Starting a new country

starting a new country. citizenship costs $10,000. and $1000 a year in tax.

for this you get:
>a passport
>diplomatic and legal services
>a physical homeland built on a pneumatically stabilised 25km2 platform in the north atlantic 400nm north of Cape Verde.
>pension fund cryptographically linked to the nations gdp
>direct transparent democracy with with all executive functions contracted out.

is anyone interested? if a million people join, thats 10 billion dollars, more than enough to get the platform built.

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>for $1000 a year
lol dude

and how will you build the platform with just 10k in funding from each applicant? utter fucking retard. It will cost hundreds of millions at the very least to set up.

A more realistic goal is buying an island(s) somewhere

hundreds of millions?

>if a million people join.

1,000,000 x 10,000 = 10,000,000,000
ten billion dollars.

You are incorrect. all existing islands are claimed by other countries. even if you buy it you will still be subject to their law and tax regime.

but your plan needs to be viable for a realistic number of applicants first

scalability works in both ways - in order for something to get to the point where it can work with millions of users, it first needs to work with just a few.

but speaking of manufactured real estate, there's a space habitat boom coming in 50-100 years. Maybe try to get in on that?

but what if you use your own currency?

just take a patch of the golan heights

What the ultra-rich do is run pre-existing countries.


yes. the nations currency is a keystone of the plan. citizenship will be a biometric blockchain agnostic atomic swap meta token. dividends, revenues from national income will be transparently distributed according to smart contract rules.

this nation will have the best low tax environment to establish an HQ for space operations. also it will be in the middle of nowhere. perfect for a space port.

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not a terrible idea (a bit to socialist for my taste,but then again legal systems of 'the rich always win with expensive lawyers' aren't either).
first thing you should be thinking of is what you can produce there.
i always liked the idea of ocean platform cities
>can put it on the equator, make satellite\spacecraft factories and a spaceport + easy launch to equatorial orbit and can easily launch big spacecraft for other countries that can be brought by ship
>if successful and rich can become a space power and eventually expand into orbital habitats, space stations
>launch raw materials into orbit cheaply via pic related gas gun, produce satellites in space cheaply via orbital satellite\spacecraft factory.
>satellites that dont have to ever survive launch are much easier and cheaper to build and you can can make a business of refurbishing\refueling existing satellites.
>can recycle ocean waste plastic and shit like that
>ocean currents, solar platforms and tides for power generation. can pump water up and run it though turbines for grid storage
>desalinated sea water for water supply
>no damage from climate change sea level rise, can just raise platforms
>no natural resources, unless you wanna go into underwater mining
>artificial platform islands if you want parks\forests\beaches are expensive relative to land based alternatives.

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buying a territory form a country = you own it afterwards and said country's laws no longer apply.
it's the reason you dont go to russian court when you break the law in alaska or to the french court if you break the law in colorado.

how about maybe just build something like this and cruise tourists around the world instead of actually manufacturing things?

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Imagine getting into a war with another country

Who'd ever come up with an idea of starting a start-up country.

>more than enough to get the platform built.
lol not even fucking close

giant cruise ships are a great idea but OPs whole thing was an independent permanent settlement\country.
cruise ships dont really go to war with countries, maybe with pirates and you can easily deter those these days.

why would anyone want to fight a war with a floating platform? it doesn't have any resource

Because our official religion should be Judaism

and what the fuck are you going to do? You can't run a country with tourism only, and what about the hurricanes?

no country will just sell parts of itself off to a bunch of randoms. imagine the outrage. alaska was sold to the united states.

so apparently you can build a ship like this with 10 billion dollars but it only has 50k living units so the citizenship has to cost at least 200k dollars. and if you want to accommodate passengers then the number of permanent residecies would have to decrease thus making it even more expensive.

Ok, I’ll be the treasurer. Everybody sends me their 10k via untraceable crypto because we don’t want any governments to interfere with our plan. And I’ll write you all when I found a plot of land that we can get, ok?

forgot the pic

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nothing socialist about it.

it will have its own web domain and hosting. and company registration system.

the healthcare will work by if theres something wrong with you, you can walk in to any hospital and everything you require will be covered.

the hospital just redeems a code and they are paid automatically through our insurance contract.

no. the funds will be locked in a time locked multisig bitcoin smart contract that requires a 66% majority to spend any funds.

depends on the parts, depends on how much the country needs the money. there's hundreds of uninhabited islands in the middle of the ocean that technically belong to this or that state .
i bet you can buy a bunch if you have the money.
>the healthcare will work by if theres something wrong with you, you can walk in to any hospital and everything you require will be covered.
that's socialism bro, not-socialism would be having 100% private healthcare

but as i said it's not as important as what would you do there to make money, as you have no land with resources you need said money to import shit from countries that have land and resources.
what i would do is
>rather then make a new state have an agreement with an already existing one (possible some small island state maybe one of those tax heavens), has to be a democracy tho.
>no need for too much political drama since we're part of a globally recognized known state.
> register a company there and make a sea space-gun platform with a small habitation platform nearby
>hire engineers that can get citizenship from said country (as agreed) from around the world
>start making major $ in cheap orbital launches. expand the lunch facility, expand the habitat,expand into other markets
>once we have contracts with many nations, business partners, worldwide recognition we can seceded from the original state should they treat us less then favorably and become independent or even practically take over if our population outnumbers the 'mainlander' one (all this is unlikely since this arrangement is highly mutually beneficial)

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yeah the free healthcare will be contracted out to a private insurance company. we basically bulk buy insurance from them a provider for the whole population. there will be a derivatives market based on it

we sort of have a similar thing here, there's government regulated health insurance and you are required to get at least a basic insurance plan but the insurance companies are private and some have their own hospitals.
i would prefer 100% fully private unregulated healthcare and pension.
how do you plan to make money ? what do you think about ? some other ideas maybe ?
you cant attract many people with 'come live on a platform until you run out of money to pay tax and then go back to your original country'.
a libertarian free market paradise is a very good angle to attract people and business but you also need something they can do to make money.

i like your space launch idea. other things that can be done:

>kelp farming
>solar, wind and wave energy
>metal extraction from seawater (sea water contains gold, aluminium, iron)
>dark market and cryptocurrency exchanges hosting.
>financial services and stock exchange
>cloning and stem cell therapies clinical trials
>offshore media and advertising
>fish farming
>leasing fees of protected waters to private companies

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there are any number of things you can do on a giant floating platform, user. For starters you can do every kind of digital or financial enterprise exactly the same as everywhere else.

As for storms and hurricanes, there are already plenty of floating platforms out there that endure these. Don't make your structure vulnerable and nothing will happen to it.
Looks interesting but is there a white paper detailing the concept? It's pretty hard to judge whether it would actually work or not. The slide does a pretty poor job of explaining how it works and looks a lot like snake oil.

I get the basic idea of using air cushioning but is it supposed to be self stabilizing or does it have some sort of active control system? Has anybody actually modelled the system and how it works? How it responds to actual waves and what effect it has on them?

10billion isn't enough to build infrastructure for 1 million people.

If you mass produce standardized habitation blocks and design the whole thing to be modular from the start you can probably do it in that order of magnitude.

what are your qualifications OP?

the cost to research, develop, manufacture and to ship said blocks would in itself be very expensive. that's only for the platform itself. what about buildings for housing? hospitals? sewer, electrical etc etc etc. 10billion is woefully inadequate for a population of a million even if it were built on land.

>kelp farming
not a bad idea, not sure how much demand there is for the stuff
>solar, wind and wave energy
will certainly power the place and you can do grid storage with all the water
>metal extraction from seawater (sea water contains gold, aluminium, iron)
correct me if im wrong but dosnt that require absurd amounts of energy ? and even if you have a fusion rector wouldnt you be better off with a mobile platform since you'd reduce the local concentration of said elements in the area pretty quickly
>financial services and stock exchange
>dark market and cryptocurrency exchanges hosting.
you can do that anywhere, how do you compete with existing ones ?. also 'dark market' you mean illegal shit right ? wouldn't that budren your relations with countries and companies ?. it's a quick way to get yourself embargoed.
>cloning and stem cell therapies clinical trials
>offshore media and advertising
again plenty of places you can do this that aren't a new platform in the middle of the ocean.
>leasing fees of protected waters to private companies
protected from what ?. unless you get some international recognition that you own these waters and have businesses that can provide services to companies why would said companies come there ?

you need some core business that can only be done in that place and expand\build around that (that's how most cities start , think port towns, fishing towns, mining towns, road towns that provide services to travelers and so on). that's why i gave the whole space gun idea since it's big, profitable, scalable and can only be done in the ocean.
if its profitable enough and big enough to require a lot of people then it wont be like oil platforms that people work in shifts of a few months and you could build permanent residence and have people move in.

>he cost to research, develop
A few 10k at most. It's just a concrete cylinder with a hexagonal platform on top. You'd need the actual habitation units, lay out the plumbing, power and data conduits, and design the interlocking mechanism.

Of course you'd need to test the whole concept but the block itself isn't really that complicated.

Manufacturing them could be done by casting them at some shore facility, you can benefit from economies of scale massively. It's impossible to estimate the raw material costs and manufacturing costs for each without a design, of course.

The real money sink would likely be designing the complete system - how to route transportation, how to distribute power, how to deal with waste (this is probably going to be the single hardest part).

But the R&D cost for this kind of thing will never approach a significant fraction of the total cost. Few million to few tens of millions at most I'd reckon.

the idea isnt to have all 1 million citizens inhabit the platform.

citizenship will be a form of e- citizenship.

until the national economy is of a sufficient size to support permanent habitation for all citizens.

Yeah, the current model fails to pass the initial adopter phase - there is plenty of incentive to move to a floating city that is already thriving, but how do you convince anybody to actually invest to begin with when the thing is not a powerhouse already?

e-citizenship? well who the fuck is going to give that much money and pay per year for that? healthcare, you can't access, passport to a place you can't go, diplomatic and legal services for a place that you aren't in.

Is 25km2 enough for a million people

Ok, but what do you gain from this e-citizenship while there are only a few dozen? A few hundred users? You need to clear the initial bump somehow. The buy in model is not appealing early on. Some sort of way to fund the initial platform is required.

>non-american libertardian
Kill yourself

you will never deplete seawater in one location, and excess energy can be used for these things. conventional hydrocarbon energy sources could even be exploited.

concrete blocks that need to float on water thereby entailing either a foundation embedded into the ground of a system of ballasts so vast enough to support a platform that weighs probably more than 10 air craft carriers? nobody even has that technology to create a structure that is 25 square km's and able to support it's own mass and withstand environmental conditions of an ocean. a couple of million to develop this tech? no fucking way.

the key is modularity. each one needs to be no bigger than 60m diameter so as to be double the wavelength of the largest freak waves

that just sounds like a scam, a meme to lure in retarded boomers. while what you need is a business plan and people you can actually put to use in profitable work.
you dont, you convince businesses to invest in a small orbital launch space-gun project. initially it runs like an oil rig, crews change every few months but as you get money you build a few more or a bigger one. build a habitat platform and offer housing there for employees. have contracts with various companies to ship in food,consumer goods and provide services there and once you have all that you can start building additional platforms and renting\selling them to private companies that can now come to an established place with services and housing for whatever business they wanna do on the ocean.
with cheap space launches you'll have companies lining up to build facilities there and start assembling stuff for you to launch. cheap orbital launches would open up many previously unviable sectors in space tech.
this is basically the reasonable affordable version of a space elevator, you can be sure that wherever you build it business will come.

also did 4chin\captcha just crash ?

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the funding threshhold would be 10,000 citizens.
normal prople pay a lot more than $1000 a year in tax. this alows you to be tax domiciled in the new country, enjoying superior benefits and services than your current government while paying only $1000 a year. we can arbitrage what a normal government would waste on wars and corruption

>also did 4chin\captcha just crash ?
Yeah it did.
Fuck Hrpiro and fuck RapeApe.

making it modular only reduces the cost of manufacturing. it doesn't change the fact that these blocks need to support a ridiculous amount of weight and withstand the ocean environment and need to be connected to other blocks to form a platform. technology hasn't even gotten that far, you're talking undiscovered materials. the largest man made structures in the sea are boats which are made of steel and only house a few thousand people at most. the largest structures made of concrete are fixed to the ocean/sea floor.

how is it a scam? raising capital is a scam? this project must raise capital. it must draw in investors and speculators.

a structure like pic related would cost about 90 million if built in bulk (without the oil and gas facilities), 10 billion is enough to fund 100 of them with a billion left over.

that gives a land area of 1 km2 which is slightly larger than the old city of jerusalem or medieval delft.

forgot pic

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Why not just go to one of the actual islands of cape verde (some they don't actually use), declare our own ethnicity and bribe everyone into acknowledging our rights to self determination.
1 billion should be more than enough - so even 100k of us could do it