

Attached: Haplogroup-J1-P58.png (800x581, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread: gedmatch

arent niggers and western euros r1b

How did that haplogroup make it into switzerland?

>goran kajkavians are the whites kajkavians

>actual arabs don't have that haplogroup

The ismalia khan dynasty

Portuguese immigrants

>actual arabs dont have that haplogroup
Wrong. More than 50% of gulf arabs have that haplogroup and more than 70% of Sudanese have it as well.

> Why yes, I share a genetic connection with the likes of Al-Battani, Ibn Haiyan, Ibn Battuta and Al-Haytham, how did you know?

Attached: Gigachad.jpg (1080x1331, 97K)

>He doesn't have the same haplogroup as Ali

why are colombians posters on Jow Forums so cringe
in fact, are you even colombian? or one of those turks on proxies

No soy un proxy mi querido Mexicano, simplemente soy un Congolombiano orgulloso de ser un TORO ANDALUZ

Based Keltic BVLLS in Norf Italy.

Attached: 1538138851536.png (1366x768, 286K)

dios que asco das

Tú primero, Saltamuros.

It's neolithic farmers you retard not ar*bs that's why the highest concentration is in the so called fertile crescent

Attached: 1546757964196.jpg (602x330, 55K)

The closest people to Natufians (neolithic Levant farmers) are North Africans and Arabians. You're retarded.

Go take a look at the Natufian Gedmatch results. gedmatch
First link:

neolithic farmers were ev13, j2b, j2a, g, not j1.

Correct. But autosomal analysis is better since it looks at DNA from more than just one chromosome. YDNA haplogroup is more about patrilineal lineage which has to do with religious/mythical implications when it comes to identity.


do you realize you can be e3b, j (haplo's of Napoleon Bonapart and Adolf Hitlr) or whatever and be 100% european autossomaly don´t you?

Attached: haploemem2es93945244c.png (757x640, 90K)

>"Agriculture first developed in the Levant, then spread to Anatolia, Greece, the Balkans, Italy, Central and Eastern Europe. These Neolithic farmers were confirmed to have belonged primarily to Y-DNA haplogroups G2a, but also included minorities of C1a2, E1b1b, H2 (formerly F3), J1, J2 and T1a lineages, who could have been assimilated in Anatolia before entering Europe.

>"To resume, our results clearly reject the scenario put forward so far of a strict correlation between the Arab expansion in historical times and the overall pattern of distribution of J1-related chromosomes."


>""Like many other successful lineages from the Middle East, J1 is thought to have undergone a major population expansion during the Neolithic period. Chiaroni et al. (2010) found that the greatest genetic diversity of J1 haplotypes was found in eastern Anatolia, near Lake Van in central Kurdistan. Eastern Anatolia and the Zagros mountains are the region where goats and sheep were first domesticated, some 11,000 years ago."

how hungary and moldova get arab'd?

Not necessarily arab