
Edition: Khazarian

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Uuum... guys....

I think Hitler might have been a nazi

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morning walk with the pup

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Of course he was:
>one testicle

All early indications of Nazism

“It was absolutely disgusting, the priest turned around to play the video of Simon, but instead a hard-core pornography video was played on the big screen," said a funeral-goer, who wished to remain anonymous.

“Everyone was in shock, Simon’s father-in-law was furious, he shouted at the staff present and told them to turn it off. It took them nearly four minutes to turn it off, people couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

“To the priest’s credit he handled it extremely well. He apologised on behalf of Cardiff Council and said that in 30 years of doing the job, he had never seen such filth.”

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Rorke's going to have a fit at this one... lol

>nearly four minutes

Ah yes, I love Big Black Cock news


Approved, Tommy is not a racist, but you shouldn't have a right to pedo rape just because you're paki.

>pic : French without fear, Christian beyond reproach

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you’re not white if you dont listen to prog

going shop lads any1 want anyfing?

can't believe game of thrones is ending lads
been watching since 2012

antisemite bastard

Fuck me Sundays are depressing as fuck
They feel like death

We get two days off a week and one of them feels worse than fucking death

hope not hate put this propaganda through my door
they must be terrified

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svetlana gf pls


Eddie Gallagher’s own SEAL teammates say they messed with the sights on his rifle to screw up his aim because he kept targeting women and children.

baguette, s'il te plaît

fuck off, zionist.

the only one that isn't an ugloid is 4

what does tommy robinson want?

That’s sounds very antisemitic to me

>fuck off, zionist.

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how do you make greek yogurt not taste like arse

britain for the british

I've seen every argument on /brit/, every outcome, every retort, every false dichotomy, every ad hominem... and the outcome is always the same.

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Add bananas and honey to it. Unless you're asking about how to actually make Greek yogurt from scratch.

add literally anything

want to take a girl's virginity

I work for vice


subway is a disgusting restaurant

why because their spokeman is a nonce?

only non-whites and midwesterners eat at subway

mmm subway

how many michelin stars does subway have again?

subway isnt a restaurant

though I wouldn't say no to any of them

pathetic imitation and way too slow
don't post this ever again

doing a so called read

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i'm in it for the protein gains not that pussy estrogen-producing sugary shite

just played The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for a couple of hours lads


Spending a weekend in London, should I attempt to get a Sunday roast or are those just nasty? Anything else to do in London that isn't obvious? I've kinda done all the museums and shit.

That's a gnarly read. I can't understand why they kept him alive so long.

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Add fruits to the yogurt
Maybe nuts too

Looks like you triggered the tarquins

I earn £625,000 a month while you all pray for a half day off toil


used to side with the empire tbf but these days i reckon i'd go stormcloaks because they're the brexiteers

What’s your job?

get an all day breakfast instead, or pie and mash (with peas)


no, Sunday roasts are great... but a lot of ones you find in the average pub are dog shit. A lot of people will prefer a home cooked roast

Where abouts are you staying, will tell you where's good for roasts

yeah well i earn 625001 a month so fuck off

>Subway is an American privately-held fast food restaurant franchise

but i literally made the gimmick

I abort children because I'm pro choice

why was all music shit until the 1960s

I dont understand how people become successful and wealthy and powerful. I think some people are inherently born superior to others.
Like my brain can only comprehend being a lowly employee looking for jobs at a company


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what’s that got to do with me playing skyrim

Get this brand, lad. It's really good. You get the unsweetened one as well. You can add nuts to it if you don't like it sweet.

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don't care
fast food isn't a restaurant

Thanks, I want to get some afternoon tea one day too. Super comfy.

Funniest photo because it's like she has no self awareness.

I'm staying in Mayfair, near Bond St.


that's because you're a yearningless dullard

Me with the sunglasses on

Hi /brit/! how are you today?
*walks away before you can answer*

and that's why you'll never be anything but mediocre at best

don't care grandad it's mine now

State of your wrists, bru

me running away after 'shaking him

VERY boomerish thing to do, that

i'd expect better from an irishman

women are weird desu

stop being a wristist
don’t body shame strangers

Haven't done a day's worth of hard work in my life, lad. Proud of it.

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like LA noire but don't like how i have to stop at red lights because otherwise it feels like breaking character

just drive with your siren on

Figured you wanked to trannies enough to have some thick wrists and forearms though

about to get in the shower and listen to these choons on the bluetooth speaker

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want to die

that would be an abuse of the power the city of los angeles has entrusted in me though wouldn't it

>Yipiee I love music! I love being stimulated aurally!

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When I good tarquin london I get a antique shop :/

kek this is me

I'm a gentle wanker.

hi virgin