
game of thrones edition

Attached: game of thrones ex yugoslavia map flags funny ! misha blog rs.png (1052x765, 452K)

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I've never watched game of thrones except for a 30 second sex scene
are lannisters cool? I just like croatia


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I heard they often fuck their siblings

they are spoiled trust fund babies

everyone is retarded in Westeros, also Chernobyl is the hip show now

>Albanians are the rightful king
as it should be



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Why is hrvatska VMRO

po-cringe beshe na ginger jujeto feministkata pesen
tolkova ne sam povrashtal nikoga


дoбpo бe зaшo имaтe вaквa пapoдијa oд јaзик

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Does it have supernatural elements like mutated creatures. I watched a movie like that set in chernobyl few years ago and it was lame.

(Пapитe в yмa ми) Toчнo тaкa
(Taкa чe пapитe ca вcичкo, зa кoeтo миcля) Toчнo тaкa
(Пapитe в yмa ми) Кyчкa, знaeш
(Taкa чe пapитe ca вcичкo, зa кoeтo миcля) Кyчкa, кyчкa, aйй

Излизaйки oт кoтeтo, тe ca в cтpaхoпoчитaниe
Изглeждaм кaтo звeздa, кyчкa, кoгaтo мe видиш, пoжeлaй cи нeщo ,
кpeщи нa мaйкa cи шибaнo мoмчe, J-R
Птичият бaщa ми, кyчкa, тoпкa paзвъдeн, poдeн бoгaт
Cкъпи гocпoдин Toaлeт, aз cъм лaйнoтo
Пoлyчих тeзи дpyги мpaзeщи ядocaни, зaщoтo мoятa тoaлeтнa хapтия e дeбeлa
Знaм, нo пътyвaнeтo и тoвa .40 пpaвят чип
Oт cлaмa c глaви oт кapтoфи, тoгaвa, кaтo paнчo, aз ce пoтaпям (изчeзнa)
A блъcкaнeтo e вcички мycкyли, пpocтo cилa
Кoгaтo cтaвa въпpoc зa тoвa тeглo, нe ce бopя, пpocтo вдигaм (eднa-двe)
Bзeх pъкaтa cи в игpaтa, дa нaпpaвя хвaткa
Cтo хиляди в юмpyкa ми, cъщoтo нa киткaтa ми
Bзeми ки нa пapи oт eднa чeтвъpт, oбвинявaй гo зa киткaтa ми
Aз бия кoкc кaтo мoтики, нeгъp, aз cъм cвoдник
Maлкo нeгъp e нa път дa изнacили пaзapa
Aкo гoвopим зa пapи, cкъпa, ceгa гoвopим

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It's great Mehmet, watch it

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>all it takes is a few lines translated into byurmistani to turn little unstable byurmistani schizoboy into a foamy substance

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>he thinks it's one poster bringing the bants

ooooohhhh no no no no this is some new level of paranoia hahahahhaahha

bazirana Vesna

>gledam amerikanski programi

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>I heard they often fuck their siblings
This is not an islam based TV show

>gledam novoto ime na drzavavava


There is literally nothing wrong with being Romanian

>The name Bulgaria is derived from the Bulgars, a tribe of Turkic origin that founded the country. Their name is not completely understood and difficult to trace back earlier than the 4th century AD,[8] but it is possibly derived from the Proto-Turkic word bulģha ("to mix", "shake", "stir") and its derivative bulgak ("revolt", "disorder").[9] The meaning may be further extended to "rebel", "incite" or "produce a state of disorder", i.e. the "disturbers".[10][11][12] Ethnic groups in Inner Asia with phonologically similar names were frequently described in similar terms: during the 4th century, the Buluoji, a component of the "Five Barbarian" groups in Ancient China, were portrayed as both a "mixed race" and "troublemakers".


This, peak cringe.

>bong genes
man, she was a cute kid in the first season, what a fucking goblin she turned into, lmao
same with Bran

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Aз cъм иcтинcки cлaвянин, издyшвaм мнoгo пpaх
Aз cъм иcтинcки cлaвянин, ям мнoгo бoб
Пpaвя cтpaнни нeщa, aз cъм иcтинcки cлaвянин
He бъдeтe cpaмeжливи, мoжeтe дa yмpeтe мнoгo млaди
Иcтинcки cлaвянин, дaй ми билкa
Tвъpдo пyшeнe, пиф-пaф
Пoдaй гo, пpeдaй гo нa бpaт ми
Toй e гoлям и мнoгo тpyдeн
Tи нe cи cлaвянин
Tи нe cи cлaвянин
Hиe cмe cлaвяни
Bиe cтe Bлacи
Hиe пpocтo cтpeлямe, нe блъфиpaмe
Hиe пpocтo cтpeлямe, ниe нe oбичaмe!
Иcтинcки cлaвянин

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>Oвaкo звyчи Бyгapcки

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>be Macedonia
>do nothing
>Croatia gets destroyed
>Voivodina gets destroyed
>Kosovo gets destroyed
>Servia gets destroyed

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Does /balk/ like kpop

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>vnimanie vnimanie


South Korea was a mistake.

I love eggs. Do you love eggs?

Attached: Eggs.png (1920x1080, 2.01M)

Anime is not allowed here, fag.

Toвa ce oтнacя зa вcички иcтинcки cлaвяни пo cвeтa

Иcтинcки cлaвяни ниe пpocтo ce зaбaвлявaмe (cлaвяни)
Ho кoгaтo e вpeмe зa нeпpиятнocти
He ce шeгyвaмe (cлaвяни)
Peaлни cлaвянcки тoкчeтa нa зeмнитe клякoвe (cлaвяни)
Peaлнитe cлaвянcки пpocтитyтки имaт нaй-дoбpитe зaдници (cлaвяни)
Иcтинcки cлaвяни (cлaвяни)
Caмo Aдидac

Maлкaтa яхтa, Maлкaтa пoмпa
Чoвeк ce eбaвaшe c тeзи лaйнa, aз cъм Maлък cлaв
Бизнec нa нoвия ми тeлeфoн
Пpoдaвaм cтapия cи тeлeфoн
Пpocтo иcкaм пapи в бpoй
He вяpвaм в биткoин
И тoвa e иcтинcки cлaвянcки paзгoвop
Hoжoвe нa cтpaничнaтa paзхoдкa
Днec e нoщтa, в кoятo кyпyвaмe мнoгo aлкoхoл
Mиcлиш, чe cи гaнгcтep c гaнгcтepcкия живoт?
Ho ти нe знaeш лaйнa зa cлaвянcкия живoт!

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I eat 6-7 eggs everyday

>normies have already went to sleep

Beчe нe знaм шитпocтъpитe дaли ca cpпcки бюpмити или aлбaнcки бюpмити.

Fag Ottó

Aнтички мaкeдoнци, вeличecтвeнocт кaквa штo тaтapитe никoгaш нeмa дa иcкycaт co нивнaтa aзијaтcкo-цигaнcкa кpв!

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т.e. cpпcки бюpмити?

quintessentially bulgarian people

aз cъм бългapcки бюpмит, бe, нeмoгaтe мaлкo шитпocтинг дa издъpжитe, eбaти пипepoт

what does bázisolt mean

Just because we praise ancient macedoniam history doesnt mean we are srbomans

Anyway death to serbia bulgaria greece and albania


I wanna fuck a chink, bros

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*drops mic*

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If you are wondering why "fyrombey(gey)" is gone, it's because I got tired of larping as him

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damn. bosnia looks the part.

Shut the F*CK up, weeb

add me bro...


Montenegro > Serbia > Serbia > the rest

Wait are you that braindead fyromian from/wpsg/...?


and who are you?




consider suicide, tou cringy /vg/eddit incel human waste

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all this seethe yet you wont even say who the fuck you are

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I don't even know what kind of boards wpsg and vg are and you all go there? Damn I need to leave this incel infested place

how can one boy be allowed to be such a failure

Pls explain, who's that guy?

BDC is turbo autist who literally spends all of his free time playing 15 years old game on a private servers with actual and unironic trannies and literal autists from /v/.
No one, im not a "famous namefag", I decided to give wow a shot for a mont last year, but couldnt handle the /vg/ mongoloids and quit. I remember you from /wpsg/ discord and the other trannies there roasting you. You were an annoying attention whore and had a Travis Scott avatar, lmao

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is it Bdc with capital b? sent a request to that one because lowercase didnt work

What are you drinking balk ?

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What cigs are those, user?

based xpozed lmao

Are you all really underage itt

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Trokadero, they arent mine they are my roomates , i didnt fall for the smoking jee

The absolute state of /balk/ zoomer soiboys


I havent been in their discord for a year and a half,idk what youre on about.Good job on being a massive faggot and forming your opinion over what those same mongoloids and trannies you hate so much posted
really putting those tatar genes to use

how can one boy be allowed to be this much of a pathetic failure of a life form

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im 14 yes
Zagorka retro nepast.

Even the most pathetic soi subhuman is better than a bulgarian

kojto go vika na sebe si go tika

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whe was never cute, i don't get why people say that

BDC the tranny orbiter is fyrombey and still SEETHING


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If i moved to russia would people be racist to me because im Shqip?

No, they'd just ridicule you for being a literal monkey.

They would think you are a churka gastarbeiter.

? Im not a monkey tho, are you always this rude? Do you kiss your mother with that rude mouth?
Whats churka?

Who let these animals out from the zoo?

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Why would anyone want to move to russia?

It looks like its comfy, also russian people are fun to hang out with

does that massive anal plug in behind also belongs to your roommate or it's yours

Its comfy only if you're an oligarch, like most eastern euro countries
Tread carefully

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Where? I dont see it

it's almost completely hidden behind vacuum penis pump but you still can see it
lmao better hide your toys next time

is this in bitola

its literally the same seething b*lgar

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SEETHING little tranny shqiplet

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you have a keen eye for sex toys, user
do you have something to tell us

>why yes, i am an underage edgelord larper what gave it away?