country that comes to your mind when you look at this?
I'm seeing a latina. Catholic girl. How do I bring up ass play without turning her off?
Imagine the smell
Which country in Europe do you like the most?
Six feet
Am I white?
What's the difference between them and the USA?
British were to afraid to kill officers because of muh honor
Why is it so hard to find porn with Korean women?
Hands of Jow Forums
Itt: Post the most famous youtuber from your cunt
Hey france!
The richest state in The US is also the least white
Why do Americans do this?
ITT: post your nation's best commanders
You wake up in barcelona in 1936
Why Americans are so afraid of them?
How do we stop being depressed?
/ita/ - il filo
I take back every negative thing I've said about the French...
Are people with brown eyes white? Even if they have 100% NW Euro ancestry?
From my experience traveling in California the central coast is where California gets its laid back surfer image from...
Where can I find a woman that looks like Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Noter Dame?
Ask a Swedish Boomer
What do non-asians eat instead of rice? I really have no clue
Please keep the discussion out of race-bait Jow Forums garbage
Do you love females?
What's his endgame?
I am going to America in the beginning of June to visit some relatives
Im a sino nationalist but im also a faggot who loves BWC, i hate my sexual desires
Stop calling me a goat fucker
Do you have blonde hair and blue eyes? Are you over 6 feet?
1. cunt
1. you are a cunt
/nachtschicht/ - ehemals /deutsch/
Do you want to visit the UK?
Do you consider people with brown eyes non-white?
Why does nobody talk about Greenland?
Kurva anyátok
What is the best country for an atheist to live in?
What exectly they all have in commom?
Based yanks going hard on China
Why colombia can't join the US as a colony like puerto rico?
Why is Jamaica miles better than Haiti even though both are demographically the same?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Anyone else have an amwf fetish?
Let's kill those children because their dad sucks
Family tree thread
Liberal media worships the black bvll
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Do germans really do this?
Vexilogy thread
1. your country
Is anyone on this board who is a legit cuck IRL?
Just improved my Jow Forums experience by 1000000%
He doesn't live in the capital
/fr/ - le fil de la françafrique
Tfw manlet
0 points
Do Greeks feel closer to Nordics or Turks/Levantines?
Uhm, Portugal?? What the fr*ck?!
If your country didn't have a warring states period it's pretty much a non-country
Do americans really do this?
Why would she do this to herself?
Oh see can you seeeeee
LAST EVER episode of Game of Thrones in 6 hours
1. Cunt?
Daily reminder that asian women are white men's property
Are you guys into it?
I love America <3
/ita/ il filo
German appreciation thread for destroying Europe and putting the US as the dominant country of the world...
Just read the wiki article on the chinese social credit score system and i've actually come to have a somewhat of a...
My leg in 2017
Based Taiwan
Meds > nords > anglos
Just want her back lads
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Name one popular thing from country above
I cale back from Japan a couple of days ago, Ask me anything
You could have saved him
When and why did Jow Forums start hating Americans ?
How do you cope with the fact that every White woman is attracted to non-white men?
Why doesn't America participate in Eurovision?
Jow Forums is a black supremacist board
Which european country treats east asians the best? I want to move to europe
White people be like
Aside from gyros, what do Greeks eat?
>Rabbi vomits on black woman and hits er head with a bottle during Eurovision
Be Poland
I sure do want to meet with singles in my area
I've come to the conclusion that 99% of humans are inferior subhumans on all countries and races simply because they're...
I wanna live in this world
Americans think that space pirates are a relevant threat
Which do you prefer?
Is the simpsons popular in your country?
The only reason I'm improving myself every day is to get an Asian girlfriend. I eat healthy, work hard...
Germany (1870-1918) was the greatest country to ever exist
Sverigetråden - Kjellupplagan
/v4/+the rest
/med/ incels unite edition
I suffer in the USA
Hello, fellows
Has Jow Forums become more hateful, more agressive, more toxic in the recent years?
Why isn't your country member of the Hanseatic league yet?
I think I fell in love with them. What do?
I don't get it
Your country
Why so mad tranny jannies? I have dynamic IP so I'm letting you know that you ain't stop me from spreading the truth
Europeans eat oats raw
Dear K O R E A N S of Jow Forums
How life is in this place?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Nordic niggas be like ''hello my name is knut''
That feel when ethno-nationalist but love brown MENA girls
Pasta with butter and salt
Apparently Turkey badly wants to be a part of the EU. And from what I gather...
/fr/ — le francofil
You're not white if you're lactose intolerant
Do you believe in race, user?
What has your experiance with iraqis been like
Starting a new country
Im coming to finland in a week to taint the air with my greek shitskin prensense...
/ita/ il filo
Why do Asians do this?
Quick, post a picture of your arm to prove you're not a nigger
My father has been watching a lot of Varg videos lately
This faggot makes the same thread every day at the same time. He's making my country look autistic as fuck...
Istanbul was Constantinople, but now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
I keep having suicidal ideation and feel it is pointless to go to a psychologist...
Japan really loves France, and that is so gosh darn cute!
Eurovision day after discussion part 2
What do Poles think about this?
Why do people on Jow Forums say they love Finland but don't bother learning Finnish?
Why do Americans hate healthcare so much?
So true
No culture
If i tell my parents i don't want to fast during ramadan they'll cut my NEETbux and throw me out of the house
It's impossible to suffer in a first world country. Stop lying. You don't know what suffering is
Not cool
Sverigetråden - Dampusupplagan
Why isn't your country like Rationalia?
Swiss voters approve stricter gun control laws to fit with EU rules
What did the Chinese mean by this? Really makes you think
Canada is receiving heavy immigration since the 70s and it's doing fine, racists btfo
Your cunt
/lang/ - language learning general
Soul vs Soulless
I swear I want to puke when I see the commie simplifications
Thank you Japan for this delicious meal^^
You're cunt
1. cunt
Why do they cling to being one of Nordic family yet they aren't Germanic people and don't speak Germanic language?
Why does everyone on Jow Forums love Mr Bald except for Russians?
Do you want to lick Chinese pussy?
His cunt is landlocked
Just admit it, you want an American woman
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Why can't Europe innovate anymore? All the new tech comes from the USA or China
ITT: interesting facts about Ecuador
Your country
Russian man in London
Your cunt
In this thread we are extra nice to brown people
Sverigetråden - lättäupplagan
Why, Russia :(
Eurovision day-after discussion
/BAM BAM BAM/ ehemals /deutsch/
Americans really do that thing? LMAO this can't be real AHAHAHAHAH
Be American
Why do black people say "axe" instead of "ask"?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship