Based Taiwan
Based Taiwan
I dun gehtit
gay families don't create new taxpayers
theres no atheists in a house fire
Totally based and progressivepilled.
Congrats based Taiwan
The opposite of based.
Faggots are mentally ill and only have physical vs emotional relationships.
never seen female soyface before
Chinese shills btfo itt.
Yeah kill'em!
What? Mentally people don't deserve to be executed.
>Yeah kill'em!
Yeah, I agree.
>you're mentally ill because you like to swallow semen
Guess women need to be rounded up too huh?
mentally ill*
>Yeah, I agree
No, because women who swallow semen are heterosexual.
R u gaj, scoop?
You don't understand
when people LOVE eachother they have to get married
No but I don't have anything against gay people
Also, I never said anything about rounding up anyone.
And? It's still the same thing at the end of the day. They are attracted to men the same way men like myself are.
China BTFO
No sucking cocks is the nature of women.
It's not middle ages now
>I don't have anything against gay people
That's the problem.
>t. closet homo
It was sarcasm.
However people didn't get married because of love back in the day. It's a new thing.